星火30篇文章贯通考研词汇 13
时间:2018-12-04 作者:英语课 分类:2006年星火30篇考研词汇
星火30篇文章贯通考研词汇 13
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- 1 星火30篇文章贯通考研词汇 13
Unit 13 One Evening………………………………………211
It was freezing cold outside, no pigeons in sight. But Sara insisted on an appointment. They had to meet by the bench in the park. When she said this, she meant the bench where they usually sat and enjoyed the sun in summer, talking about nothing and everything. Michael never complained, and he didn't complain about the thick snow, or the fact that the cold wind blew so hard that he hardly could see anything in the background, and the long journey back from London still made him a bit feeble and dizzy. Sara said they had to meet.They had to meet by the bench at exactly seven P.M. She's always punctual. When Michael arrived, Sara had already been there, like a ghost.
"Sara?" Michael said as strong winds started and blew away the snow, exposing the cement beneath.
With courtesy, she looked up at Michael and smiled. "Hi!"
"What's wrong? You said you want to talk about something and it sounded serious."
"Yeah, well... I just want to talk to you. "
She could talk by the phone, or invited him over to her apartment, or asked to meet in a cafeteria or somewhere. Somewhere more comfortable and warm than standing 1 in the ankle deep snow under the blizzard(大风雪) in a park.
"Let's go to Lizzie's. It's warmer there. It's minus 10 centigrade out here, and I'm sure we could have some coffee and pudding(布丁) right now", Michael held out his hand. Usually she would take it and they would walk to Lizzie's, which was not too far, and sit there talking when it was too cold to sit in the park. But this time she just shook her head and stayed where she stood.
"Sara, it's freezing cold here. We might catch flu or worse pneumonia 2. Let's go before I froze into a human-icicle(冰柱) and then you have to drag me around. I am heavy you know", he smiled to her.
"It won't take long", she said after pausing a little while. Something suddenly made Michael felt that the snowstorm is happening inside him, stopped his pulse and frozen his entire inner organs.
She watched him looking all confused and worried and felt so warm inside. This guy was the only person she should face today. She had to do this. Sooner or later she had to do this. She knew this would hurt him more than she was hurt by it. But this was the only chance. Her only chance to get away from him. Although she knew so well there was no way to get away from something like that. From pain.
The wind grew more fiercely. Michael by now grabbed her by her shoulders and asked her repeatedly what was wrong with her.
As if the cold has numbed 3 her.
"Do you remember the first time we ever sit in this bench together?" She asked.
"Yes. You walked your dog and so did I. And Russel and Biff made friends with each other and so did we. "
Actually Michael had seen her several times before. He was new in the block, just moved in from his old apartment up north. He came to the park in company with Biff and walked the pet every afternoon, hoping he would meet the girl with vivid eyes.
Sara smiled. Her big eyes looked sad. Michael was getting frustrated 4.
"Did I do something to make you upset? Did anyone do something that made you upset? Are you OK? What's wrong, Sara? Tell me and let me help you. "
How could she tell him the truth? She just stood there in the freezing cold and scared Michael to death. Something was wrong. She had been so careful not to let Michael knew too much. Not to let him went too deep inside her life and heart. They said he was all right so she could be friend with him. They had warned her that she could not have any attachment 5 to this man. Beware of this man. It was too dangerous. He was innocent.
"So am I!"she protested at the time. And she was wrong, and she was right. She knew they were right too. She said to herself that she could stop it anytime she wanted to. She knew she was wrong about this. Who can stop love?
"I like Lizzie's apartment", she said,looking down her feet.
"Then let's go there. Much better there than here. "
"I can't !"
For several silent seconds she stared deep into his eyes, the window of his soul, searching for a reason to hate this man. There was nothing there but deep worries.
"You emitted light, Michael", she whispered.
"Knowing you is probably the best thing that could happen to me in the past couple of years. Or for the years to come. "
Suddenly his throat went dry. They never officially dated and he never exactly told her he loved her. Maybe she got tired with all of the uncertainties 6. Women expected their boyfriends to verbalize tenderness all the time. This seemed like a good time. Maybe he should tell her he loves her. And then maybe she wouldn't leave him.
"Sara, I love you!"
She looked startled to his declaration. Michael could swear she looked disappointed. Or maybe angry? It was very cold outside and the snow blurred(使…变模糊) his vision. Did she cry? Perhaps. He had to say it. If it could make her stay, then why in hell not?
"Thank you",that was all she said to it. His heart sank.
All plausible 7 outcomes went through his head. What could I do to make her stay? Should I beg? Should I get on my knees and beg her to stay? Should I cry in front of her? Oh God, please...
"I don't expect you to understand anything, Michael. I can't even ask you to forgive me for what happened. I'm sorry. "
"No. No, I don't understand, and that's why you have to explain to me. What happened Sara? What is going on? Something happened while I'm away, that's for sure. Did I do something wrong? Tell me and maybe I can make up for it. "
Sara tried so hard not to cry. At the corner she could see the woman wearing a black coat looking at her watch. She was standing there all the time while Sara talked to Michael. She had grown impatient.
"Please, Michael", she whispered slowly and hugged the bewildered man..His scent 8, his warmth, his deep voice tone while talking to Sara, she would miss all of them.
Michael was unsure how to wrap his arms round her frail 9 figure. Inside, his heart was starting to break to pieces. But he would not give up just yet.
She let go of him and stared at him with some determination in her eyes.
"I want you to know that I do love you. I hope we will get to meet again, Michael."
"Where are you going?"
She just smiled to him and walked away. Something just punched Michael right on his chest.He felt like a stone just hit him. The blow didn't injure him physically 10 but the damage was indescribable. He stood there paralyzed for some seconds before he could move his legs and started chasing her.
"Sara !"
Sara kept on walking to the lady in the black coat. A white car pulled by and she opened the door for Sara.
"Sara! Wait!"
But she didn't look back. She got in the car and the car drove away. The rear of the car disappeared from his eyesight in the dusk.
Sara's apartment was already cleaned empty. They didn't let her leave anything behind. Not even a note for Michael. No one knew where she went, or who she was. Nobody knew if she had any relatives who could tell where she was going to, and no one knew more than that she loved dogs and she was a very quiet girl. Sara just disappeared. And only Michael was crazy on his search for clues.
Spring came, and Biff demanded to be taken for a stroll on the park one afternoon. Passing the bench, Michael didn't stop. A young couple had occupied the bench now, talking with tins of coffee in their hands. Michael thought it would be nice to stop at Lizzie's for some coffee and cherish the old days before going home.
in hell→★hole
It was freezing cold outside, no pigeons in sight. But Sara insisted on an appointment. They had to meet by the bench in the park. When she said this, she meant the bench where they usually sat and enjoyed the sun in summer, talking about nothing and everything. Michael never complained, and he didn't complain about the thick snow, or the fact that the cold wind blew so hard that he hardly could see anything in the background, and the long journey back from London still made him a bit feeble and dizzy. Sara said they had to meet.They had to meet by the bench at exactly seven P.M. She's always punctual. When Michael arrived, Sara had already been there, like a ghost.
"Sara?" Michael said as strong winds started and blew away the snow, exposing the cement beneath.
With courtesy, she looked up at Michael and smiled. "Hi!"
"What's wrong? You said you want to talk about something and it sounded serious."
"Yeah, well... I just want to talk to you. "
She could talk by the phone, or invited him over to her apartment, or asked to meet in a cafeteria or somewhere. Somewhere more comfortable and warm than standing 1 in the ankle deep snow under the blizzard(大风雪) in a park.
"Let's go to Lizzie's. It's warmer there. It's minus 10 centigrade out here, and I'm sure we could have some coffee and pudding(布丁) right now", Michael held out his hand. Usually she would take it and they would walk to Lizzie's, which was not too far, and sit there talking when it was too cold to sit in the park. But this time she just shook her head and stayed where she stood.
"Sara, it's freezing cold here. We might catch flu or worse pneumonia 2. Let's go before I froze into a human-icicle(冰柱) and then you have to drag me around. I am heavy you know", he smiled to her.
"It won't take long", she said after pausing a little while. Something suddenly made Michael felt that the snowstorm is happening inside him, stopped his pulse and frozen his entire inner organs.
She watched him looking all confused and worried and felt so warm inside. This guy was the only person she should face today. She had to do this. Sooner or later she had to do this. She knew this would hurt him more than she was hurt by it. But this was the only chance. Her only chance to get away from him. Although she knew so well there was no way to get away from something like that. From pain.
The wind grew more fiercely. Michael by now grabbed her by her shoulders and asked her repeatedly what was wrong with her.
As if the cold has numbed 3 her.
"Do you remember the first time we ever sit in this bench together?" She asked.
"Yes. You walked your dog and so did I. And Russel and Biff made friends with each other and so did we. "
Actually Michael had seen her several times before. He was new in the block, just moved in from his old apartment up north. He came to the park in company with Biff and walked the pet every afternoon, hoping he would meet the girl with vivid eyes.
Sara smiled. Her big eyes looked sad. Michael was getting frustrated 4.
"Did I do something to make you upset? Did anyone do something that made you upset? Are you OK? What's wrong, Sara? Tell me and let me help you. "
How could she tell him the truth? She just stood there in the freezing cold and scared Michael to death. Something was wrong. She had been so careful not to let Michael knew too much. Not to let him went too deep inside her life and heart. They said he was all right so she could be friend with him. They had warned her that she could not have any attachment 5 to this man. Beware of this man. It was too dangerous. He was innocent.
"So am I!"she protested at the time. And she was wrong, and she was right. She knew they were right too. She said to herself that she could stop it anytime she wanted to. She knew she was wrong about this. Who can stop love?
"I like Lizzie's apartment", she said,looking down her feet.
"Then let's go there. Much better there than here. "
"I can't !"
For several silent seconds she stared deep into his eyes, the window of his soul, searching for a reason to hate this man. There was nothing there but deep worries.
"You emitted light, Michael", she whispered.
"Knowing you is probably the best thing that could happen to me in the past couple of years. Or for the years to come. "
Suddenly his throat went dry. They never officially dated and he never exactly told her he loved her. Maybe she got tired with all of the uncertainties 6. Women expected their boyfriends to verbalize tenderness all the time. This seemed like a good time. Maybe he should tell her he loves her. And then maybe she wouldn't leave him.
"Sara, I love you!"
She looked startled to his declaration. Michael could swear she looked disappointed. Or maybe angry? It was very cold outside and the snow blurred(使…变模糊) his vision. Did she cry? Perhaps. He had to say it. If it could make her stay, then why in hell not?
"Thank you",that was all she said to it. His heart sank.
All plausible 7 outcomes went through his head. What could I do to make her stay? Should I beg? Should I get on my knees and beg her to stay? Should I cry in front of her? Oh God, please...
"I don't expect you to understand anything, Michael. I can't even ask you to forgive me for what happened. I'm sorry. "
"No. No, I don't understand, and that's why you have to explain to me. What happened Sara? What is going on? Something happened while I'm away, that's for sure. Did I do something wrong? Tell me and maybe I can make up for it. "
Sara tried so hard not to cry. At the corner she could see the woman wearing a black coat looking at her watch. She was standing there all the time while Sara talked to Michael. She had grown impatient.
"Please, Michael", she whispered slowly and hugged the bewildered man..His scent 8, his warmth, his deep voice tone while talking to Sara, she would miss all of them.
Michael was unsure how to wrap his arms round her frail 9 figure. Inside, his heart was starting to break to pieces. But he would not give up just yet.
She let go of him and stared at him with some determination in her eyes.
"I want you to know that I do love you. I hope we will get to meet again, Michael."
"Where are you going?"
She just smiled to him and walked away. Something just punched Michael right on his chest.He felt like a stone just hit him. The blow didn't injure him physically 10 but the damage was indescribable. He stood there paralyzed for some seconds before he could move his legs and started chasing her.
"Sara !"
Sara kept on walking to the lady in the black coat. A white car pulled by and she opened the door for Sara.
"Sara! Wait!"
But she didn't look back. She got in the car and the car drove away. The rear of the car disappeared from his eyesight in the dusk.
Sara's apartment was already cleaned empty. They didn't let her leave anything behind. Not even a note for Michael. No one knew where she went, or who she was. Nobody knew if she had any relatives who could tell where she was going to, and no one knew more than that she loved dogs and she was a very quiet girl. Sara just disappeared. And only Michael was crazy on his search for clues.
Spring came, and Biff demanded to be taken for a stroll on the park one afternoon. Passing the bench, Michael didn't stop. A young couple had occupied the bench now, talking with tins of coffee in their hands. Michael thought it would be nice to stop at Lizzie's for some coffee and cherish the old days before going home.
in hell→★hole
1 standing
- After the earthquake only a few houses were left standing.地震过后只有几幢房屋还立着。
- They're standing out against any change in the law.他们坚决反对对法律做任何修改。
2 pneumonia
- Cage was struck with pneumonia in her youth.凯奇年轻时得过肺炎。
- Pneumonia carried him off last week.肺炎上星期夺去了他的生命。
3 numbed
v.使麻木,使麻痹( numb的过去式和过去分词 )
- His mind has been numbed. 他已麻木不仁。 来自《简明英汉词典》
- He was numbed with grief. 他因悲伤而昏迷了。 来自《现代英汉综合大词典》
4 frustrated
adj.挫败的,失意的,泄气的v.使不成功( frustrate的过去式和过去分词 );挫败;使受挫折;令人沮丧
- It's very easy to get frustrated in this job. 这个工作很容易令人懊恼。
- The bad weather frustrated all our hopes of going out. 恶劣的天气破坏了我们出行的愿望。 来自《简明英汉词典》
5 attachment
- She has a great attachment to her sister.她十分依恋她的姐姐。
- She's on attachment to the Ministry of Defense.她现在隶属于国防部。
6 uncertainties
无把握( uncertainty的名词复数 ); 不确定; 变化不定; 无把握、不确定的事物
- One of the uncertainties of military duty is that you never know when you might suddenly get posted away. 任军职不稳定的因素之一是你永远不知道什么时候会突然被派往它处。
- Uncertainties affecting peace and development are on the rise. 影响和平与发展的不确定因素在增加。 来自汉英非文学 - 十六大报告
7 plausible
- His story sounded plausible.他说的那番话似乎是真实的。
- Her story sounded perfectly plausible.她的说辞听起来言之有理。
8 scent
- The air was filled with the scent of lilac.空气中弥漫着丁香花的芬芳。
- The flowers give off a heady scent at night.这些花晚上散发出醉人的芳香。
9 frail
- Mrs. Warner is already 96 and too frail to live by herself.华纳太太已经九十六岁了,身体虚弱,不便独居。
- She lay in bed looking particularly frail.她躺在床上,看上去特别虚弱。
10 physically
- He was out of sorts physically,as well as disordered mentally.他浑身不舒服,心绪也很乱。
- Every time I think about it I feel physically sick.一想起那件事我就感到极恶心。