That's the perfect birth date! Gates is the hockey player born on January 1. Gates's best friend of Lakeside was Paul Allen. 这是黄金出生时间!盖茨就是出生在1月1日的曲棍球运动员!盖茨在湖边学校最好的朋友便是保罗

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And the bands will play all the time to catch the passing traffic. 为了吸引过往的人们,乐队的演出不能停下来, In an American red-light district, they will call it nonstop striptease. 就像美国红灯区的脱衣舞表演一样,

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Brick. Building things, throwing. 砖块:用于建造物体;做投掷物用。 Blanket. Keeping warm, smothering fire, tying to tress and sleeping in (as a hammock), improvised stretcher. 毛毯:保暖,隔离空气灭火;绑在树上睡觉(

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We took factory jobs and minor civil service positions and eventually became a bouncer in a bar on Long Island,他当过工厂工人,也当过政府底层公务员,最后在长岛的一家酒吧当保安,which was his principle occupation throu

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When he was nine, he once told one of his cousins, ask me a question in Latin and I will answer you in Greek.9岁那年,他对堂兄妹们说:你们用拉丁文问我一个问题,我就能用希腊语回答你们。 Oppenheimer went to Harvard

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Here he was, a man with a one-in-a-million mind, and he had yet to make any impact on the world. 而他,是一个目前依旧影响着世界的人,一个拥有独一无二的智商的人。 He wasn't holding forth at academic conferences. He wasn

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Today, Chris Langan lives in rural Missouri on a horse farm. 如今,克里斯兰根生活在密苏里州乡下的一个养马农场。 He moved there a few years ago, after he got married. 多年以前,他在结婚之后便搬到了这里。 He's

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Then came the 1970s. The old aversion to lawsuits fell by the wayside. 接着20世纪70年代来临了。原来人们对诉讼案件的鄙视态度被弃置一旁。 It became easier to borrow money. Federal regulations were relaxed. Markets became i

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I certainly had come far. But I ought to understand how limited the possibilities of a firm like his 我之所以到这,当然是无事不登三宝殿。但是,我明白,像他这样的公司, were to hire a boy of my antecedents. And while h

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On one occasion, Borgenicht realized that his only chance to undercut bigger firms was to convince the wholesalers to sell cloth to him directly, cutting out the middlemen. 一次,路易斯突然意识到,他唯一能够同大公司进行竞争的机

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By 1913, there was something like sixteen thousand separate companies in the city's garment business, many just like the Borgenicht's shop on Sheriff Street. 到1913年为止,在纽约,共有1600家独立的服装公司。大多都类似于路易斯

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He sewed all ten dozen in two days. 之后的两天内,连夜缝制完成的十打婴儿围嘴被销售一空。 Back he went to Claflin for another round. e sold those too. 之后路易斯又回到克利夫林公司重新买取布料,并成功的将

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No one rises to the top of the New York legal profession unless he or she is smart and ambitious and hardworking, 如果一个人,他十分聪明、拥有野心、工作十分努力,那么他就有机会进入到纽约法律界的最核心层面。

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It's Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen amp; Katz. The firm's first partner was Herbert Wachtell. 黑石法律公司的创始人是瓦太尔、利普顿、罗林和卡兹,公司的第一个合伙人是赫勃特.瓦太尔, He was born in 1931. 他出生于19

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Part Two Legacy 第二部分:传承 Chapter Six 第六章 Harlan, Kentucky 哈兰,肯塔基州哈兰 DIE LIKE A MAN, LIKE YOUR BROTHER DID! 像男人一样消逝,就像你哥哥那样! In the southeastern corner of Kentucky, in the stretch of

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When one family fights with another, it's a feud. 当一个家族与另一个家族展开斗争时,就成了一个世代的恩怨。 When lots of families fight with one another in identical little towns up and down in the same mountain range, it's

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Then the errors startand not just one error. 问题往往从这里开始,通常单个错误不会造成重大事故。 Typical accident involves seven consecutive human errors. 典型的事故都会涉及七个连续的人为失误。 One of the pi

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There is something beautiful in the subtlety of that exchange, in the attention that each party must pay to the motivations and desires of the other. 这段对话的精彩之处就在于它蕴涵的意思非常微妙,双方都需要注意对方言谈

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Chapter Eight Rice Paddies and Math Tests 第八章 稻谷种植与数学测试 NO ONE WHO CAN RISE BEFORE DAWN 360 DAYS A YEAR FAILS TO MAKE HIS FAMILY RICH. 早起的鸟有食吃 The gateway to the industrial heartland of Southern China runs up thr

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Rice has been cultivated in China for thousands of years. 在中国,种植水稻的历史已有数千年。 It was from China that the techniques of rice cultivation spread throughout east Asia-Japan, Korea, Singapore, and Taiwan. 随后,东亚地区

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