One morning when Sam was playing tennis with Applegate Skinner, Sam heard a clanking noise. 一天早上,在和阿普尔盖特斯金纳打网球时,萨姆听到了一种叮当声。 He looked behind him, and there, coming out of the woods, was a

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Chapter 12 A Rescue 第十二章 救援 Louis liked to sleep on the lake. 路易斯喜欢睡在这个湖上。 At night, after blowing taps, he would waddle down to the sandy beach by the dock. 夜里,吹过熄灯号后,他就摇摇摆摆地走上船

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One of the new boys who had never been to camp before stood up. 一个以前从没参加过夏令营的新生站了起来。 Mr. Brickle, he said, why is this camp called Camp Kookooskoos? 布里克先生,他说,为什么这个夏令营叫库库斯

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After a while, Mr. Brickle rose to his feet and addressed the boys and the counselors. 过了一会儿,布里克先生站起来对男孩和辅导员们发表演说了。 I call your attention, he said, to a new camper in our midst--Louis the Swan. 我

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Chapter 11 Camp Kookooskoos 第十一章 库库斯库斯夏令营 Camp Kookooskoos was on a small lake, deep in the woods of Ontario. 库库斯库斯夏令营座落在安大略森林深处的一个小湖边。 There were no summer cottages on the lak

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Bright and early next morning, 第二天天刚亮, Louis arranged his slate and his chalk pencil and his trumpet neatly around his neck 路易斯就把他的石板石笔还有小号都端正地挂在脖子上, and climbed into the back scat of Mr

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He saw a man leaning on the wide railing in front of the Bird House. 他看到一个倚在鸟屋前的宽栅栏旁的男人。 The man was dressed in a purple suit and wore a Tyrolean hat. 这个男人穿着一套紫色的西装,戴着一顶蒂罗尔

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Louis was right. Serena, the swan of his desiring, had been caught by the fierce storm and blown all the way across America. 路易斯是对的。塞蕾娜,他思慕的这只天鹅,不幸被猛烈的风暴卷住,一直吹到了美国的这个地方

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Chapter 17 Serena 第十七章 塞蕾娜 During the next ten weeks, Louis got rich. 接下来的十周里,路易斯变富了。 He went every evening except Sundays to the nightclub and played his trumpet for the customers. 除星期日外的每天晚

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Louis didn't understand this, but he nodded good-bye to Mr. Lucas and swam off toward the island in the center of the lake. 路易斯不明白这些,可他还是点点头对卢卡斯先生道了再见,向湖中心的小岛游去。 There he stepp

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Very well, said Mr. Lucas. And now there is one other small matter I must bring to your attention. 很好,卢卡斯先生说。现在我要再请你注意一件小事情。 Most of the birds that swim on this luxury lagoon have undergone surgery. 游

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Louis stepped back into the water, the boat's lines were cast off, and Louis led the way. 路易斯回到水中时,船的缆绳已经解开了。路易斯忙游到前面导航。 He knew it was his last appearance with the Swan Boat, and he felt a

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A boy in the front seat of the boat pulled an air rifle from under his jacket and began shooting BB shots at Louis's trumpet. 一个坐在前座的男孩从他的夹克里掏出一把汽枪,朝路易斯的小号开起枪来。 Whenever a shot hit t

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Chapter 16 Philadelphia 第十六章 费城 Louis worked all the last week of September for the Swan Boat man in the Boston Public Garden. 路易斯在九月的最后一周里一直在为波士顿大众公园的天鹅游艇老板工作。 He was a gr

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He went into the bathroom, used the toilet, then drew a full tub of cold water in the bathtub. 他走进浴室,用了一下厕所,然后将浴缸放满凉水。 He couldn't get Serena out of his mind. 他不能把塞蕾娜从脑子里抹去。 Ho

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One day, about a week before Christmas, a great storm came up. The sky grew dark. 一天,大约在圣诞节的前一周,来了一场强烈的大风暴。天空变暗了。 The wind blew a howling gale. It made a whining noise. 风怒号着刮来刮

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Quiet, children! said Mrs. Hammerbotham sternly. We'll start with the letter A. 安静,孩子们!哈默博瑟姆太太严厉地说,我们下面从字母A开始学。 She picked up a piece of chalk and made a big A on the blackboard. Now you try

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Louis picked up a fresh piece of chalk in his bill. He was scared. 路易斯用他的嘴叼起一枝新粉笔。他有些胆怯了。他使劲地盯着这个单词。 He took a good look at the word. A long word, he thought, is really no harder than

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Sam, if a man can walk three miles in one hour, how many miles can he walk in four hours? 萨姆,如果一个男人在一小时内能走三英里的话,那么他四小时能走多少英里? It would depend on how tired he got after the first ho

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Chapter 8 Love 第八章 爱情 When Louis's father and mother discovered that Louis was missing, they felt awful. 路易斯的父母发现路易斯失踪后,感到非常担忧。 No other young swan had disappeared from the lakes--only Louis. 湖上

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