标签:广播学口语 相关文章
IhavegottocatchsomeZs!我要休息一会儿! tocatchsomeZs:休息一会儿 Sincewearemaxedout,wehavegottocatchsomeZs. Z:联想--卡通片中卡通人物在睡觉的时候,不就是用英文字母Z表示吗? 外国人想象力倒还挺丰富的哟! Iammaxedoutnow,soIhavegottocatchsomeZs! Areyoumaxedout
电影词典: preview, 预告片 美国俚语: (1) play chicken 两车马上要相撞的时候错开,类似这种游戏 Here chicken means just the name of a dangerous game or just a test of courage usually its played with cars, you know 例句:
电影词典: studio 制片公司 美国俚语: hold on 等一下 例句:May I speak with Joe? Hold on please. Joe is on another line. (可以找一下周吗?请稍等,她在接另一个电话。) Hold on! Hold on! Could you move a little b
电影词典: crew 剧组 美国俚语: 1. busting my ass 让难堪,让谁的日子不好过 / 努力工作 e.g. 1 I wish the directors just would stop, you know, busting my ass because I already have lots of problems. 我真的希望导演别再为难
电影词典: log keeper 场记 美国俚语: Its up to you. 由你来决定,由你说了算! 例句:You can have any sweater you want . Its up to you. The colors up to you. (你想穿什么毛衣,你自己定,颜色由你来选。) 经典
2)Everydoghashisday!凡人皆有得意时! dog--中西文化不同! Youarealuckydog! -Youarereallyaluckydog! -Whatmadeyousaythat? -Foryouwerebornintheyearof1976andintheyearof1977,therewasanearthquakeinyourhometown. Aslongasyouhavethepotentialsandcapabilities,you
天价商品 【内容提要】: 1)Sheerrobbery!Itissky-high!天价 sheer:彻底的,绝对的 robbery:抢劫 rob:verb. torobsb.ofsth. Sheerrobbery!Thepriceofsth.issky-high! 也罢,我干脆买个2万的算了!可是又一想,那要是个junkcar怎么办呢?
下岗再就业 【内容提要】: 1)Heslaid-off!他下岗了! Belaid-off=befired=getdismissed.被解雇 -Youaretheboss!Iwilllistentoyou! Ifyousay-evenyouaretheboss,youshouldnttalktomelikethat! -Ok,Iwillnottalktoyoulikethatagain.Youarefired! Andy的格言: ForAndy,ther
34. I didn't catch... 我没听清楚 用法透视 这里的catch意思是听清楚,弄懂。这个句型用来表示没弄懂,请对方重复一遍。 支持范例 1. I didn't catch your name. 我没听清你叫什么名字。 2. I didn't catch what you said. Please repeat it. 我没听清楚你说什么,请重
Some verbs are followed by infinitives, such as I plan to go. to go is an infinitive. Some verbs are followed by gerunds, such as I enjoy teaching English. teaching is a gerund. You cannot say, I plan going or I enjoy to teach English. Most verbs are
stop doing something means not to do that any more, but stop to do something means stop one thing in order to do something else. Lets look at a clear example. We stopped dancing. We stopped to get some drinks. These sentences can even be put together
Lets look at some examples. I made my brother carry my suitcase. I had my brother carry my suitcase. I got my brother to carry my suitcase. andI let my brother carry my suitcase. make, have and get can be used to express the idea that X causes Y to d
Lets take an example. In the sentence My sister who lives in San Francisco is a doctor, the adjective clause is who lives in San Francisco. It describes my sister. Theres no pause before the adjective clause. So, it means that I have more than one si
电影词典 North by Northwest 西北偏北 美国俚语 Got it. 明白了吗? e.g. 1 I can't quite seem to get this math problem. 这个数学题我好像不太懂 2 I want you to come home right after school, got it? 我要你放学后立即回家
电影词典: New wave 新浪潮 美国俚语: sweat 担心什么/因为什么而沮丧 e.g. 1 He is sweating his exams .He knows he hasn't studied enough. 2we'll definitely beat them next time around,we don't sweat it that we lost today. 经典对白
电影词典 wardrobe 道具服装 美国俚语 《 Fargo 》(《冰雪暴》) 剧中:It was a mix up, I guess. mix up :误解,误会, a misunderstanding or confusion e.g. 1I thought you said were going to meet on Park street not on Main stre
电影词典 extreme long shot 大全景 美国俚语 You think they would have shown more grit. show grit :拿出你的勇气来,展现你的勇气。grit 的本意是粗砂,很容易让人感觉坚韧、顽强。 e.g. 1Once the team started l
电影词典 sword fighting 击剑 美国俚语 剧中:On the blink, I think you like me. on the blink 坏了,有问题 blink 眨眼 e.g. I could not text message you because my mobile phone has been on the blink ever since I dropped it in the la
电影词典 property manager 道具管理员 美国俚语 chasing the skirt 追求女性 e.g. He never did well at university , because he was always out drinking beer and chasing the skirt. 他在大学里总是不好好学习,因为他总出去喝
电影词典 Doctor Zhivago 日瓦格医生 美国俚语 剧中:We're rolling. lets roll. :我们走,要离开了。 e.g. 1If the waitress doesn't take our order, we're rolling. 如果服务员再不上菜,我们就走. 2 I don't like this da