标签:牙齿 相关文章
I'll treat the infection by putting medication in the tooth with a temporary filling until your next appointment. 在牙齿里放上药物进行治疗。至下次预约治疗之前先暂时填补上。 Will the tooth be alright? 那么牙齿行吗?
Don: Time to go again to the A Moment of Science mailbox. A listener writers: Dear Don and Yal, I've had a problem with cavities all my life, so I'm wondering if there are any new dental techniques or discoveries that can help me prevent tooth decay?
What restorations are possible with Core-Vent Implants? 做完种植体需要什么样的修复呢? 1. Replace a single toot. 种植单个牙齿: One implant with a crown can replace a single missing tooth, eliminating the need to prepare adjacen
Part fourteen 第十四章 Dentures 活动义齿(假牙) I've reviewed your X-rays and I'm sorry to say that the rest of your upper teeth will have to beremoved. 我看过了你的X光照片,很遗憾你上排所剩下的牙齿都要拔掉。 T
Do the bands cut the gums or the cheeks? 带环会不会损伤牙龈或者脸颊? Sometimes they do, but it's not a big problem if you're careful. 有时会,但是若是小心的话就不是个大问题。 How long will it take to finish his trea
I've noticed that my daughter's teeth aren't growing straight. Her teeth are too big. Theredoesn't seem to be enough space for them. 我发现我女儿的牙齿长的不正,牙齿也太大了,好像空隙不好。 How old is your daughter? 你女儿
Is it necessary to have cavities in the baby teeth repaired? 乳牙蛀成了洞还有必要补上吗? If the baby teeth are going to fall out, I don't think that it matters if they become decayed. 如果乳牙是要脱落的,我想蛀了也没有关
Part ten 第十章 Periodontal Treatment 牙周的治疗 Good morning. How are you today? 早安,今天好吗? Just fine, except that my gums are sore. I've noticed that they bleed when I brush my teeth. 不错,只是牙龈还痛,我发现刷牙
Can you show me, Doctor? 医生,能指给我看吗? Surely, please watch me in the hand mirror. I'll reach under the gum with a measuringinstrument. 完全可以,请看手镜里我是怎样做的,我要用计量用具捅到牙龈底下。 I'l
Did you know that there could be more bacteria living in your mouth than there are people on earth? 你知道吗,寄居于你口中的细菌有可能比全世界的人口数还多? Bacteria love our mouths because the livin is easytheres plenty o
It was a species of Tyrannosaur. 这是暴龙的一种。 That suggested to us, well, maybe these Tyrannosaur teeth are in fact from animals that are trampling the bodies of these things as they eat them. 那就表明,也许这些暴龙牙齿是它们
In order to understand the hunting methods of Albertosaurus, paleontologists compared its brain design to that of modern animals. 为了了解阿尔伯特龙的狩猎方式,古生物学家将其脑部构造与现代动物进行比较。 The brain s
The biting sperm whale was powered by the up and down motion of its powerful tail fluke allowing it to reach speeds of over 25 miles per hour. 噬抹香鲸用其有力的尾鳍上下摆动来获得动力,其速度能达到每小时25英里。 The l
Most people do not look forward to going to the dentist. But they might actually enjoy visiting an American museum that explores the history of teeth and dentistry. The Dr. Samuel D. Harris National Museum of Dentistry is at the University of Marylan
In toothbrushing, it is important to clean at the gum margins, because the bacteria usually accumulates here. Neglecting to clean the gum margins, the gums will become inflamed and will bleed easily on toothbrushing. 刷牙最重要的是针对牙齿的
《全美达人》第九集开播啦!本季将由Heidi Klum、Mel B、Howard Stern和Howie Mandel担当评委。节目一开播便迎来美国各地的奇人来参赛。他们都会带来哪些精彩表现呢?敬请期待。
A: May I ask you how much this position pays per year? B: This job pays sixty-five thousand dollars per year. A: What kind of benefits does this job have? B: This job provides full medical, dental, and disability. A: What type of vacation time do we
If, on the other hand, we do know every living species. 这说法还是比较今人情服的。 We must look for the animal in question among those marine creatures already cataloged, and in this event I would be inclined to accept the existence of a
A new study suggests that dental X-rays may increase the risk of the most common kind of brain tumor. However, experts say the risk of these mostly non-cancerous growths is still very small. The study involved about fourteen hundred patients with bra