时间:2019-03-16 作者:英语课 分类:听电影学英语-断背山


   [00:06.56]Come here. 过来

  [00:18.04]Ennis. 艾尼斯
  [00:22.96](male announcer) Let ’er rip and snort, boys! 放手一搏!这个可快了!
  [00:26.16]Jack 1 Twist, hangin’ on for dear life! 杰克特斯,生死一瞬间
  [00:29.16]And down he goes! Watch out there, fella! 他掉下来了 小心点,他来了
  [00:30.24]He’s comin’ for you.  小丑上场
  [00:34.32]Send in the clowns! 特斯先生表现不俗
  [00:35.56]Okay, a fine ride by Mr. Twist. Shit! 该死!
  [00:37.96]Four seconds for him. 他撑了四秒
  [00:41.36]Give ’em a hand, folks, our very own rodeo clowns! 大家捧个场,我们的牛仔小丑
  [00:49.64]Give us a beer, Doug. 一杯啤酒就好
  [01:03.92]I’d like to buy Jimbo here a beer. 我请金宝喝杯啤酒
  [01:08.88]Best damn rodeo clown I’ve ever worked with. 他是我见过最棒的牛仔小丑
  [01:11.96]No thanks, cowboy. If I was to let every rodeo hand I pulled a bull off of... 谢了,要是我让我救过的人
  [01:16.16]buy me liquor, I’d have been a Alcoholic 2 long ago. 都请我喝酒 我早就酒精中毒了
  [01:25.28]Pullin’ bulls off of you buckaroos is just my job. 引开牛只是我的工作
  [01:30.56]So save your money for your next entry fee, cowboy. 你省下钱报名下一回竞技吧
  [01:47.64]You ever try cAlf 3 ropin’? 你试过套小牛吗?
  [01:55.52]Do I look like I can afford a fuckin’ ropin’ horse? 我看起来有那么行吗?
  [02:14.28]{male announcer chattering) No. Come on, let’s don’t. Jenny’ll get scared. 不,不要,珍妮会吓到
  [02:23.72]Look at this crowd! 看看这群人
  [02:27.92]Bound to be a lot of pussy 4 on the hoof 5 in a crowd like this. 这种人潮之中一定有很多辣妹
  [02:30.20](biker #2) All swelled 6 up with patriotic 7 feeling... 全都饥渴的等着猛男来泡
  [02:33.92]and ready to be humped like a frog. So, where do you figure the most pussy is at? 你想最辣的妹都在哪?
  [02:37.68](baby crying) Las Vegas or California? 拉斯维加斯还是加州?
  [02:38.56]Hell, I don’t know... 我不知道
  [02:40.96]but if you make it between Montana and Wyoming, I’d take Wyoming-- 但蒙大拿跟怀俄明 我选怀俄明
  [02:43.72]Hey! You might want to keep it down, I got two little girls here. 请小声一点 我两个小女儿在这
  [02:46.92]Fuck you. Asshole. 去你的,混蛋
  [02:48.92]Probably quit givin’ it to his wife after his kids was born. 可能生小孩以后 就不上他老婆了
  [02:53.76](laughing) You know what that’s like. Yeah. 都是那样的啦
  [02:57.96]Ennis, let’s move. Let’s just move, okay? 艾尼斯,我们走远一点 我不想惹麻烦
  [03:04.72]Now, I don’t want any trouble from you. You need to shut your slop-bucket mouths, you hear me? 你们嘴巴放干净点,听见没?
  [03:08.80]You ought to listen to your old lady, then. 你该听你老婆的话
  [03:09.48]Is that right?  是吗?

  [03:11.16]Yeah. Move somewhere else. 对,到别的地方去
  [03:15.64]What about it? You wanna lose about hAlf your fuckin’ teeth, huh? 怎样,你想被打断牙齿吗?
  [03:17.40]Not tonight, bud. I’d sure rather not. 今晚不想,我不想
  [03:30.32]Here she comes, ladies and gentlemen! Oh, boy, look at her fly! 她来了 各位,看她飞快的样子
  [03:36.80]This is Lureen Newsome from right here in ChiIdress, Texas! 这是来自德州的萝琳纽森
  [03:41.16]She’s turnin’ on two! 她转向第二个桶子
  [03:45.96]She’s around three! 第三个
  [03:47.28]Come on, folks! Help her home! 快点,快点
  [03:50.16]Come on! Come on! 快,大家快帮她加油
  [03:50.64]And the time is 16 and 9! 十六秒半
  [04:00.48]Here’s Cheyenne Hodson from Cody, Wyoming! 接着是怀俄明来的夏安族人
  [04:03.40]Come on, girl! 来把,女孩们
  [04:07.64]She’s headed around two! 加油,她朝向第二个桶子
  [04:11.92]Is there anybody here from Wyoming?  来自怀俄明!表现真赞!
  [04:14.36]How about it, folks? 这个怎么样
  [04:18.48]Come on, Cheyenne! 加油,夏安族
  [04:19.96]And her time is 17 and 2! 她的时间是十七秒二
  [04:27.72]Here comes Scotty Griffiths, out of Lubbock, Texas. 接着是德州来的史考帝
  [04:29.68]Come on, Scotty! 加油,史考帝…糟糕!
  [04:30.04]Damn it! Let’s give Scotty Griffiths a big hand, folks. 大家给史考帝热烈的掌声
  [04:35.44]Boy, I tell you, folks, what a heck of a way to make a living! 这种日子还真凄惨啊
  [04:35.48]Better luck next time, cowboy. 祝下次好运,牛仔
  [04:38.44]Next up is an up-and-comer! 接下来是杰克特斯
  [04:40.44]Jack Twist from all the way up in Lightning Flat, Wyoming. 来自怀俄明州
  [04:45.88]He’s onboard Sleepy today!  他骑上了睡美人
  [04:50.28]Let’s hope he’s not! 希望他不会出事
  [04:50.88]Okay! There they go, folks! 好,他出来了
  [04:53.92]And look at Sleepy go, boy! 看看睡美人,老天
  [04:57.64]He’s broke free today, folks! 它今天被人制住了
  [04:59.24]Come on, spin and spin and spin! 快啊,转圈、快转圈
  [05:01.16]Oh, boy! Good ride, cowboy! Well, let’s see what the judges say! 骑的好,牛仔 看裁判们怎么说
  [05:07.84]I tell you, folks, that sure looked like the winnin’ ride to me! 我敢说这是今天的赢家
  [05:30.56]You know that girl? 你认得那个女的?
  [05:31.60]I sure do. Lureen Newsome. 当然,萝琳纽森
  [05:35.48]Her dad sells farm equipment. I mean, big farm equipment. 她爸卖农场设备,很贵的那种
  [05:36.28]$100,000 tractors, shit like that. 价值十万元的曳引机之类的
  [05:54.60]What are you waitin’ for, cowboy? A matin’ call? 你在等什么,求偶讯号吗?
  [06:01.80]@ No one’s gonna love you like me @
  [06:07.76]@ No one else, can’t you see? @
  [06:12.32]@ No one’s gonna love you like me @
  [06:18.76]@ No one, no one @
  [06:28.64]@ No one else, can’t you see? @

  [06:35.16]@ No one’s gonna love you like me @
  [06:38.76]@ No one, no one @
  [06:45.04]@ I know sometimes you felt @
  [06:50.28]@ So lonely @
  [06:57.08]@ I know @
  [06:59.24]@ You felt so sad and blue @@
  [07:34.52]Oh, wait, hold on. 等一等
  [07:35.76]You don’t think I’m too fast, do you? 你不会认为我太猴急了吧?
  [07:40.84]Maybe we should put the brakes on? 也许我们该踩煞车?
  [07:41.36]Fast or slow, I just like the direction you’re goin’. 不论快慢 我喜欢你要去的方向
  [07:55.96]You are in a hurry.  你还真性急
  [07:58.04]He expects me home with the car by midnight. 他会半夜等我开车回家
  [07:58.44]My daddy’s the hurry. 我爸很性急
  [08:14.96]Come here, come here. 过来、过来
  [08:16.52]Is Alma here? 艾玛在吗?
  [08:16.84]Hey, Ennis. 你好,艾尼斯
  [08:17.52]Yeah, she’s in the condiments 8 aisle 9. 在,她在调味料区
  [08:17.56]Hi, Monroe.  你好,蒙洛
  [08:20.80]The what?  什么?
  [08:21.28]Ketchup. 蕃茄酱那里
  [08:23.08]Thanks. 谢了
  [08:25.36](man) Your boy gonna play again this year? 借过
  [08:25.40]Hey, honey. Honey, what are y’all doing here? 老公?你们跑来干嘛?
  [08:25.96](Alma Jr.) Excuse us! Yeah, excuse me. 是啊,借过
  [08:29.32]Big hurry. 事出紧急
  [08:30.44]My boss called and, well, he wants me to go up to the ranch 10. 我老板要我去牧场一趟
  [08:35.60]Mama. I guess all the heifers must’ve decided 11 to cAlve at the same time. 母牛们突然决定要一起生小牛
  [08:39.32]Ennis, well... I got a million things I gotta do here before I can leave. 我还有很多事要做,不能离开
  [08:39.80]I figured I could drop the girls off with you. 我把女儿都带来给你
  [08:44.96]I don’t get off for another three hours. 我还有三小时才下班
  [08:45.88]Mama, I need crayons. 妈妈,我要蜡笔
  [08:48.76]Ennis, please, you promised you’d take them tonight. 拜托,你答应今晚带她们的
  [08:49.32]Not now, Alma. 现在不行
  [08:53.72]Alma, I can’t afford not to be there when the heifers cAlve. 母牛生产,我不能不去
  [08:55.68]Right, it’d be my job if I lose any of ’em. 要是出差错,我的工作就完了
  [08:57.80]What about my job? 那我的工作呢?
  [09:01.56]Okay, all right, I’ll call my sister. I’ll see if she can take ’em. All right. All right. 好,我问我妹能不能照顾她们
  [09:06.04]You be a good girl for your mama, all right? 好,你们要乖乖听妈的话喔
  [09:10.72]I’ll be hAlf the night. Bring home some ground steaks if you think of it. 我晚上会带点牛排回家
  [09:12.28](baby shrieking) Come here.  过来
  [09:14.76]Oh, Alma, please! 艾玛,天哪
  [09:20.56]Oh, boy. 老天
  [09:22.44]Okay. Monroe, I’m so sorry. 蒙洛,真对不起
  [09:24.32]It’s okay. It’s okay, Alma. 没关系,艾玛

  [09:24.52]I’ll clean this up just as soon as I call my sister... to come get the girls. 我会清干净 叫我妹来带走孩子
  [09:29.80]Really, Alma, it’s okay. I’ll get it. 真的,没关系,我来就好
  [09:31.48]Alma, come with me.  艾玛,跟我来
  [09:33.00]Watch your feet. 小心脚步
  [09:35.88]Alma. 艾玛
  [09:38.36]It’s just like my hand. 跟我一样
  [09:38.44](Jack) Honey, got a surprise for you. 女儿,有个惊喜送给你
  [09:42.64](Lureen) Hey. 嗨
  [09:44.68]I got two whole boxes of formula for you. 我带了两大箱牛奶送你
  [09:49.80]You did? 1 20 cans.  120罐
  [09:50.60]1 20? 120罐?
  [09:51.84]L.D., where did you put ’em? 老爸,东西放在哪里?
  [09:53.72]Oh, hell, back seat of the car, where I left ’em. 我就放车子后座
  [09:59.04]Rodeo can get ’em. 牛仔小子可以去搬
  [11:03.12]L.D., I can Already see who little Bobby looks like. 老爸 我看得出小巴比长的像谁
  [11:06.48]Good job, little girl. 好女儿
  [11:07.72]He’s the spittin’ image of his grandpa. 他长的真像他爷爷
  [11:12.36]Isn’t he just the spittin’ image of his grandpa? 他长的真像他爷爷,不是吗?
  [11:18.00](Lureen) Look at those eyes. 看看那对眼睛
  [11:47.68]Hey. 嗨
  [11:51.32](Ennis) Hey, honey. 老婆
  [11:56.48]Hey, Ennis, you know somebody, name of Jack? 艾尼斯 你认识一个叫杰克的?
  [12:02.80]Maybe. Why? 也许吧,怎么了?
  [12:06.84]’Cause you got a postcard. It come generAl delivery. 你有张明信片
  [12:19.04]Is he somebody you cowboyed with, or what? 他是你同事,还是什么的?
  [12:24.88]No, Jack, he rodeos, mostly. 不,杰克,他是玩牛仔竞技的
  [12:28.48]We was fishin’ buddies 12. 我们以前是钓鱼的伙伴
  [13:10.32](Alma) You can color that one, too. 你也可以帮那个着色
  [13:13.24](Alma Jr.) I’ll color the beach. 我来给海滩着色
  [13:19.56]Maybe we could get a baby-sitter.  也许我们可以请个保姆
  [13:23.44]Huh? 什么?
  [13:26.76]Take your friend to the Knife and Fork? 带你朋友上馆子?
  [13:29.12]No, Jack ain’t the restaurant type. 杰克不爱上馆子 我们只会出去

  • I am looking for the headphone jack.我正在找寻头戴式耳机插孔。
  • He lifted the car with a jack to change the flat tyre.他用千斤顶把车顶起来换下瘪轮胎。
  • The alcoholic strength of brandy far exceeds that of wine.白兰地的酒精浓度远远超过葡萄酒。
  • Alcoholic drinks act as a poison to a child.酒精饮料对小孩犹如毒药。
  • The cow slinked its calf.那头母牛早产了一头小牛犊。
  • The calf blared for its mother.牛犊哞哞地高声叫喊找妈妈。
  • Why can't they leave my pussy alone?为什么他们就不能离我小猫咪远一点?
  • The baby was playing with his pussy.孩子正和他的猫嬉戏。
  • Suddenly he heard the quick,short click of a horse's hoof behind him.突然间,他听见背后响起一阵急骤的马蹄的得得声。
  • I was kicked by a hoof.我被一只蹄子踢到了。
增强( swell的过去式和过去分词 ); 肿胀; (使)凸出; 充满(激情)
  • The infection swelled his hand. 由于感染,他的手肿了起来。
  • After the heavy rain the river swelled. 大雨过后,河水猛涨。
  • His speech was full of patriotic sentiments.他的演说充满了爱国之情。
  • The old man is a patriotic overseas Chinese.这位老人是一位爱国华侨。
  • Refill and clean all salt and peppers, sugar bowls, and other condiments. 清洁并续满所有的胡椒瓶、盐瓶、糖缸及其他调料。
  • Go easy on condiments, they tend to be salty. 别放太多调味品,这样往往会太咸。
  • The aisle was crammed with people.过道上挤满了人。
  • The girl ushered me along the aisle to my seat.引座小姐带领我沿着通道到我的座位上去。
  • He went to work on a ranch.他去一个大农场干活。
  • The ranch is in the middle of a large plateau.该牧场位于一个辽阔高原的中部。
  • This gave them a decided advantage over their opponents.这使他们比对手具有明显的优势。
  • There is a decided difference between British and Chinese way of greeting.英国人和中国人打招呼的方式有很明显的区别。
n.密友( buddy的名词复数 );同伴;弟兄;(用于称呼男子,常带怒气)家伙v.(如密友、战友、伙伴、弟兄般)交往( buddy的第三人称单数 );做朋友;亲近(…);伴护艾滋病人
  • We became great buddies. 我们成了非常好的朋友。 来自辞典例句
  • The two of them have become great buddies. 他们俩成了要好的朋友。 来自辞典例句
after brightening
AM (associative memory)
amplifier card connector
anti-strange quark
assignment edge
back onto sth
bake blind
celadon flak
character locator
charcoal iron
color coordinated
criterion value
crossapol b.
currency linked bond
development by hand
doing by
electrical isolation fibre
electronic disk
extruder die
frequency discrimianator
gate road
general utility function
gibrat's distribution
Headphone Zombie
lake lemen
Lffler's bacillus
make a long harvest for a little corn
maneuver enhancement mode
midcycle data updating
minor elements
moisture air method
molasses silage
Moore chain
null depth of difference beam
one-one correspondence
pin jointed members
polyvinyl chloride foam
precocious division
reentry phenomenon
Remission Thursday
rheodynamic lubrication
rotating rocket testing
Rules for Passenger Quotas and Accommodations of Sea-going Ships
satellite-to-fixed-station link
Seine, B.de la
Sila Greca
social stereotype
standard urea clearance
stationary transmission capacity
sublingual veins
subscapular nerves
Thomson Holidays
tunnel crack
uneven color
vertical web
weak brine
Zr cladding pinhole formation temperature