Unit 29 Business:How to Serve the Society More Efficiently515 企业:如何更好地为社会服务 企业在运营过程中要占用或者消耗社会资源,甚至带来诸如污染等社会问题。而这应列入其社会成本。拿钢铁公司来说,应该要求钢铁公司安装污染控制设备或者支付相当于因污染而

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Unit 22 Come with Falling Snow385 和雪花一起飘来 生活中,要想得到自己想要的东西,有时需要付出本来承受不了的耐心。人们应该从不放弃希望。生活可能会不如人之所愿,但只要希望还在,终归会获得满足 BY the year my husband turned 40 and I hit the age of 35, Jo

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Unit 23 The Shipwreck403 海难 所有灾难中,也许只有海难是最令人感到无奈的。在茫茫大海上,既不如遭遇空难一样完全无助,更不如遭遇陆地灾难一样有物可依,有的只是禁不住人的海水,幸运的话可能会有一些漂浮物,最多也就有一些幻想罢了 The rumble(隆隆声) of the s

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Unit 28 Death Valley503 死亡谷 死亡谷的名字虽然不好,名声也欠佳,但这里并非只有黄沙和岩石的不毛之地。它是一个风景优美的地方,是许多动植物,甚至人类的家园 Death Valley doesn't sound like a very inviting place. It is one of the hottest places in the wo

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Unit 26 Media Coverage463 媒体报道 大众传媒已经成为现代生活不可或缺的一部分。但他们真的可信吗?他们能给我们提供的内容到底有多少是真实的和客观的?我们是否只能成为坐在屏幕前接受欺骗的无助的目标观众? What do we expect from those stalwart(坚定的) people

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Unit 16 When Shadows Fall261 暮色降临时 写作是需要充分的安静的。喜欢安静,又有点怪癖﹑固执的作家埃姆莉太太讨厌无聊声音的烦扰,乐意享受夜间静谧的环境 Cobwebs(蜘蛛网) hang lazily from the cracked plaster ceilings. Dust has piled thickly on the paper. B

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Unit 17 Saving the Environment271 拯救环境 比起消除真正的污染,当前加强对于环境保护重要性的认识,其意义还要深远得多。我们太晚才认识到,当我们在生产﹑规模﹑速度和发展这些方面取得成就的时候,生活条件已大大恶化 The effort to save the environment derives

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Unit 21 The Perfect Christmas Tree 365 完美的圣诞树 圣诞节,国外万家团聚的节日,打算回家过节的年轻夫妇一家却遭遇了大风雪和汽车抛锚的困难 The fresh green smell of Christmas filled the house and the sight of the tree took your breath away. Striped cand

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Unit 5 disclose discount discourse discreet discriminate disgrace disguise disgust dismay dismiss disorder disperse display dispose dispute disregard disrupt dissipate dissolve distill distinct distinction distinguish distort distract distress distr

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Unit 10 opt optimistic option optional orbit orderly organization orient oriental orientation origin original originate ornament orthodox outbreak outcome outfit outline outlook output outrage outset outstanding overall overcome overflow overhear ov

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Unit 8 indicate indicative indifferent indignant indispensable individual induce indulge industrial inevitable infect infectious infer inferior infinite influence influential inform ingredient inhabit inhale inherent inherit inhibit initial initiate

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Unit 4 consult consume consumption contact contaminate contemplate contemporary contempt contend contest context continual continuous contract contradict contrary contrast contribute contribution contrive controversial convenience convention convent

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Unit 2 artistic ascend ascertain aside aspect aspire assault assemble assembly assert assess asset assign assignment assimilate assist assistance associate association assume assumption assurance assure astonish attach attain attendance attitude att

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A Canadian Family Story My story begins in Newfoundland where my brother and I were born during the Second World War. The island of Newfoundland, which was originally a British colony, became the newest province of Canada in 1949, the same year that

发表于:2018-12-01 / 阅读(147) / 评论(0) 分类 星火英语15篇背完六级词汇

Some gardeners plan their garden with Some gardeners plan their garden with meticulous attention to detail. They choose colors that will complement each other and design their garden as if they were painting on a canvas. Others are more spontaneous a

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Unit 01 The Permit1 许可证 因生活困苦,我不得不离开家乡去外国打工。我把大部分钱都寄给了妻子和父母。然而不久,政府要求我们必须有工作许可证才能继续打工。后来,我们就遭遇到种种无理待遇 I think the building must have been used as a farmer's winter store,

发表于:2018-12-04 / 阅读(164) / 评论(0) 分类 2006年星火30篇考研词汇

Unit 02 Timeless Photographs19 价值永存的老照片 生活中有很多小事经常为人们忽略,但有时其中蕴含的亲情却会令人回味许久。父亲留下的老照片告诉我,人们并没有什么不同,所有人都想充分享受人生乐趣,体味家的温馨。全家团聚的时刻是珍贵的 I love to look at old p

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Unit 09 Meaning of Culture137 文化的意义 人类不仅拥有文字,通过长期积累,人类还形成了丰富多彩的文化。而动物没有语言,其知识局限于本能或直接观察现实所学到的东西 Man differs from animal species in many ways. Biologically the difference is minor but in

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Unit 14 Information Systems Today 227 今天的信息系统 信息技术对于人类的生活是重要的和不可或缺的。信息的传送、记录或存储和处理是信息的三种基本步骤。科技不断发展,对信息技术的掌握可以使人类的进化更加迅速 Information technology is important and indispen

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Unit 06 A Woman's Distress91 一个女人的苦恼 一个孤独的女人,同样也是一个情感丰富的女人,她在周末的空闲里会做些什么呢?在众多的选择中.詹却选择了独自守在郊区的木屋里用写作的形式来发泄自己的情感。写作虽然不是她的专业,却帮助她体验成就感,帮助她从生命中

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