标签:入职之初 相关文章
In the east, another ancient range, the Urals , separates Europe from Asia. Both these ranges are evidence of Europe's earliest formation, the results of processes that began half a billion years ago.
Europe, an ancient continent. Within its borders lies unrivalled richness of both natural and human wonders. At its northern limits, Europe reaches into the icy wastes of the high Arctic. To the south
And at other times, they'd have looked more like Africa's Serengeti Plains. More than 15 millions years ago, what is now Vienna and Paris would have been submerged beneath rich tropical seas. And over
They make perfect roof tiles, but these tiles occasionally reveal something extraordinary. Perfect snapshot s from 115 million years ago, back then, Solnhofen was part of a very still and salty tropic
Parts of Pangaea were periodically flooded by shallow seas. But time and again this water evaporated, leaving layer upon layer of salt. Today these massive deposits lie buried deep beneath the Netherl
好友Jane兴冲冲来到Catherine旁边,告诉Catherine说自己公司调整岗位,由于自己最近工作出色,就被升值作部门经理了。听到这Catherine甭提有过高兴了,顺口说道:Whoa, that is a bombshell. Whoa, that i
Catherine辛辛苦苦为公司跑下来一个项目,但在聚餐时老板口口表扬的却是另一位同事,Catherine被冷落一旁。Tom见此情景,深感不平,就对Catherine说:What a raw deal! It's you that have made the job done. 【
Tom为别的员工都升值加薪唯独自己却原地不动感到不平,于是这天去找老板谈话。可是不一会功夫就回来了,Catherine连忙凑过来,小声问情况怎样。Tom有气无力地说:I was going to ask my boss for
刚到公司的Catherine做的不是很顺利 不时的出些小错误 偏偏她的顶头上司又是个要求严格的人 因此Catherine时常挨骂 这天她又被上司批评了 心情很不好 同事看见了 对她说 follow the rules and you w
【情景再现】 Catherine今天来公司上班啦 不幸的是 她第一天就迟到了 不过幸好 老板没有发现 同事告诉她 以后要小心 尽量不要再迟到了 并对她说 The boss laid down the law today catherine 心想 这里的
..As they died they slowly sank, settling in layers on the seafloor. Through time they formed these cliffs in an ocean that was up to 300 meters deeper than we see it today. Just imagine how London mi
It's the fossilized resin of ancient pine trees. And trapped within it, are perfectly preserved souvenirs, each fragment helping to build a picture of an ancient world. This resin has also trapped som
...and marked the growing pains of a young ocean. 16 million years ago, North America and Greenland finally split apart from Europe. As the continental plates separated, the North Atlantic was born. I
...Africa. The African plate has been drifting north over millions of years. And when it pushes against the European plate, huge fold s of rock have been forced up and over one another into great moun
As the sun beat down, something like 4,000 cubic kilometers of water evaporated from the Mediterranean surface every year. And with no Atlantic water to replenish it, the Mediterranean dried out. In j
Despite this enormous flood, the Mediterranean took more than a century to refill. But what is more amazing is that this process of drying and flooding has happened not just once, but possibly ten tim
新入职时一般都需要提交一些个人材料,并了解公司的相关规定,下面这些句子或许能帮你更加顺利入职。 1. Please respond to this conditional offer before May.15th if you accept it. 如接受此offer,请于5月
模仿句子:From there he told me through an interpreter that he was forced to drop out of school after taking part in anti-government protests at the beginning of the uprising. 翻译:在那里,他通过翻译告诉我,在暴动之初他参加