时间:2018-12-07 作者:英语课 分类:听电影学英语-爱情盛宴


  [00:02.04]as a gift. Maybe for her birthday. 作为礼物,也许生日礼物

[00:08.88]In fact, I know it. What do you think? 事实上,我知道了,你怎样看?

[00:12.40]- I think I'd proceed with caution. - No, you don't understand. We need a dog. - 我觉得要慎重 - 不,你不了解,我们需要一只狗

[00:14.56]I have been telling her we should have a baby. 我已经跟她说过,我们该养只狗

[00:17.88]She's the one who keeps saying she's not ready. 她总是在说她还没有心理准备

[00:19.40]Bradley, if you get the dog, 布拉德利,如果你养那只狗

[00:25.88]you're telling her that you know her better than she knows herself. 你是在说你了解她胜于她了解她自己

[00:27.04]So? 怎样?

[00:30.20]So, you better be right. 那你最好没判断错

[00:39.72]BRADLEY: You know what I feel like doing? I feel like just driving over there 你知道我现在想做什么?就是开车过去

[00:41.88]and grabbing the little guy before somebody else gets him. 趁还没有被人领走,赶紧把那小家伙要了

[00:45.88]So just do it, though, you know? Go for it. 想干就干呗,去领养他吧

[00:47.04]You only live once. 你只活一次

[00:48.56]Yeah? You think? 你真的这么认为?

[00:50.40]Probably. 也许

[00:50.72]Harry? 哈里?

[00:51.88]Why are you asking me, Bradley? Your mind's made up. 你还问我干嘛?你已经决定了

[00:56.40]Well, not entirely 1. 呃,也不完全

[01:00.04]- Hey, you need anybody to work here? - Yes! Yeah. - 嘿,你们这需要请人么? - 对,是的

[01:05.56]I mean, if that's all right with you. 如果你想的话

[01:10.20]You have any experience with this kind of work? 你有没有工作经验?

[01:10.72]You... 你…

[01:15.04]- Do you like coffee? - Not much. - 你喜欢咖啡吗? - 不太喜欢

[01:15.20]- No. - OSCAR: Neither did I when I started. - 没有 - 我刚开始的时候也没有

[01:19.40]OSCAR: She'll learn to love it. 她会慢慢喜欢上的

[01:21.72]But why here? 但为什么选这里?

[01:24.72]I don't know. 我不知道

[01:26.20]I just kind of felt a harmonic convergence in this place. 我在这感到一种和谐的感觉

[01:27.56]She's right, you know? I felt the same kind of thing. 你知道吗?她是对的,我也有同样的感觉

[01:32.88]Ah. 啊

[01:34.40]HARRY: Bradley. 布拉德利

[01:38.88]I think you'd better hire the girl or you're going to lose Oscar. 我想你最好雇用这女孩 否则你会失去奥斯卡的

[01:42.20]you're never gonna make it to the Humane 2 Society in time to get the dog. 你就没办法及时赶到 “人类社会”去领养那狗

[01:43.40]And if you lose Oscar, 如果你没有了奥斯卡

[01:45.04]Good point. You're hired. 你说得对,你被雇用了

[01:50.40]Man the fort. Keys! 看好店,钥匙!

[01:50.72]Thank you. 谢谢


[02:01.20]Hello? 你好?

[02:05.72]Hi. 嗨

[02:06.20]HARRY. ; Sometimes you don't know you've crossed a line 有时候你不知道你已经越了线

[02:09.72]until you're already on the other side. 直到你已经到了另外一边

[02:12.40]- Hey. - Hi. - 嘿 - 嗨

[02:13.56]Thanks. 谢谢

[02:14.72]HARRY. ; Of course, by then it's too late. 当然,已经为时已晚

[02:17.88]- You good? - Yeah. - 你没事吧? - 没事

[02:19.04]All right. 好了

[02:29.40]Don't be nervous, okay? 别紧张,好吧?

[02:31.72]Who says I'm nervous? 谁说我紧张了?

[02:34.04]It must be pretty weird 3 to be married and straight, 结了婚,又不是同性恋

[02:36.20]and suddenly you're thinking about a woman. 却突然间在想着一个女人 那感觉肯定怪怪的

[02:40.56]Yeah, well. 呃,对

[02:44.72]- Who said anything about... - It's right there. It's in your eyes. - 谁说关于… - 你的眼睛出卖了你

[02:49.40]Big, beautiful, hazel eyes. 淡褐色的漂亮大眼睛

[02:52.04]Oh, man, we're going to have adventures, you and me. 噢,我们要去找些刺激,就你和我

[02:54.40]It's going to be, like, Kathryn and Jenny. 凯瑟琳和詹妮

[02:58.04]Jenny and Kathryn. 詹妮和凯瑟琳

[03:13.56]- Name? - Chloe. - 叫什么? - 克洛伊

[03:16.40]- Barlow. - "Chloe"? - 巴洛 - “克洛伊”?

[03:20.20]It used to be plain old Chloe, but I customized it. 通常是念作平声,但我来点个性化的

[03:23.04]- Really? - Yeah. - 真的吗? - 真的

[03:25.40]Well, you know, Chloe... 那么,克洛伊…

[03:27.04]You're really pretty. Has anybody ever told you that? 你很迷人,以前有没有人告诉过你?

[03:32.72]I think I scare guys off because I'm so intense. 我想我把男孩子都吓跑了 因为我太投入了

[03:38.40]Well, you don't have to worry about me in that department. 关于那方面你不用担心我

[03:43.20]- Really? - Really. - 真的吗? - 真的

[03:44.72]Uh-huh? 啊哈?

[03:47.88]That's the second time this week. 那是本周第二次了

[03:50.20]Yeah, what are the odds 4?

[03:51.04](CHUCKLING) 对,不知成功率多大?

[03:54.20]Not two women again? 不会又是两个女人吧?

[03:56.20]No, more conventional this time. 不是,这次更传统

[03:57.04]Classical, in fact, like Romeo and Juliet. 事实上是经典的,就像罗密欧与朱丽叶

[04:00.20]They laid eyes on each other and their fates were sealed. 他们目光对视那霎间 他们的命运也注定了

[04:06.40]Life will never be the same for either one of them again. 他们俩的生活不可能再保持不变了

[04:07.72]Now, don't you go falling in love at first sight. 现在你不会一见钟情了吗?

[04:13.88]Too late, my dear. I already did. 亲爱的,太晚了,我已经做过了

[04:16.88]Did you talk to the dean today? 你跟教务长谈过了吗?

[04:24.04]If you're going to go back to teaching next semester, 如果下个学期你想回去教学

[04:27.40]you've got to let him know. 你得告诉他

[04:28.88]Esther... 埃丝特

[04:33.20]I'm aware of that. 我知道


[04:51.88]You know how every relationship has, like, a perfect day? 你知道双方相处怎样有完美的一天吗?

[04:56.40]Yeah. 唔

[05:00.04]What do you mean? 你是指什么?

1 entirely
  • The fire was entirely caused by their neglect of duty. 那场火灾完全是由于他们失职而引起的。
  • His life was entirely given up to the educational work. 他的一生统统献给了教育工作。
2 humane
  • Is it humane to kill animals for food?宰杀牲畜来吃合乎人道吗?
  • Their aim is for a more just and humane society.他们的目标是建立一个更加公正、博爱的社会。
3 weird
  • From his weird behaviour,he seems a bit of an oddity.从他不寻常的行为看来,他好像有点怪。
  • His weird clothes really gas me.他的怪衣裳简直笑死人。
4 odds
  • The odds are 5 to 1 that she will win.她获胜的机会是五比一。
  • Do you know the odds of winning the lottery once?你知道赢得一次彩票的几率多大吗?