时间:2018-12-07 作者:英语课 分类:听电影学英语-美国颂歌


  [00:01.74](Entertainment Tonight theme music playing)

[00:05.78](Humming along)

[00:07.90](Mary Hart) Now, Entertainment Tonight 今天的娱乐节目将把你带到幕后

[00:10.30]takes you behind the scenes to discover where are they now? 去发现他们现在到底在哪里

[00:13.54]We're going to find out whatever happened to Michael Malone, 我们要找出Michael Malone到底怎么了

[00:19.34]the beefy filmmaker who's trying to get 那个健壮的导演现在居然要拍新片了

[00:21.74]a new movie off the ground, a feature. (laughs) 而且还是一部故事片

[00:24.50]After the news that his latest movie tanked... 在他新电影失败的新闻曝光后...

[00:25.66]- What?! - Who is gonna bankroll that? - 什么 - 有谁会给那种玩意提供资金呢?

[00:29.34]This past Tuesday, we finally tracked down 上个周二,我们终于找到了...

[00:31.82]Clyde the orangutan... 大猩猩Clyde...

[00:34.06](Seinfeld-like music playing)

[00:36.22](Seinfeld-like music playing)

[00:36.62]- Are you sure you have $10 million? - Absolutely. - 你们真的有一千万? - 当然

[00:39.90]Then why'd you come to me? 那你们干嘛来找我?

[00:44.38]We heard you're a big, fat liar 1. Aah! 因为我们听说你是个肥胖的大骗子

[00:45.74]Sorry. My friend is not detonating on all cylinders 2. 不好意思,我的朋友不是那个意思

[00:47.82]He meant, your movies are filled with big, fat lies. 他是指你的电影充满了谎言

[00:50.82]It's OK. They're documentaries. They don't have to be true. 但没关系,它们是纪录片 它们没有必要真实

[00:54.34]Look, I love America. 听着,我爱美国

[00:56.90]That's why it needs to be destroyed, so it'll come to its senses. 这是美国必须被毁灭的原因

[01:01.10]Right. Well, anyway, we need your help. 行,我们需要你的帮忙

[01:02.66]No matter how many people we kill, 不管我们杀多少人

[01:05.06]we cannot get rid of the Americans. 我们除不掉美国人

[01:06.54]We need a movie that shows we are winning. 我们需要一部展现我们胜利的电影

[01:09.22]Even though we're not. Aah! 尽管我们根本没有胜利

[01:11.90]It's a traditional Taliban love story. 一个传统的塔利班爱情故事

[01:11.94]Director Akbar, we already have an idea. Akbar导演,我们已经有一个主意了

[01:16.46]Boy meets girl, boy falls in love with girl, boy cuts girl's head off. 男孩遇见女孩,男孩爱上女孩 男孩把女孩的头给砍了下来

[01:18.74]What? 什么?

[01:21.18]Happy ending. He preserves his honor. 这是个幸福的结局 他保有了他的尊严和荣誉

[01:23.14]Look, guys, I'm not gonna do a movie about homicidal psychopaths 伙计,听着 我不会去拍一部讲述...

[01:28.14]who cut people's heads off. 喜欢把人脑袋砍下来的自杀性精神病人的故事

[01:28.30]I'll do it, but it's gonna be my script. 我要拍也要按照我的剧本来拍

[01:31.02]Dramatic story about how one courageous 3 man 拍一个勇敢的人打倒了整个系统

[01:32.70]took on the system and exposed America's evil. 暴露了美国所隐藏的邪恶的故事

[01:36.86]Like Hannah Montana. Wait! 像Hannah Montana一样,等等

[01:39.06]- Thank you. Oh! - (Seinfeld-like music playing) 谢谢

[01:44.14]You gonna finish that? 你要把那个吃完吗?

[01:46.58]Wait. He's going to work for terrorists? 等等,他要为恐怖分子工作?

[01:47.18]- It's looking that way, isn't it? - Doesn't that make him a terrorist? - 看起来是那样的 - 那他不就是恐怖分子了吗?

[01:53.10](Girl) No, silly. That just makes him a total idiot. 不,傻瓜,他只是变成大白痴罢了

[01:56.94](Announcer)... first- place tie.

[01:58.54](Changing channels) John F. Kennedy 第三十五任美国总统

[02:00.74](Announcer) John F. Kennedy, 35th president of the United States,

[02:02.90]cut down by an assassin's bullet. 被一个刺客的子弹所杀害

[02:04.70]The tears were not only for a president, but for what he stood for, 眼泪不只是为一个总统而流 而是为了他所坚持的理想

[02:09.38]the causes he held dear. 为了他所珍视的大业

[02:13.14](Kennedy) Let us never negotiate out of fear, 让我们不要出于恐惧而谈判

[02:15.94]- but let us never fear to negotiate. - My hero. A man of peace. - 但我们也不要恐惧谈判本身 - 我的英雄,一个爱好和平的人

[02:21.50]If only you were president now. 如果你是现在的总统就好了

[02:26.86]Wait. 等等

[02:29.54]If I were president, what? 如果我是总统,怎么了?

[02:36.02](Malone gasping)

[02:36.42]You said that I was a hero, a true peacemaker. 你说我是一个英雄 一个真正的和平缔造者

[02:42.66](Malone) You can't be here! 你不可能在这里!

[02:45.66]You're dead! 你已经死了

[02:46.22]- You must redeem 4 yourself. - How'd you do that? - 你必须解救你自己 - 你是怎么做到的?

[02:50.34]This is the greatest country in history, 这是有史以来最伟大的国家

[02:51.62]and you have slandered 5 it all over the globe. 而你却在全世界人民面前中伤毁谤她

[02:55.78]I was tryin' to be like you. You wouldn't have gone into Vietnam. 我只是想像你一样 你肯定不会去越南参战

[03:00.26]- Who told you that? - Oliver Stone. In his movie. - 谁告诉你的? - Oliver Stone,他的电影里说的

[03:01.94]Oh, brother! Did you ever read my inaugural 6 address? 老兄,你有没有读我的就职演说?

[03:05.34]Of course! "Ask not what your country can do for you. 当然 “不要问你的国家可以为你做什么?

[03:08.14]Ask what..." Aah! 而是问...”

[03:08.58]Not that part. The part about going to war. 不是那一段 而是那段关于参战的

[03:11.98]- There was a war part? - Oh, brother. - 有那段吗? - 晕!

[03:18.74]Let every nation know, 让每个国家都知道

[03:22.94]whether they wish us well or ill, 无论他们是祝福我们还是诅咒我们

[03:24.10]that we shall pay any price, 我们都会不惜一切代价

[03:27.82]bear any burden... 承担一切责任

[03:29.82](tapping screen) 挑战一切困难,支持一切朋友

[03:31.10]Meet any hardship, support any friend,

[03:32.86]oppose any foe 7, to assure the survival 打击一切敌人,以捍卫...

[03:38.02]and the success of liberty. 自由的存在和延续

[03:38.70]Uh, thanks, folks. 谢谢

[03:43.10]Oh! I didn't know about the war part. 我原来不知道有开战的这一段

[03:44.70]What do you think that meant? Draft another 8 U.N. Resolutions? 那你觉得那是什么意思? 起草另一个联合国八大决议?

[03:48.78]You sound like Reagan. 你的口气倒是像里根

[03:51.78]Thank you. You're not gonna eat that, are you? 谢谢 你不打算吃那东西吧?

[03:52.82]OK, look, you will be visited by three spirits. 好,听着 你将会被三个灵魂拜访

[03:56.02]Listen to them. 倾听他们

[03:58.10]Learn from them. 学习他们

[03:59.38]Oh, yeah. 是啊

[04:01.30]The spirits are gonna come scare me, and I'm gonna be born again, right? 那些灵魂将来吓唬我 之后我就重生了?

[04:07.74]What a douchebag. 他真是个傻蛋

[04:11.06]Hey, wait! 嘿,等等

[04:12.46]Hey, when are these spirits gonna... Aah! 这些灵魂什么时候来啊?


[04:29.54]What a nightmare. 噩梦啊!

[04:31.10]I'm gonna be late! 完了,要迟到了

[04:34.90]Ooh! 他冲向了哥伦比亚大学

[04:36.30](Grandpa) He rushed to Columbia University

[04:36.90]to lead a demonstration 8 against the troops. 领导一个反对军人的游行示威

[04:41.18]- (girl) What's a demonstration? - Well, in this case, - 示威是什么啊? - 呃,这里是指...

[04:44.74]it's when students show how much they don't know by repeating it loudly. 学生们通过大声重复口号 来表现他们的无知

[04:48.74]结束暴力,战争不是答案 结束病痛,医药不是答案 ...

[04:50.10]Peace, yes! Recruiters, no! Peace, yes! Recruiters, no! 要和平,不征兵 要和平,不征兵

[04:55.26]Peace, yes! Recruiters, no! 要和平,不征兵

[04:56.58]Peace, yes, recruiters, no! 要和平,不征兵

[05:00.14](Malone) There is nothing more important than stopping war! 没有什么比停战更加重要了

1 liar
  • I know you for a thief and a liar!我算认识你了,一个又偷又骗的家伙!
  • She was wrongly labelled a liar.她被错误地扣上说谎者的帽子。
2 cylinders
n.圆筒( cylinder的名词复数 );圆柱;汽缸;(尤指用作容器的)圆筒状物
  • They are working on all cylinders to get the job finished. 他们正在竭尽全力争取把这工作干完。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • That jeep has four cylinders. 那辆吉普车有4个汽缸。 来自《简明英汉词典》
3 courageous
  • We all honour courageous people.我们都尊重勇敢的人。
  • He was roused to action by courageous words.豪言壮语促使他奋起行动。
4 redeem
  • He had no way to redeem his furniture out of pawn.他无法赎回典当的家具。
  • The eyes redeem the face from ugliness.这双眼睛弥补了他其貌不扬之缺陷。
5 slandered
造谣中伤( slander的过去式和过去分词 )
  • She slandered him behind his back. 她在背地里对他造谣中伤。
  • He was basely slandered by his enemies. 他受到仇敌卑鄙的诋毁。
6 inaugural
  • We listened to the President's inaugural speech on the radio yesterday.昨天我们通过无线电听了总统的就职演说。
  • Professor Pearson gave the inaugural lecture in the new lecture theatre.皮尔逊教授在新的阶梯讲堂发表了启用演说。
7 foe
  • He knew that Karl could be an implacable foe.他明白卡尔可能会成为他的死敌。
  • A friend is a friend;a foe is a foe;one must be clearly distinguished from the other.敌是敌,友是友,必须分清界限。
8 demonstration
  • His new book is a demonstration of his patriotism.他写的新书是他的爱国精神的证明。
  • He gave a demonstration of the new technique then and there.他当场表演了这种新的操作方法。
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