During a joint news conference in the Black Sea resort of Sochi, Presidents George W. Bush and Vladimir Putin spoke with a bit of nostalgia as they looked back at their stewardship of U.S.-Russian relations during the past seven years. 美国总统布什
Grocery stores in Hong Kong have replenished rice supplies after panic buying nearly cleared the shelves. Concern is growing among Asian consumers that the region's staple food will no longer be affordable for low-income families. 香港各家食品杂
Several dozen members of a hardline Islamic group held a demonstration outside the Dutch embassy in Jakarta to protest a film made by a right-wing Dutch lawmaker that accuses the Koran of inciting violence. 一个强硬派伊斯兰组织的几十名成
Chinese and U.S. officials are working together to find ways to combat environmental problems. The two countries held their first joint workshop on environmental cooperation. 美国和中国官员正在共同努力寻求克服环境污染问题的途径
Millions of voters in Nepal braved threats of violence and harsh terrain to cast ballots in a historic election to choose a 601-member national assembly that is to write a constitution. The twice-delayed election is being closely monitored by tens of
Palestinian militants in the Gaza Strip have carried out a deadly cross-border raid. The attack is likely to provoke Israeli retaliation. 加沙地带的巴勒斯坦激进分子越过以色列边界发动了一次猛烈的袭击。这次袭击可能会
The World Economic Forum meeting in Davos, Switzerland has called for renewed commitment to the U.N. Millennium Development Goals, MGDs, aimed at halving extreme poverty, boosting health and education and further empowering women across the developin
President Bush and Congressional leaders from both political parties have reached agreement on $150 billion in tax relief in an effort to help stimulate the U.S. economy. 美国总统布什和国会两党的领导人就1千5百亿美元的退税计划达
The situation on the border between Egypt and the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip remains chaotic, a day after Palestinian militants blew up the border wall. Israel and Egypt are locked in a new tug of war over who is responsible for the impoverished territor
Leaders from Afghanistan, Iraq and Pakistan Thursday discussed ways to combat terrorism, particularly the scourge of suicide bombings. The leaders agreed that an economic downturn can breed political turmoil. 阿富汗、伊拉克和巴基斯坦的领导
Chinese authorities say the country's economy grew at 11.4 percent last year, the fifth year in a row growth has surpassed 10 percent despite ever greater efforts to slow it down. And, with inflation at an 11-year high in 2007, the government says co
The two rivals in Kenya's political crisis met on Thursday for the first time since a disputed election and pledged to seek an end to weeks of unrest that have killed nearly 700 people. President Mwai Kibaki and opposition leader Raila Odinga shook h
It is less than ten months until Election Day in the United States, but the presidential campaign season has already seen two historic firsts, including the emergence of the first plausible African American presidential candidate and the first female
The U.S. central bank has slashed a key interest rate amid a global market upheaval sparked by fears of a possible U.S. recession. The Bush administration has also renewed calls for a swift economic-stimulus package to spur growth. 为了应对全球金
Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas says he remains committed to peace talks, despite the Israeli blockade of the Gaza Strip and heavy fighting there between Hamas militants and Israeli forces. International aid agencies have appealed for $462 millio
United Nations aid agencies have begun the first of three interagency missions to areas affected by violence in Kenya this week. The aim of these missions is to get an accurate assessment of the needs of hundreds of thousands of people displaced by p
China has hinted it would not support a new round of sanctions against Iran despite Tehran's continued defiance of United Nations resolutions on its nuclear program. The five permanent members of the U.N. Security Council and Germany are meeting in B
The three major candidates for the Democratic presidential nomination met Monday in a debate televised by the Cable News Network and co-sponsored by the Congressional Black Caucus Institute. The event, which took place in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina
Israel has decided to lift the blockade on the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip Tuesday to allow a single shipment of fuel and medical supplies into the territory. 以色列放松了对加沙地区的封锁,允许限量的食品和燃油通过以色列检
Pakistan's President Pervez Musharraf pledged in Brussels Monday that Pakistan's elections next month will be free and fair, and appealed to western nations to be more patient on human rights. 巴基斯坦总统穆沙拉夫星期一在布鲁塞尔保证
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- VOA双语新闻:索总理呼吁反叛份子加入和平努力
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- VOA双语新闻:马赛争取成为地中海合作联盟总部
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- VOA双语新闻:八国峰会讨论援助非洲、气候问题
- VOA双语新闻:布什和民主党人向美国军人致敬
- VOA双语新闻:加沙哈马斯中止同以色列的换俘谈
- VOA双语新闻:非盟对津巴布韦态度削弱其声誉
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- VOA双语新闻:G8承诺为非洲提供农业援助