Even after days of intense international pressure, Kenyan President Mwai Kibaki and his political rival, opposition leader Raila Odinga, have yet to engage in dialogue to resolve a post-election dispute that has ignited ethnic tensions and is threate
A Sri Lankan government minister has been killed and 10 others wounded in a bomb attack by suspected Tamil Tiger rebels. As Anjana Pasricha reports from New Delhi, the latest attack follows the government's decision to formally abandon a tattered tru
The senior U.S. negotiator in the North Korea nuclear talks says he is more concerned that a report on Pyongyang's nuclear activities be complete, than whether it is issued on time. A new report out of Washington, meanwhile, says China is prepared to
China wants advanced American clean energy technology to help clean up its polluted environment. But an American Commerce official says China's poor enforcement of intellectual property laws is discouraging American companies from selling the technol
Unemployment in the United States rose sharply last month and government figures released late Friday show the number of new jobs was at its lowest level in four years. President Bush is considering more tax cuts in an effort to boost the nation's sa
The Bush administration's top official on North Korea is returning to the region later this week, just days after Pyongyang missed a deadline to file a complete declaration of its nuclear activities. Under terms of an agreement reached with the Unite
Ethnic tensions continue to run high in Kenya where there have been threats of revenge following the deaths on Tuesday of at least 30 children and adults who had taken refuge in a church in the Rift Valley town of Eldoret. Diplomatic efforts, includi
The government of Sri Lanka says it is withdrawing from a cease-fire agreement with Tamil rebels because the pact has become meaningless. Anjana Pasricha reports from New Delhi the withdrawal is largely symbolic because the Norwegian-brokered truce c
Kenya's opposition leaders have called off a mass rally that had been scheduled for Thursday in Nairobi to protest alleged vote rigging in last week's presidential election. Before the march was called off police used tear gas and water cannons to bl
The party of the slain Pakistani opposition leader, Benazir Bhutto, is demanding the United Nations lead the investigation into Ms. Bhutto's assassination. But the Pakistani government insists a Scotland Yard investigative team arriving to help in th
The World Bank is warning that post-election unrest in Kenya is threatening east Africa's largest economy and could wipe out impressive gains the country has achieved in recent years. Widespread violence, triggered by allegations of vote-rigging in l
The secretary general of the Arab League says he is heading for Beirut this week for talks on a new plan to end the Lebanese political crisis. 阿拉伯国家联盟秘书长说,他将于本星期前往贝鲁特,讨论结束黎巴嫩政治危机的新
The U.S. State Department says it is unfortunate that North Korea has not yet met its commitments in six-nation diplomacy aimed at getting rid of its nuclear weapons. Japan's Foreign Ministry issued a statement Monday using similar language. 美国国务
India remains one of the few countries where polio has not been eradicated. Most of the world's new cases are reported in the subcontinent. While the total number of cases dropped in India last year,that one variant of the virus is actually on the in
A new report from an Israeli human-rights group says the death toll in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict fell sharply in 2007. 一个以色列人权团体发布报告说,2007年死于以色列和巴勒斯坦人冲突的人数急剧下降。 Last yea
A mob set fire to a church in western Kenya Tuesday, killing about 30 people inside who were seeking refuge from widespread post-election violence. Witnesses say the fire was set by a gang of young men who poured fuel on the structure before setting
This year, the United Nation's International Panel on Climate Change issued a series of reports that concluded there is no longer any doubt that human activities are causing the planet to warm up. The IPCC called for an immediate response from the in
Officials in Pakistan say parliamentary elections will be delayed until next month. The delay is due to the destruction of election offices and materials in violence that broke out last week after Benazir Bhutto's assassination. 巴基斯坦官员说,
The United States has defended its policy of detaining juveniles in prisons in Iraq, and Afghanistan. The issue is expected to be high on the agenda Thursday when the U.N. Committee on the Rights of the Child examines U.S. compliance with U.N. rules
French President Nicolas Sarkozy says he hopes an international consensus is near to allow countries like France to sell India peacetime nuclear technology. Mr. Sarkozy's comments came during a visit to New Delhi meant to strengthen military and poli
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