9. They're downsizing, and I got my walking papers last week. 公司裁员,我于上周收到了解聘书。 还能这样说: They are slashing jobs and I was pink slipped last week. They are slashing jobs and I got the pink slip last week. 应用解

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13. Rumour has it that he was fired. 据说他被解雇了。 还能这样说: It is rumoured that he was dismissed. It is said he was turned off. 14. He was fired for stealing money from the money. 他因从公司偷钱而遭解雇。 还能这样说

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1. Our company aims to finish our work tomorrow. 我公司打算明天完成任务。 还能这样说: The goal of our company is to be finished tomorrow. Our company decides to accomplish the work tomorrow. 应用解析: aim at quick scoring 为了

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5. Manager, my salary isn't enough to support me and my family. 经理,我的工资都不够养活我和我的家人。 还能这样说: Manager, I don't think my salary is enough to support me and my family. Manager, I think my salary is too low

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9. She showed me some methods of dealing with the job. 她向我说明了处理工作的一些方法。 还能这样说: She told me some ways to do the job. She gave me some methods to deal with the job. 谚语: Strong in action, gentle in metho

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5. It takes a while to get used to it. 用一段时间就熟悉了。 还能这样说: You will know it after a while. You will be familiar with it after a while. 应用解析: take a bad turn 变坏,恶化; take a fancy to 爱上,爱好;

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13. Could you tell me when you will have the decision about the position? 能告诉我面试的结果什么时候出来吗? 还能这样说: Is it possible for me to know when the decision will be made? Could you let me know when will have the re

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1. I am anxious to know about the outcome. 我很想乱放面试的结果。 还能这样说: I am eager to get the result of the interview. I am anxious to know the outcome of the interview. 应用解析: be on the anxious seat 坐立不安,如坐

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13. Please complete the form and bring it with you when you come for an interview. 请把这个表格填一下,面试时带来。 还能这样说: Please fill out the form and bring it when you come here to interview. Please fill in the form and

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9. There should be a clear division of labor between us. 我们之间应该有明确的分工。 还能这样说: We each person should have our own task. The division of labor should be clear-cut between us. 10. I'd propose you go out for a breath

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9. It is useful to kick the shuttlecock every day. 每天踢毽子对你有好处。 还能这样说: Daily kicking the shuttlecock does you good. Kicking the shuttlecock every day will benefit you. 应用解析: make oneself useful 做些有用的

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1. Let's play rope skipping. 让我们玩跳绳吧。 还能这样说: Shall we play rope skipping? How about skipping rope game? 应用解析: skip it 别再提了; skip out of sb.'s way 跳开让路; skipping along 蹦蹦跳跳的走去;

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13. Do you care for a kung-fu movie? 您喜欢功夫片吗? 还能这样说: Are you interesting in a kung-fu movie? Do you like a kung-fu movie? 应用解析: take into care (将小孩)送进公立机构照顾; in the care of sb. 由某人

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1. Let's join a rowing club. 我们加入划船俱乐部吧。 还能这样说: Why not go to join a rowing club? What about joining a rowing club? 谚语: To look one way and row another. 声东击西。 2. We shall go boating on the lake on Sun

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13. Even though he couldn't swim, he will have a try. 尽管他不会游泳,但他要尝试一下。 还能这样说: He will try to swim even though he couldn't do it. He would like to take a crack at swimming, even though he couldn't do it. 应用

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1. I am for swimming this vacation. 我赞成这次休假去游泳。 还能这样说: I agree with the idea to go out for swimming this vacation. I favor swimming this holiday. 应用解析: for all 尽管,虽然; be for it 惹出麻烦; b

发表于:2019-02-15 / 阅读(35) / 评论(0) 分类 情景会话口袋书人际篇

1. Where is the health club? 健身俱乐部在哪里? 还能这样说: How can I get to the fitness centers? Can you tell me the location of health club? 应用解析: reading club 读者俱乐部; school club 学校俱乐部; teacher's cl

发表于:2019-02-15 / 阅读(46) / 评论(0) 分类 情景会话口袋书人际篇

1. I think it hard to learn gymnastics. 我认为学体操很难。 还能这样说: I think it difficult to learn gyms. To me, it's not easy to learn gyms. 谚语: A faithful friend is hard to find. 知音难觅。 2. I like to do calisthenics. 我

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5. A good climber would have professional climbing gear. 登山好手要有一些专门的登山工具。 还能这样说: To be a good climber, you need professional climbing gear. As a good climber, one should have professional mountaineering equ

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9. When I was running, I sprained my ankle. 我跑步的时候扭到了脚踝。 还能这样说: I stumbled and gave my ankle a painful wrench while running. I twisted my ankle when running. 应用解析: a bad sprain 严重的扭伤; sprain o

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