Hello, everybody. In our house, everybody knows that President is only the third-most important job in the family. So this weekend, I'm going to take a little extra time to say thank you to Michelle for the remarkable way she does the most important
Hi, everybody. Right now, there are American troops serving in harm's way and standing sentry around the world. There are veterans who've served honorably in times of war and peace, and often came home bearing the invisible and visible wounds of war.
Hi everybody. The story of America is a story of progress. Its written by ordinary people who put their shoulders to the wheel of history to make sure that the promise of our founding applies not just to some of us - but to all of us. 嗨,大家好。
Hi, everybody. I've got a special guest with me this week-Macklemore. For those of you who don't share the same love[i] for hip-hop, he's a Grammy-winning artist-but he's also an advocate who's giving voice to a disease we too often just whisper abou
Hi, everybody. One of the most urgent challenges of our time is climate change. 大家好。当代最紧迫的一项挑战就是气候变化。 We know that 2015 surpassed 2014 as the warmest year on record - and 2016 is on pace to be even hotter. 我们
In our Olympians, we recognize that no one accomplishes greatness alone. 奥运会让我们认识到,没有人单打独斗能成就伟大。 Even solo athletes have a coach beside them and a country behind them. 每个运动员身旁都有教练,还
We've got basketball players who stand nearly seven feet tall and a gymnast who's 4-foot-8. 我们有近七英尺高的篮球球员和 4.8 英尺高的体操运动员。 And Team USA spans generations: a few athletes who are almost as old as I am, an
Every four years, our nation's attention turns to a competition that's as heated as it is historic. 每四年,我国的注意力转向一场历史性的激烈竞赛。 People pack arenas and wave flags. Journalists judge every move and overanalyze
WeeklyAddress: It's Time to Fill the Vacancy on the Supreme Court 奥巴马每周电视演讲:是填补最高法院空缺的时候了 Hi, folks. Joe Biden here and I'm sitting with Tim Lewis, a retired federal judge who was nominated to the bench b
WASHINGTON, DC In this week's address, Senator Elizabeth Warren joined President Obama to discuss how far we've come since the financial crisis, when the recklessness of Wall Street caused millions of Americans to lose their jobs, homes, and savings.
Weekly Address: Standing Together to Stop the Violence WASHINGTON, DC In this week's address, Vice President Joe Biden commemorated the lives of the five police officers who were killed and the seven people who were wounded in Dallas. The police offi
WASHINGTON, DC In this weeks address, President Obama wished everyone a happy Fourth of July, and recognized our service members, veterans and their families for their service to our country. The President commended First Lady Michelle Obama and Seco
Although I didn't know the five police officers who were killed, or the seven who were wounded in Dallas this week - I really did know them. 虽然我不认识本周达拉斯被枪杀的五名警察,以及负伤的七名警察,但我确实了解他
Hi everybody, and Happy Fourth of July weekend. On Monday, Michelle, Malia, Sasha, and I will celebrate the Fourth like most of you in the backyard. We'll hang out with family and friends, throw some burgers and dogs on the grill, and watch the firew
WASHINGTON, DC In this week's address, President Obama reflected on his visit with the families of the victims of the Orlando terrorist attack. He reiterated that we will always stand with those impacted by the Orlando attack and we will do everythin
WASHINGTON, DC In this week's address, President Obama discussed the crippling economic crisis harming 3.5 million Americans in Puerto Rico. Today, the island is spending over a third of its tax revenue on debt payments and on July 1, Puerto Rico is
WASHINGTON, DC In this week's address, the President discussed his return to Elkhart, Indiana, the first town he visited as President and one that was among the hardest-hit by the worst economic crisis of our lifetimes. Seven years later, unemploymen
Hi everybody. 各位好。 Last summer, I got a letter from a woman named Elizabeth Paredes from Tucson, Arizona. 去年夏天,我收到了亚利桑那州图森一位名叫伊丽莎白?普拉迪斯的妇女的来信。 Elizabeth is the mom of a 3-y
WASHINGTON, DC In this week's address, President Obama acknowledged that the aftermath of tragedies like we've seen in Dallas, Baton Rouge, and Minnesota, can leave us struggling to make sense of these events. However, the President reiterated that t
Hi, everybody. This week, there was a big birthday you might have missed. Medicare and Medicaid turned 50 years old. And that's something worth celebrating. 大家好!本周,大家可能错过了一个重大的节日。医疗保险和医疗补助制度
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- 奥巴马每周电视讲话:如何为中产阶级提供更好的保障的问题
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- 奥巴马每周电视讲话:美国参议院就一项代表两党的法案进行讨论