President Bush is on his way to Ukraine for the start of a four-nation trip that also includes stops in Russia, Croatia and Romania where he will take part in a NATO summit. 美国总统布什启程前往乌克兰访问。布什总统这次访问行程
The top U.S. housing official, who is under criminal investigation, has announced he is resigning. 美国负责住房事务的最高官员宣布辞职。与此同时,他正在接受司法调查。 Housing and Urban Development Secretary Alphonso Ja
The Turkish Constitutional Court has announced it will hear the closure case against the ruling AK Party. The case accuses the party of seeking to undermine the secular state and includes a possible political ban of five years for Turkish Prime Minis
Britain's defense secretary has announced plans to reduce troop levels in southern Iraq have been postponed after a recent flare-up of violence around the city of Basra. 英国国防大臣宣布,推迟实行精简派驻伊拉克南部的军队的计划
South Korean officials have issued their first formal response to recent moves by North Korea, labeling some of the North's recent statements inappropriate. The exchange comes as high-level American and South Korean envoys warn time is running out in
The head of the U.S. central bank, Ben Bernanke, told a congressional committee the U.S. economy could face a mild recession, but it should recover later this year. 美国联邦储备委员会主席伯南克星期三在国会作证说,美国经济可
Israel is strengthening security on its home front in a sign of war jitters. Israel is casting a wary eye toward Iran. 以色列在紧张的战争气氛中正在加强国内的安全防卫工作。以色列正在警惕地盯着伊朗。 Israel's secu
As NATO leaders gathered in Romania for summit talks, U.S. President George W. Bush urged the alliance to continue to expand eastward and to increase its presence in Afghanistan. In a speech in Bucharest, Mr. Bush laid out his NATO policy. 北约领导
The Asian Development Bank says while Asia will not be immune to the global slowdown, economies in the region will continue to see solid growth in 2008. But the bank warns in its annual outlook that inflation in the region will jump this year. 亚洲开
South Korea is opting for a low public policy profile amid escalating tensions with North Korea. Seoul officials kept quiet, a day after Pyongyang threatened to turn the South into ashes. 韩国在与北韩日益紧张的关系问题上,选择在公开
U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice wrapped up a three-day trip to the Middle East saying peace talks between Israelis and Palestinians are moving forward, but Israel needs to stop its settlement activities. 美国国务卿赖斯结束了她对中
In congressional testimony this week, the top U.S. military and civilian officials in Iraq reported what they called real but fragile progress, and urged caution in any discussion of further U.S. troop withdrawals, beyond the end of the surge in July
Rice prices in Thailand, the world's leading exporter, reached a record of over one-thousand dollars a ton. The increase in rice and food prices generally will be the center of debate at a U.N. conference next week. 世界最大的大米出口国泰国
U.S. President George Bush says he is concerned about rising gasoline prices and the effects of higher energy costs on an already slowing economy. Mr. Bush made the comments in New Orleans, where he has been meeting with Mexican President Felipe Cald
Israel has launched a major civil defense exercise amid fears of war. 在人们广泛担心爆发战争之际,以色列举行了一次大规模的民防演习。 Israel is conducting a five-day home-front security drill to prepare for the possibili
U.S. President George W. Bush and Russian President Vladimir Putin have ended their farewell summit without agreement on missile defense, but with a blueprint for their successors. They conferred at Mr. Putin's presidential retreat in the Black Sea r
The United Nations World Food Program says urgent action is needed to prevent what it calls a serious tragedy because of food shortages in North Korea. A bad harvest and soaring world food prices may be creating one of the leanest years in the North
Soaring food prices are causing big problems in many parts of the world today. One factor in the ballooning costs may be the increasing global demand for biofuels - vehicle fuels made at least partly from corn (maize) or other food crops. 粮价的猛涨
U.S. Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson has urged Beijing to scrap barriers on imports of pollution-reducing technology. The secretary praised China's appreciating its currency, but said it should continue. 美国财政部长保尔森星期四在北京发
Kosovo's former Prime Minister Ramush Haradinaj has been acquitted of all charges by judges at the Yugoslav War Crimes Tribunal in The Hague. He and two former Commanders of the Kosovo Liberation Army had been charged with murdering, raping, torturin
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