Unit 18 Roses301 玫瑰 我发现玫瑰不仅仅是一些特殊场合的精致饰品,而且它们自身也有一种生机勃勃、不屈不挠的精神。反观现实生活,我们是否也曾经带有偏见地误会了其他看起来娇弱无力然而生命顽强的东西呢? I had a prejudice about receiving flowers. Even though

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Unit 27 The Freak Accident485 意外伤害 玛蒂因一次意外事故失去了双腿的功能,但她没有消沉,反而发挥自己的才能,录制了一部介绍残疾人生活的录像,并获了奖。这次事故给了她改变世界的机会,也让她成为一名很好的制片人 Dr. Kaye, Marty's neurologist, called it a

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Unit 15 A Favor at the Gates243 天堂门前的恩惠 如果一个孝顺的女儿没有完成父亲的最后一个愿望,父亲就死去了,她会在以后的日子里如何生活?我甚至连母亲都要怨恨,恨她没能给父亲留一点尊严。但她更恨自己的软弱,恨自己当时的不作为,恨自己选择了逃避 I hate Feb

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Unit 19 Knights Honor(I)315 骑士的荣誉(一) 两情相悦、世俗阻碍、他人横刀夺爱、骑士英勇复仇,这是一部很古典的外国武侠小说 Chapter 1 Shortly before daylight, Robert began to stir. He stretched his shoulders, feeling his bones grind against one another a

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Unit 20 Knights Honor(Ⅱ)341 骑士的荣誉(二) 幸运的罗伯特由于表现英勇,得到了国王赏赐的莫利伯爵的土地、财产和爵位,从一名小小的骑士晋升为伯爵,顺利地与詹妮成了婚 Chapter 5 It was clear from the beginning that they could have no future together. They w

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Unit 24 A Teacher Goes Deep into China423 一名外教深入了解中国 宜山经历是非同寻常的,因为我在那里的角色是整个县城惟一的一位外国人。我经历了很多从没经历过的风俗、礼遇和小插曲,至今令我回味不已 INTRODUCTION:February, 1988:I set out to start on a teac

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Unit 7 gauge gaze gear generalize/ise generate generous genius genuine giant glamo(u)r glare glide glimpse glitter global gloomy glorious glory glow gorgeous govern grab grace graceful gracious gradual graduate grand grant grasp grateful grave gravi

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Unit 6 evoke evolution evolve exaggerate exceed exceedingly excel exception exceptional excerpt excess excessive exchange excitement exclaim exclude exclusive execute executive exemplify exempt exert exhaust exhibit exile existence exit exotic expan

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Unit 13 screen script seal secondary secure security segment segregate select senior sensation sensible sensitive sequence series session settlement severe shallow shave shed sheer shelter shield shift shiver shock shortage shortly shove shrewd shri

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Unit 04 Big Tom55 大个子汤姆 我至今怀念与同事大个子汤姆一起的时光,他身体强壮却从不盛气凌人,有时候冒出的奇特想法让人莫名其妙却又无法拒绝。然而,一次随意的决定使他遭受了生命危险 Of all the males in our companys dormitory, I felt the most affection fo

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Unit 03 The Story of My Romance33 我的恋爱故事 生活就像车轮一样旋转,从早晨开始,晚上很晚才结束,第二天早上又重新开始。没有停顿,没有休息,没有丝毫改变。生活在其中的你,是否会感到疲惫和乏味?或者,寻找一些浪漫或刺激? Tanya got out of the bed while th

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Unit 10 Two Strangers165 两个陌生人 有一种真情,直到老了才能体会:有一种眷恋,想来平凡但又真切。谁说陌生人眼里只有陌生?只要用心体会,人与人的沟通就会更加顺畅 Not that I would have cared. No, it is not the reason why I stopped. He gave a faint sigh,

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Unit 08 The Moon Princess123 月亮公主 历来,地球上的王国战争总是不断,而人民备受其害。除了作战,他们还要在平时缴纳沉重的赋税,否则就要人头落地。作为善良象征的月亮公主这次能救苍生于水深火热吗? A mythical(神话的,神话般的)music echoed over the tall bui

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Unit 07 On Duty109 值勤 一个年轻士兵,一个怀孕女人,一个奇特的场景。没人能够领会他们当时真正的心理,但只需领会一个人生命中总会偶尔被他人感动,而自己也可能在无意中感动别人,就足够了 The young soldier, stationed on guard at a foreign city street corner

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Unit 05 Jason and Jeff71 父子情深 生命是最令人留恋的,同样,热爱生命的人是最值得纪念的。杰夫和詹森父子俩的感情令人感动,而詹森的生命活力也令人赞叹 The colorful falling leaves rustle(发出沙沙声)through the trees on this brisk October morning in 1990.J

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Unit 13 One Evening211 一个晚上 世间什么东西最难理解?恐怕是女人的心思。她为什么离开他?她去了哪里?她是个什么样的人?她到底为什么不接受他的表白?谜语太多,可怜的迈克尔猜不出,只能回味往事 It was freezing cold outside, no pigeons in sight. But Sara in

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Unit 12 Killing Time193 生死时刻 我是一名退役的战士,有一次在银行里成功地制止了一次抢劫和劫持人质案。在那个生死时刻 This was a common place for me but today I discerned there was something wrong when I turned around. Wrong means not right. There were

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Unit 11 Edward and His Incredible Black Hole177 爱德华和他那难以置信的黑洞 小时候,最吸引人的童话故事或者动画片总是与星空和宇宙有关。很多人在童年里都做过飞上太空﹑探索宇宙的梦想。爱德华将梦想付诸实施,虽然其结局是悲惨的,但谁能说,他的科学探索精神不

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[00:11.00]Day 11 [00:14.00]slight [00:15.00]They did not pay the slightest attention to it. [00:19.50]specialize/ise [00:21.00]He specializes in repairing computers. [00:25.00]stimulate [00:27.50]The exhibition stimulated interest in the artist's w

发表于:2019-03-16 / 阅读(320) / 评论(0) 分类 星火英语四级2000核心词

[00:12]Day 6 [00:14]incident [00:16]The antiwar demonstration proceeded without incident. [00:22]individual [00:23]Success at Manchester United is about [00:26]a good footballing team not individuals. [00:32]loss [00:33]Frank was at a

发表于:2019-03-16 / 阅读(345) / 评论(0) 分类 星火英语四级2000核心词