时间:2018-12-07 作者:英语课 分类:听电影学英语-香草天空


  [00:03.56]give me a cigarette king of sad thing.

[00:05.04]- That I do. Give me a cigarette. - l'll find one. 给我根香烟吧

[00:07.08]你有钱 女人都哈你

[00:07.64]Wait. You're rich and women love you and l'm from Ohio and drunk. 我去找

[00:08.92]我只是乡巴佬 我也醉了

[00:10.00]- Can I tell you the truth? - Everybody does. 我能老实说吗


[00:14.68]I dig her. 大家都这么说

[00:14.84]And l've never said this to you before about any girl... 我从来没跟你这么说过

[00:19.04]but she could be... could be... could be... 不过她很可能就是……

[00:21.32]could be the girl of my fucking dreams. 我的梦中情人


[00:26.96]- You're not from Ohio. - I know. 你不是乡巴佬

[00:27.84]But if she fucks up our friendship, she can go to hell. 我知道

[00:32.56]I won't allow it. We are bros. 绝对不行 咱们是哥儿们

[00:35.60]- I feel the same way. - Sure you do. 我也这么觉得


[00:36.60]- Hi. - How you doing? 你好吗



[00:41.20]- Thank you. - You're welcome. 谢谢你


[00:42.84]Where are you going? 你要去哪儿

[00:45.24]I am Frank, and Frank must go. 我是电灯泡 我要走了

[00:50.80]- What? - I good you bid evening. 什么 祝你们今晚愉快

[00:52.48]Wait. l'll go with you. 等等 我跟你走

[00:57.00]- Stay, baby. - l'll give you a ride home later. 留下来吧


[00:60.96]- No, I have to work tomorrow. - You... 不行 明天我得早上班


[01:04.52]l'm just humoring myself that my opinion matters. 你们就把我说的话当放屁吧

[01:04.84]You are in great hands.

[01:14.92]You will never know the exquisite 1 pain... 你永远不会知道

[01:17.44]of the guy who goes home alone...


[01:21.40]because without the bitter, baby, the sweet ain't as sweet. 但是没吃过苦就尝不到甜头

[01:27.28]Have a good time. 好好享受

[01:33.12]The sweet and sour speech again. 又是酸甜苦辣那一套

[01:47.64]- Why are you scared of heights? - Many people are scared of heights. 你为什么有惧高症


[01:50.92]It's not the height that bothers me. 我不是怕高

[01:54.00]It's the impact that terrifies me. 只是爬得越高摔得越重

[02:02.72]I won't stay long. 我不会待太久

[02:03.52]Hey, Paolo. 帕罗

[02:07.60]Hello. 我得带它去散步

[02:08.40]I have to take you for a walk.

[02:11.48]l'm glad he protects you. He's a lethal 2 canine 3. 幸好你有一只猛犬保护你

[02:15.52]I love living here, and I refuse to clean up. 我好爱这儿 我也拒绝打扫

[02:18.60]No problem. 没问题

[02:21.60]I have to work around the clock to keep this place. 我得拼命打工才住得起这儿

[02:23.48]- You really are a dancer. - For 14 years. 你真的是舞者


[02:29.32]But I don't dance like you dance. 但我不像你长袖善舞

[02:32.00]Do you want something to drink? 你要喝什么吗

[02:33.00]Sure. 好


[02:38.56]Hey, beautiful, beautiful boy.

[02:42.36]What do you want for dinner tonight? 你要吃什么 炸鸡吗

[02:44.72]Do you want fried chicken?


[02:57.24]I like your life. 我喜欢你的生活

[02:58.04]Well, it's mine and you can't have it. 这是我的 你不能拥有它

[03:00.92]“塞吉给塞吉 ”

[03:05.08]I don't wanna know the story behind this photo. 我想知道这背后的故事

[03:06.00]- Who's Sergio? - It's a nickname. 塞吉是谁


[03:11.32]说来话长 我跟你并不熟

[03:12.64]- Your nickname is Sergio? - It's a long story. 你的绰号是塞吉

[03:15.80]And we don't know each other.



[03:24.36]What about you? What's your nickname? 你呢 你的绰号呢

[03:32.20]Citizen Dildo. 吊国民

[03:37.76]You are not staying over. 你不能在这儿过夜

[03:44.72]Never run a company. Stay an artist. Stay an arms dealer 4. 别当大老板 当艺术家或军火商就好

[03:47.88]Oh, please. Somehow I can't play the violin for you. 拜托 我一点也不同情你

[03:50.40]Although, it must be difficult controlling all those people's lives. 掌控这么多人的生活一定很难

[03:56.56]Everyone at that party is connected to you for survival in some way. 派对上每一个人都靠你吃饭

[04:01.32]It seems. 好像是这样

[04:06.08]Ever been married? 你结过婚吗


[04:13.24]Did you ever accept any of your 12,000 proposals? 你答应过一万个男人求婚吗

[04:15.72]12,008. No. 一万零八个 没答应

[04:17.12]And you moved to New York to dance, paint, act and deal arms? 你搬来纽约跳舞作画卖军火

[04:20.60]Right. 对

[04:22.24]Do you wanna hear Jeff Buckley or Vicki Carr? 想听杰夫巴克利或薇琪卡儿

[04:26.32]Jeff Buckley or Vicki Carr? 杰夫巴克利或薇琪卡儿

[04:30.00]Both simultaneously 5. 两张一起听

[04:34.28]Everyone said, "Don't go to New York". 大家都叫我别来纽约

[04:37.04]I just think good things will happen... 但只要保持乐观 心地善良

[04:39.84]if you're a good person with a good attitude. 就会有好事发生 对吧

[04:41.92]Don't you think?

[04:46.52]You think l'm naive 6? 我太天真了吗

[04:48.80]No. I really don't. 不 一点都不会

[04:52.36]I dug her completely. 我好喜欢她

[04:55.64]Somehow l'd found the last semi-guyless girl in New York City. 她是纽约最后一个纯真女孩

[04:59.80]I have to get to sleep. 我得睡了

1 exquisite
  • I was admiring the exquisite workmanship in the mosaic.我当时正在欣赏镶嵌画的精致做工。
  • I still remember the exquisite pleasure I experienced in Bali.我依然记得在巴厘岛所经历的那种剧烈的快感。
2 lethal
  • A hammer can be a lethal weapon.铁锤可以是致命的武器。
  • She took a lethal amount of poison and died.她服了致命剂量的毒药死了。
3 canine
  • The fox is a canine animal.狐狸是犬科动物。
  • Herbivorous animals have very small canine teeth,or none.食草动物的犬牙很小或者没有。
4 dealer
  • The dealer spent hours bargaining for the painting.那个商人为购买那幅画花了几个小时讨价还价。
  • The dealer reduced the price for cash down.这家商店对付现金的人减价优惠。
5 simultaneously
  • The radar beam can track a number of targets almost simultaneously.雷达波几乎可以同时追着多个目标。
  • The Windows allow a computer user to execute multiple programs simultaneously.Windows允许计算机用户同时运行多个程序。
6 naive
  • It's naive of you to believe he'll do what he says.相信他会言行一致,你未免太单纯了。
  • Don't be naive.The matter is not so simple.你别傻乎乎的。事情没有那么简单。
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Wooramel R.