时间:2018-12-07 作者:英语课 分类:听电影学英语-美国颂歌


  [00:02.70]Leader, we're not strong anymore. 长官,我们不再像原来那么强了

[00:03.70]Since the Americans came, people have hope. 自从那些美国人来了之后 人民就有了希望

[00:07.58]- They are voting, woman own businesses. - Yes, it is getting harder - 人们开始投票,妇女也经商 - 是啊,现在越来越难找自杀炸弹袭击者

[00:10.78]to find suicide bombers 1, and all the good ones are gone. 因为那些优秀的自杀炸弹袭击者都已经挂了

[00:13.78]Sir, I think we might need a new recruitment video. 长官,我觉得我们需要一个 新的征兵宣传视频了

[00:16.22]Look, ours... 看,我们的视频...

[00:17.70]it looks, you know, cheap. 看起来粗制滥造



[00:27.50]Here are Ahmed and Ahman. 这两位是Ahmed和Ahman

[00:30.06]They may be brothers, but they couldn't be more different. 他们可能是兄弟俩 但他们有很大的不同

[00:33.46]Ahmed knows punctuality is important. Ahmed懂得守时的重要性

[00:35.30]He's sure to leave plenty of time to get to his bombing site. 他会确保在到达袭击地点前 留出足够的多时间

[00:38.30](Ahmed screaming, indistinct)

[00:39.90](Announcer) Ahman leaves everything to the last minute. Ahman把所有的事情留到最后一刻来做

[00:44.50](Ahman) Oh, shit! 糟糕!

[00:46.78](Announcer) Ahmed double checks the address of the site Ahmed会仔细检查炸弹袭击的地点

[00:49.14]so there are no mistakes. 所以他保证万无一失

[00:51.86]Ahman doesn't. Ahman则不会

[00:52.02]2518, 2519... 2518,2519

[00:53.34]Shit! 糟糕!

[00:54.58](Announcer) Ahmed dresses properly, Ahmed懂得穿合适的衣服

[00:57.66]wearing clothing that is loose enough to hide his explosives. 保证自己所穿的宽松衣服 可以盖住身上的炸弹

[01:02.26]Ahman dresses inappropriately. Ahman不懂得穿合适的衣服

[01:06.54]Oh. You are right. It is awful. 没错,那个视频太次了

[01:10.94]If I may suggest, sir, 我想提个建议

[01:12.02]what we need is a real Hollywood director to help us. 我们需要一个真正的好莱坞导演来帮我们

[01:16.06]But he must hate America. 但是他必须痛恨美国

[01:19.14]This won't be hard to find in Hollywood. They all hate America. 这样的导演根本不难找 那些好莱坞大导演都痛恨美国

[01:22.66]Yes, but your average, girly-man Hollywood director won't be enough. 没错,但你说的那种平常的 很娘娘腔的导演是远远不够的

[01:28.14]What we need is someone who really, really hates America. 我们需要的是一个非常非常 痛恨美国的好莱坞导演

[01:35.06](Man) Is the camera on? OK, action. Ahem. 摄像机就位了? 好,开拍!

[01:35.74]I am on the island paradise, Cuba, 我现在身处于天堂岛国-古巴

[01:37.86]where there's a hospital on every block. 在这里每一个街区都有一家医院

[01:40.42]As we can see, Cubans have the very best health care in the world. 我们可以看到 古巴人拥有世界上最好的医保系统

[01:45.58]Not like America, where it can kill you. 不像在美国,医保系统 可以要了你的命

[01:48.22]I've got two Americans here, Bob and Joan Friedman, 我在这里找到了两个美国人 Bob和Joan Friedman

[01:50.58]injured during Hurricane Katrina, caused by you know who. 他们在由“神秘人”引起的 卡特里娜飓风中受了伤

[01:54.26]But haven't been able to get an American doctor 但直到现在他们都没法找到一个美国医生 到他们的Shaker Heights封闭社区上门治疗

[01:55.26]to pay a house call to their gated community in Shaker Heights.

[01:59.50]- (Man) Another mojito! - Why? Because we're spending money - 再来一杯mojito!(古巴鸡尾酒) - 为什么?因为我们把经费花在...

[02:03.30]on military buildup for this phony war on terror. 这个虚假反恐战争的巨大军费上

[02:05.38]Doctor, we just want the same care you give your own people. 医生,我们只想要和你们人民一样的医疗保健

[02:08.98]Oh, oh! Comrades! 喔,同志们

[02:10.38]- (Man) End of the line, gringo! - (Man 2) No skipping! - 美国佬,排到队尾去! - 不准插队!

[02:12.74]Cuba is famous for its free prescription 2 drug plan. 古巴因为她为病人提供的 免费药物而闻名世界

[02:16.50]- Take these. - OK. - 拿着 - 好

[02:17.54]What do you have for me? 你能给我开什么药?

[02:19.62]- Sí, se? Or. Take two. - (Exhaling) Huh? - 你拿两个 - 哈!

[02:20.02]These are breath mints. 这是薄荷糖啊!

[02:25.86]OK, pal 3, there ya go. 嘿,兄弟,拿着

[02:27.74]Free. That'll make you feel better. 免费哦,它能让你感觉好些

[02:30.14]- There you go. - Huh? - 拿着 - 啊?

[02:30.54]Free. You know, in America, that'd cost an arm and a leg. 免费,在美国这些药钱 会使你缺胳膊少腿(俚:花费巨大)

[02:33.54]- Aw, jeez. Dude. - Sorry. - 天啊 - 抱歉

[02:37.22]That's OK, Paco, you'll be back on your feet in no time. 别担心,你很快就能重新站起来的

[02:38.90]- Cuba. More... - Ready... - 古巴,不只是 - 准备

[02:41.66]- than the jewel... - Aim... - 加勒比海的... - 瞄准

[02:41.98]- A country that cares for its citizens. - (Woman) Finally, we can move up! - 一个真正关心自己的人民的国家 - 这终于队伍可以往前挪了

[02:43.18]- of the Caribbean. - Fire! - 一串明珠 - 开火

[02:46.74]God! This is paradise! 这里简直就是天堂

[02:47.42]I gotta get back, but I can be assured that my American friends 我要回去了 但我可以保证我的美国朋友们...

[02:52.58]are in good hands in the Cuban health care system. 能在古巴的医保系统下得到照顾

[02:55.70](Malone on bullhorn) It's time for me to leave 我该离开了

[02:55.90]and say goodbye to all my little brown friends. 我要向我所有的古巴朋友们道别

[03:01.06](Woman) America! 美国!

[03:01.74]And it's off to America. 我要回美国了

[03:03.02](Man) He's going to America! 他要去美国!

[03:04.82](People shouting)

[03:05.46](Man 2) He said America! 他说美国!

[03:08.10]- Take me! - Take me! - 带上我 - 带上我

[03:08.58]I do want to say... 我想说...

[03:12.86]Whoa! Get out! Get out! 下去!下去!

[03:15.58](Malone) So many people wanted to thank me, they rushed the boat. 有太多的人想感谢我 他们冲向我的船

[03:21.74]These people know how bad it's gotten in America. 这些人知道现在美国的国内环境很恶劣

[03:25.98]Well, I guess they wanted me to spread the word about what a paradise Cuba is. 我想他们需要我传播这样一个信息: “古巴是个人间天堂”

[03:27.78]- (Screaming) - Aah! Off my boat! 滚下我的船去!

[03:32.66]Yeah! Michael Malone导演

[03:33.94](Grandpa) He thought everybody loved his movies. 他觉得人人都很喜欢他的电影

[03:34.94]- (girl) Did they? - No! - 是吗? - 当然不是

[03:37.94]Nobody loves documentaries. But people do find them restful. 没有人喜欢纪录片 但大家觉得纪录片是个休息的好时机



[03:45.38]Thank you! 谢谢

[03:47.18]Thank you for that great New York reception. 感谢热情的纽约观众

[03:48.54]But as important as this movie is, 但和这电影一样重要的是...

[03:51.74]even more important is the largest peace demonstration 4 甚至更重要的是一场有史以来...

[03:55.22]the world has ever known. 最大规模的和平示威

[03:56.30]This Sunday, we're gonna abolish July 4th. 本周日 我们将要废除独立日

[04:01.18](Cheering) 他为什么恨独立日啊?

[04:02.70](girl) Why did he hate Fourth of July?

[04:03.78](Boy) It was America's birthday party and he wasn't invited. 因为那是美国的生日聚会 但他没有被邀请参加


[04:09.82]We're sending packages to soldiers for the Fourth of July. 我们要在独立日给 海外的大兵们寄包裹

[04:13.62]They're far from their home, away from their families. 他们远离故乡,远离亲人

[04:17.30]They shouldn't be. Shouldn't you be in a tent somewhere, tyin' knots? 那些大兵不应该在那些地方 你们不也该在什么帐篷里织东西吗?

[04:19.98]Oh, ho, now, this is more like it! There ya go. 这才像话 给你

[04:24.46]I'll take three chocolate mints, three fudge... 我要三个巧克力糖 三个软糖

[04:27.74]Oh, merit badges. What are those for? 哦?荣誉勋章 关于什么的?

[04:31.22]Oh. Well, this is for making a safety display. 这个是用来安全展示的

[04:34.50]This one's for camping, and this is a good manners badge. 这个是野营徽章 而这个是有教养徽章

[04:37.46]Oh! 哦!

[04:39.78]For being respectful to a fat, ignorant, 因为我对你这个又肥又自大

[04:43.26]traitorous sack of shit. 而且不爱国的傻X表示了尊重

[04:43.54](girl) Grandpa! 爷爷!

[04:46.30]- Grandpa! - (Boy) I heard you! - 爷爷! - 我听到了哦!

[04:46.54]Oh, what? I didn't say that. 什么?我可没说哦

[04:50.90]I said, uh... 我说的是

[04:52.42]Fat, ignorant, America-hating traitor 5. 又肥又自大,而且恨美国的叛徒

[04:54.50]- You did say that. - No, I didn't. - 你确实说了啊 - 我可没说

[04:56.78](Malone) Ha ha! The spirit is back. 哈哈,这种精神回来啦

[04:59.06]We are on a roll, people. This rally will be historic. 我们正在向成功迈进中 这次游行将会是历史性的!

1 bombers
n.轰炸机( bomber的名词复数 );投弹手;安非他明胶囊;大麻叶香烟
  • Enemy bombers carried out a blitz on the city. 敌军轰炸机对这座城市进行了突袭。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • The Royal Airforce sill remained dangerously short of bombers. 英国皇家空军仍未脱离极为缺乏轰炸机的危境。 来自《简明英汉词典》
2 prescription
  • The physician made a prescription against sea- sickness for him.医生给他开了个治晕船的药方。
  • The drug is available on prescription only.这种药只能凭处方购买。
3 pal
  • He is a pal of mine.他是我的一个朋友。
  • Listen,pal,I don't want you talking to my sister any more.听着,小子,我不让你再和我妹妹说话了。
4 demonstration
  • His new book is a demonstration of his patriotism.他写的新书是他的爱国精神的证明。
  • He gave a demonstration of the new technique then and there.他当场表演了这种新的操作方法。
5 traitor
  • The traitor was finally found out and put in prison.那个卖国贼终于被人发现并被监禁了起来。
  • He was sold out by a traitor and arrested.他被叛徒出卖而被捕了。
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crural septum
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genus thysanocarpuss
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note of allowance
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out gate
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Profit Table
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venae tympanicae
zone of welding current