What type of performance problems have you encountered in people who report to you,and how did you motivate them to improve? 在下属的工作表现方面,你曾经遇到过什么问题?后来你又是如何激励他们进行改善的? I once

发表于:2018-12-31 / 阅读(118) / 评论(0) 分类 必背英文面试口语

Do you speak up if your point of view differs from that of your superiors? 如果和上司的意见不一致,你会提出来吗? I'm not a yes person and I don't refrain from expressing my opinions,but I'm careful about how to express them. 我不是

发表于:2018-12-31 / 阅读(133) / 评论(0) 分类 必背英文面试口语

What are your salary expectations? 你期望的薪资是多少? I still have a few questions about my responsibilities. 关于工作职责,我还有几个问题。 May I first ask you those questions before we discuss money? 在谈薪水之前,我

发表于:2018-12-31 / 阅读(122) / 评论(0) 分类 必背英文面试口语

Do you mind working for someone younger than yourself? 你介意在比你年轻的人手下工作吗? Not at all. 完全不介意。 I spent the last two years in business school studying alongside people in their 20s and 30s. 过去两年来,我在

发表于:2018-12-31 / 阅读(136) / 评论(0) 分类 必背英文面试口语

What do you see as the most difficult task in being a manager? 作为管理者,你认为最困难的工作是什么? When I have to let people go,who have made contributions and hae been loyal to the company over the years,due to downsizing or

发表于:2018-12-31 / 阅读(147) / 评论(0) 分类 必背英文面试口语

Why is there is a long gap in your employment history? 为何你的工作经历中有一段很长的空白期? Between my first and second jobs,I decided to take a year off to travel around the world. 在第一份和第二份工作之间,我决定休

发表于:2018-12-31 / 阅读(136) / 评论(0) 分类 必背英文面试口语

Why have you had so many jobs in three years/for short periods of time? 为什么你在三年内/短期内换了那么多份工作? Yes,you could say that,but as you can see,I always moved to positions with more reponsibilities and opportunities

发表于:2018-12-31 / 阅读(147) / 评论(0) 分类 必背英文面试口语

Your application shows you have been with one company a long time without any appreciable increase in rank or salary.Tell me about this. 从你的简历来看,你曾经长期待在一家公司,但没有得到多少晋升或加薪,能否请你说明

发表于:2018-12-31 / 阅读(122) / 评论(0) 分类 必背英文面试口语

Do you feel you are ready to take on greater responsibilities? 你认为你已经准备好就任比以前责任更重大的职位了吗? Certainly. 当然。 I've gone as far as I can go in my present job. 对于现在的工作,能做到的我都已

发表于:2018-12-31 / 阅读(107) / 评论(0) 分类 必背英文面试口语

Would you be willing to relocate? 你愿意配合公司调动工作地点吗? Certainly.When I relocated in the past,new worlds of opportunity opened for me. 当然。过去因为工作调动,反而出现了许多机会。 I find a relocation a c

发表于:2018-12-31 / 阅读(128) / 评论(0) 分类 必背英文面试口语

How do you feel about working overtime? 你如何看待加班? My focus is not on the time I spend at work,but the results I'm expeted to produce. 对我而言,重要的不是工作所花的时间,而是产生我所期望的结果。 I'm extrem

发表于:2018-12-31 / 阅读(163) / 评论(0) 分类 必背英文面试口语

Who do you think are our three major competitors?Do they have any advantages over our company? 你认为本公司最主要的三个竞争对手是谁?他们有胜过本公司的优势吗? Best product,World Product and Japan Product. Best制品公司

发表于:2018-12-31 / 阅读(132) / 评论(0) 分类 必背英文面试口语

Can you work under pressure? 你能在压力下工作吗? Definitely. 当然。 In my current position I face deadlines constantly. 在我目前的工作中,就经常要面对一些有期限的工作。 I try to start on each project early so tha

发表于:2018-12-31 / 阅读(129) / 评论(0) 分类 必背英文面试口语

What do you think of your boss? 你认为你的上司如何? My boss is a great person to work for. 我的上司很优秀,值得下属为她工作。 She is a dedicated professional with profound industry knowledge and experience. 她有着丰富的

发表于:2018-12-31 / 阅读(119) / 评论(0) 分类 必背英文面试口语

Do you have any plans for further education? 你有计划继续深造吗? I'd like to get an MBA eventually. 我最终想取得MBA学位。 I understand your company has a program to send selected employees to business school overseas. 我知道贵公

发表于:2018-12-31 / 阅读(104) / 评论(0) 分类 必背英文面试口语

Were you financially responsible for any portion of your college education? 你自己负担了大学的部分学费吗? I financed all my college education by myself. 我自己负担所有的大学学费。 I received several scholarships,including

发表于:2018-12-31 / 阅读(121) / 评论(0) 分类 必背英文面试口语

Do you have any actual work experience? 你有实际工作经验吗? Yes,I worked as an interpreter at international fairs. 是的,我曾在国际贸易展览会上担任口译员。 It was exciting to deal with business people from all over the

发表于:2018-12-31 / 阅读(143) / 评论(0) 分类 必背英文面试口语

Do you feel you made the right choice? 你认为自己的选择正确吗? Absolutely. 当然。 My education really prepared me for my career in this field. 我所受的教育以及让我做好了进入这个领域工作的准备。 Unlike universi

发表于:2018-12-31 / 阅读(121) / 评论(0) 分类 必背英文面试口语

What has been your biggest disappointment on the job? 在工作中最令你感到沮丧的事是什么? I still remember the disappointment that I had about eight years ago. 我至今还记得八年前一件令人沮丧的事。 when I first partic

发表于:2018-12-31 / 阅读(125) / 评论(0) 分类 必背英文面试口语

How do you feel about working for a small company? 你怎样看待在小公司工作? I always wanted to work for a small company because I don't want to become a tiny cog in a huge machine. 我一直希望小公司工作,因为我不想成为一台

发表于:2018-12-31 / 阅读(201) / 评论(0) 分类 必背英文面试口语