时间:2018-12-07 作者:英语课 分类:听电影学英语-美国颂歌


  [00:04.34]No more wars! No more wars! 停仗!停仗!

[00:05.74]Because instead of fighting, we should talk to our enemies! 因为我们应该和我们的敌人谈判 而不是和他们作战

[00:08.46]Talk, don't fight! Talk, don't fight! 要和谈,不开战 要和谈,不开战

[00:10.30]Right! Right! Don't believe the government lies! 对,对,别相信政府的谎言

[00:17.02]Don't believe lies! Don't believe lies! 不信谎言!不信谎言!

[00:18.14]Good... good. That's good chanting. Good. 好,好 口号很好

[00:22.50]There is no terrorist threat! The government just wants to... 根本没有恐怖威胁 政府只是想要...

[00:26.22]The government just wants! The government just wants! 政府想要 政府想要

[00:28.06]That doesn't make any sense. Please hang on a second. Please, OK? 根本没道理 大家先等一等

[00:31.38](Chanting stops) 政府只是因为其穷凶极恶的原因

[00:33.34]The government is exaggerating the terrorist threat

[00:35.30]for its own nefarious 1 purposes! 而夸大了恐怖威胁的程度

[00:36.74]What does nefarious mean? What does nefarious mean? 穷凶极恶指什么? 穷凶极恶指什么?

[00:42.58]Well, you know, it means... just hang on a second. 呃,指的是... 等一等

[00:44.70]Can we just stop chanting, please? 请大家别喊口号了,好不好?

[00:47.18]- Stop, don't chant! Stop, don't... - Will you shut up?! - 不喊口号!不喊口号! - 住嘴!

[00:51.02]Just shut up for a second! 住嘴一会儿!

[00:53.82]OK, uh... can we just try to listen for a minute 我们能不能不喊口号

[00:58.02]without the chanting? 而是认真的倾听一会儿?

[01:01.18]OK, we have to stop... 我们要阻止...


[01:05.66]- (Shouting) - Whoa!


[01:17.58]That got a little wild. 刚才太疯狂了

[01:17.70]Ooh, thanks a lot. 谢了

[01:23.14]Hey, who are you? Army recruitin' senior citizens? 你是谁? 军队征兵开始征召老年人了?

[01:27.30]Aah! Hey!

[01:27.42]That's "Hey, sir", maggot. I am General George S. Patton. 应该喊我长官,小子 我是Patton将军

[01:33.90]That explains the slapping. 这就解释了那个耳光

[01:34.70]You're General George Patton, from the movie? 你是电影里的那个Patton将军?

[01:36.66]No. From the United States Army, back when this country was winning wars. 不,我是那个美国还在打胜仗时的 美国陆军里面的Patton将军

[01:42.30]Oh, my God, JFK. 天,肯尼迪总统说...

[01:45.58]"You will be visited by three..." Aah! Hey! What's with all the slapping? “你会被三个鬼魂拜访” 你干嘛又抽我?

[01:50.06]It's my trademark 2. 那是我的招牌动作

[01:54.06]Well, maybe you ought to try a baseball cap. 也许你应该戴一顶棒球帽子

[01:57.34](Protesters) No more war! 不要战争

[01:57.74]No more war! 不要战争

[02:00.90]- Hey, where am I? - No more war! - 我在哪? - 不要战争

[02:01.42]No more war! 不要战争

[02:02.98]We pledge ourselves! 我们庄严宣誓...


[02:11.26]Right on, sister. 姐们,做得好

[02:13.54]- So, what's goin' on here? - Damn peace demonstration 3. - 这里到底是在搞什么? - 混蛋的和平示威

[02:15.14]Just like yours, only this is 1940. They don't want us to fight Hitler. 和你们年代差不多,但这是四十年代 他们反对我们和希特勒开战

[02:20.98]- So they can't see us. - Right. - 所以他们看不见我咯? - 没错

[02:23.06]Hmm. Aah!

[02:23.30]This is gonna be harder than I thought. 我觉得她应该打得更重些

[02:25.74]I'm startin' to notice a pattern here. 我都意识到这里有一定的模式了

[02:28.54]- Anyway, this never happened! - This absolutely happened. - 但这些没发生过啊 - 这当然发生过

[02:33.14]Well, they're pacifists. They understand war doesn't solve problems. 他们是和平主义者,他们知道 战争不可能解决任何问题

[02:35.38]The only way is to sign agreements like civilized 4 people, 唯一有用的方法 是像文明人一样签署和平协议...

[02:39.18]- not like sadistic 5 movie generals. - That general you saw was an actor! - 不像电影中那个暴虐将军 - 你看到的只是个演员

[02:43.06]I'll show you what the real Patton was up against! 我会让你看到真正的Patton将军是怎样的

[02:48.54]OK, where are we now? Who's the guy dressed as a butler? 我们现在在哪啊? 那个人怎么穿的像个男管家?

[02:52.34]Germany, September, 1938. 1938年9月,德国

[02:54.62]That's Neville Chamberlain, weak-assed prime minister of England. 那是Neville Chamberlain 英国的软蛋首相

[02:57.30]Shh. He's gettin' a signed agreement. 嘘,他要签协议了

[02:59.78](Chamberlain) Right. This gives you all the Sudetenland, 行,全部捷克南部的土地割让给你了

[03:04.26]Austria, and a couple countries I can't pronounce. 还有奥地利 还有我都读不出名字的国家

[03:07.14]And we'll throw in Czechoslovakia. 我们还要加上斯洛伐克

[03:09.02]So that's C A, no. T... Oh! 怎么拼写来着?C A,不,T

[03:13.78]Let's make it Poland. 再加上波兰

[03:13.90]The important thing is we now have hope. 重要的是我们现在有希望了

[03:16.38]See? He stands for what's important. 看到没?他捍卫了更重要的东西

[03:18.86]Does that look like standing 6 to you? 你觉得那是捍卫吗?

[03:22.70]- There. How's that? - You missed a spot. - 擦得如何? - 漏了一块

[03:25.70](Patton) Hey! Don't you see these guys are playin' you for a fool? 你没看见这些人把你当傻子耍吗?

[03:29.50]- War is not the answer. - (Patton) You wimpy 7 little bastard 8!

[03:31.10](Whistling) - 战争不是答案 - 你这个软蛋

[03:35.46]You're givin' this Nazi 9 everything and gettin' nothin' in return! 你把一切都给了纳粹 而什么也没有换回来

[03:37.94]Not nothing. We get peace. 我们至少换回来了和平

[03:38.82]? Kumbaya, my lord ∮ Kumbaya, my lord ∮

[03:43.58]- ? Kumbaya - And a damn fine cup of tea. - ∮ Kumbaya ∮ - 大爷,喝杯茶

[03:47.70]Und we'll name a concentration camp after you. 我们会以你的名字命名一座集中营

[03:50.18]Think of it... Camp Auschwitz Chamberlain. 想想看,Auschwitz Chamberlain集中营

[03:53.34]Lovely. 太好了

[03:54.62]Hang on. I'm good at this. 等等,我对这个很擅长的

[03:57.62]Mr. Herr President, 总统先生

[03:59.78]obviously America's done something wrong to make you 显然美国对你们做了一些错事

[04:03.70]want to invade these countries and kill innocent people. 以致你想侵略邻国并滥杀无辜

[04:04.86]- I'm just as frustrated 10 as you. - Excuse me, Fuhrer... - 我也和你一样无奈 - 打扰一下

[04:08.46]- ? You're a grand old flag... - May I have a word? - ∮You're a grand old flag... - 我能和你说几句不?

[04:11.66]Hang on. America keeps doing things to piss off the rest of the world. 等等,美国一直在做惹怒全世界的事情

[04:15.42]We bring it on ourselves. 这是我们自找的

[04:17.90]What do we do to address your understandable grievances 11? 我们怎样做 才能缓解你们的无可理喻的伤悲呢?

[04:19.10]How about carbon emission 12 credits? 一些二氧化碳排放配额怎么样?

[04:20.98]That'll offset 13 your need to invade France... 这样你就用不着侵略法国了

[04:24.58](Soldiers) I don't know, but I been told,

[04:25.14]Aah! 虽然我不懂,但我被告知

[04:27.14]kill some Jews and take their gold. 杀些犹太人,抢光其珠宝

[04:29.14]Third floor. Right. Sorry. 三层楼,抱歉

[04:33.30]They really should add flying to the things we can do. 他们确该给我们可做的事情添些选项

[04:36.86]My point is talking to evil dictators gets you nothing. 我想说的是和邪恶独裁者谈判 对我们没有任何好处

[04:40.58]You know one thing they understand? 你知道他们唯一理解的一件事吗?

[04:42.62]I'm guessing some sort of physical violence. 大概是暴力吧

[04:46.86]- Strength. That's the only thing. - Right. I'll remember that. - 力量,那才是唯一的一件事 - 哦,我记住了

[04:53.30]Well, I'd kill to do a feature. Now, can we please just go home? 我宁可去死也想拍一部正剧 我们可以回去了吗?

[04:56.90]Sure thing. Right home. Cigar? 好,马上 雪茄?

[04:59.18]And support the imperialist big business tobacco lobby? Never. 支持那些帝国主义大烟草公司吗? 门都没有!

1 nefarious
  • My father believes you all have a nefarious purpose here.我父亲认为你们都有邪恶的目的。
  • He was universally feared because of his many nefarious deeds.因为他干了许多罪恶的勾当,所以人人都惧怕他。
2 trademark
  • The trademark is registered on the book of the Patent Office.该商标已在专利局登记注册。
  • The trademark of the pen was changed.这钢笔的商标改了。
3 demonstration
  • His new book is a demonstration of his patriotism.他写的新书是他的爱国精神的证明。
  • He gave a demonstration of the new technique then and there.他当场表演了这种新的操作方法。
4 civilized
  • Racism is abhorrent to a civilized society. 文明社会憎恶种族主义。
  • rising crime in our so-called civilized societies 在我们所谓文明社会中日益增多的犯罪行为
5 sadistic
  • There was a sadistic streak in him.他有虐待狂的倾向。
  • The prisoners rioted against mistreatment by sadistic guards.囚犯因不堪忍受狱警施虐而发动了暴乱。
6 standing
  • After the earthquake only a few houses were left standing.地震过后只有几幢房屋还立着。
  • They're standing out against any change in the law.他们坚决反对对法律做任何修改。
7 wimpy
  • I'd rather have a wimpy kid than a dead one, you know? 你知道么?我宁可要一个懦弱的孩子,也不想要一个死的。 来自互联网
  • I hate wimpy drinker. 我讨厌酒量差的人。 来自互联网
8 bastard
  • He was never concerned about being born a bastard.他从不介意自己是私生子。
  • There was supposed to be no way to get at the bastard.据说没有办法买通那个混蛋。
9 Nazi
  • They declare the Nazi regime overthrown and sue for peace.他们宣布纳粹政权已被推翻,并出面求和。
  • Nazi closes those war criminals inside their concentration camp.纳粹把那些战犯关在他们的集中营里。
10 frustrated
adj.挫败的,失意的,泄气的v.使不成功( frustrate的过去式和过去分词 );挫败;使受挫折;令人沮丧
  • It's very easy to get frustrated in this job. 这个工作很容易令人懊恼。
  • The bad weather frustrated all our hopes of going out. 恶劣的天气破坏了我们出行的愿望。 来自《简明英汉词典》
11 grievances
n.委屈( grievance的名词复数 );苦衷;不满;牢骚
  • The trade union leader spoke about the grievances of the workers. 工会领袖述说工人们的苦情。 来自《现代英汉综合大词典》
  • He gave air to his grievances. 他申诉了他的冤情。 来自《简明英汉词典》
12 emission
  • Rigorous measures will be taken to reduce the total pollutant emission.采取严格有力措施,降低污染物排放总量。
  • Finally,the way to effectively control particulate emission is pointed out.最后,指出有效降低颗粒排放的方向。
13 offset
  • Their wage increases would be offset by higher prices.他们增加的工资会被物价上涨所抵消。
  • He put up his prices to offset the increased cost of materials.他提高了售价以补偿材料成本的增加。
adjustable resistivity
alkalescens Shigella
antidromic cortical response
apex auriculae
brown v board of education
business affair
calibrated feeder
Caspian terns
castration ceIls
chinaberry trees
closed cycle control system
compact tissue
conditional control sequence interruption
cooling-power anemometer
currency basket
debt market
degradation of aldose
diural tail fin
effect of salvage
emergency rail stored along the way
environment issue
Facebook her
fairy cycle
file unsafe logic
fixed target track
full-revolution dumper
Heinz granules
Huey test
human capital flow
imperial palace
inferior nasal venule of retina
intermediate slit
invisible hyphen
la roca
Lighthouse Reef
magic line
max rotating angle of pitman arm shaft
medium-basic eruptive
miscible fluid drive
Modify key
optical characters
payment refused
peripheral control unit
phono plug
physical drill
plicarcularia graniferus
quantitative directives
rubber sandwich spring
scanning sequence
sequencer register
ship-control line
substitution therapy
test sprue
to the core
Toba Inlet
tree sparrow
ultrasonic quantity
wall chart
weakly acidic ion exchanger
whip operating lever pin