听电影学英语-缘分天注定 12
时间:2018-11-30 作者:英语课 分类:听电影学英语-缘分天注定
- 1 听电影学英语-缘分天注定 12
[00:28.92]Sara, you have a fiance who, 你有未婚夫,虽然他的音乐…
[00:30.76]despite his weird 1 Eastern music,
[00:34.12]which we hope is just a phase, let’s hope, 只是一时的兴趣
[00:37.96]loves you very, very, very much. 他深深爱着你
[00:39.64]It’s not giving up. It’s growing up. 你不是应该放弃,是应该成长
[00:43.96]( Sighs )
[00:46.52]Let’s get out of here. 我们走
[00:68.76]- Here’s one. - Ooh, catch it. 有的士 截停吧
[00:78.48]- It’s a bridal shop. - Oh, my God. The irony 2. 是间婚纱店 够讽刺
[00:81.04]- Wait right here. I’ll be right back. Stay here. - Why? 等一等,我很快回来
[01:29.32]- Time, please? - Uh, about 7:30. 请问几点? 七点半左右
[01:31.00]Right. Right.
[01:41.20]They moved downtown. If we get lucky with traffic, we can still hit it. 服务社搬了进城,几时彩排?
[01:44.32]- What time is rehearsal 3? - Can’t do it. 来不及去了 的士!
[01:45.84]- Taxi! - It’s over, man. 不要再找了
[01:47.68]What? 你在说什么?
[01:51.28]- What are you talking about? - How can I ignore that? "Bless the goddamn bride"? “花月佳期”,写得很清楚
[01:52.36]- What? - It can’t get any more clearer than this. 明显不过的讯息
[01:55.64]I’m not supposed to be doing this. It’s not in the cards. 我注定找不到莎拉
[01:59.08]Hey, it’s another one of your clues, man. Let’s talk about it in the cab... 那是线索,上的士才说吧
[01:60.68]- on the way over. - It’s not a clue. It’s a sign. 不是线索,是徵兆
[01:65.28]- What’s the difference? - A clue is what a detective uses to find a suspect. 有什么分别?
[01:69.44]The receipt, the warehouse 4, that French guy-- those are clues. This is a sign. 收条、货仓、法国人,这是徵兆
[01:71.04]Me never finding the book, that’s a sign. 徵兆:我永远找不到那本书
[01:75.36]How could something not happening be a sign? 未发生的事怎可成为徵兆?
[01:75.56]Sara never finding the $5.00 bill, that’s a sign. 徵兆:莎拉永远找不到那张钞票
[01:79.28]Maybe the absence of signs is a sign. 或者没有徵兆就是徵兆
[01:82.04]That’s lucid 5.
[01:82.12]Isn’t it?
[02:24.36]Look, I don’t know, man. Maybe there is no fate. 愈说愈玄
[02:27.32]And if there is, it’s not working for me. 世间无命无运,或者我有命无运
[02:31.96]You know, it’s not actually supposed to end this way, by the way. 我们不应该中途而废
[02:34.64]We’re supposed to pull the curtain and see the wizard, all right? 我们应该排除万难…
[02:36.36]- Get to the end of the river. - This is the end of the river. My wedding rehearsal... 追寻到底 这就是底!
[02:41.08]starts in less than an hour. 我要去彩排,我的新娘在等我
[02:42.92]- My bride is waiting for me. - Let me ask you something here. 假如莎拉突然出现…
[02:45.24]If Sara were here right now, poof, came down, what would she tell you to do?
[02:48.60]She would tell me to run, not walk to the Waldorf... 会叫我去结婚,顺应徵兆
[02:51.24]because all the signs point to me getting married.
[02:51.52]Look. Wedding dress. Lots of white. 看吧,婚纱,白皑皑
[02:53.20]- I hate to state the obvious-- - State it. 有一点显明到无谓提 即管提
[02:57.28]If you don’t do this, you may never find out who Sara is. 不追查,就永远不知道莎拉是谁
[02:59.68]Maybe I was never supposed to.
[02:65.24]Maybe all this is just a maze 6... 或者追查下去,只会徒劳无功
[02:67.08]designed to lead me directly back to where I started.
[02:73.88]Which is getting married. 那就是我应该结婚
[02:83.04]- Halley? - Oh, my God. Eve! 希莉?
[03:27.16]What a crazy coincidence! How are you? 噢,天啊!依芙!
[03:31.60]- Good. - Oh, my God. Sara, can you believe... 好啊 想不到啊
[03:34.44]that I was Halley’s R.A. in college? 大学时代我和希莉住同一宿舍
[03:37.72]Isn’t that funny? Oh, I’m sorry. This is Sara. 你说多巧
[03:40.24]- Hi. Nice to meet you. - Nice to meet you too. 这位是莎拉 幸会
[03:42.72]Oh, my gosh. What’s it been, like eight or nine years? 幸会
[03:45.08]Eve was, uh-- I went to B.U. with Eve. 我们是波士顿大学同学
[03:46.92]- Well, isn’t that wonderful? - Yeah. How about that? 太好了
[03:49.40]So what are you doing here? 你在这里做什么?
[03:51.88]- I’m getting married tomorrow. - You are? Congratulations. 我明天就要结婚
[03:56.52]- Congratulations. - Wow! 恭喜你们
[03:56.76]- Thanks. - In this hotel? 在这酒店? 中午
[03:59.92]Yeah, at noon. We’re going to rehearsal. Why don’t you come watch? 现在去彩排,来看嘛
[03:63.88]- Why don’t you go? - Okay, sure. I would love to come and watch. 你去看吧 好啊
[03:65.96]And you can bring your... partner if you want. 你可以带你伴侣来
[03:72.04]- Oh! - Oh! No, no.
[03:75.04]I have to go upstairs and call my fiance-- who’s a man. 不用客气,我要打电话给未婚夫
[03:78.24]Oh! You must be very proud. 男未婚夫
[03:81.08]- Okay, so have a good one. I’ll see you later. - Okay, good. 同男人订婚,值得骄傲
[03:82.84]一阵见 好,拜拜
[03:84.44]Good-bye, my sweet lesbian lady lover. 拜拜,我的同志爱人
[04:28.12]I’m just kidding. It’s just a joke between us. 只是讲笑,我们讲惯笑
[04:43.08]Lars? 拉斯?
[04:46.40]What are you doing? 你来做什么?
[04:49.20]- How did you know where I was? - Intuition. 怎知道我在这里?
[04:52.08]Really? 直觉
[04:52.96]No. I went through the New York Hotel Guide. 真的?
[04:58.84]Alphabetically, in reverse. I started with "Z." 从尾至头,逐间酒店问
[04:59.80]Sara, I missed you so much. 莎拉,我很挂念你
[04:63.16]I’m sorry. I don’t blame you for running away. 对不起,难怪你走开
[04:67.44]I was so... focused on the album, the video. 我太过…
[04:75.24]l, Jonathan, take you, Halley, to be my wife, 我庄纳顿,娶希莉你为妻
[04:77.60]and I promise to love and sustain you... 承诺从此对你负起丈夫的责任
[04:79.60]in the bond of marriage from this day forward.
[04:81.64](Dialogue Fades Out)
- From his weird behaviour,he seems a bit of an oddity.从他不寻常的行为看来,他好像有点怪。
- His weird clothes really gas me.他的怪衣裳简直笑死人。
- She said to him with slight irony.她略带嘲讽地对他说。
- In her voice we could sense a certain tinge of irony.从她的声音里我们可以感到某种讥讽的意味。
- I want to play you a recording of the rehearsal.我想给你放一下彩排的录像。
- You can sharpen your skills with rehearsal.排练可以让技巧更加纯熟。
- We freighted the goods to the warehouse by truck.我们用卡车把货物运到仓库。
- The manager wants to clear off the old stocks in the warehouse.经理想把仓库里积压的存货处理掉。