音标:[θiŋk] ; 柯林斯词典等级:5 级; 牛津三千核心词汇;
vt. 想, 考虑, 想起, 想像, 打算, 认为
vi. 思考, 料想
n. 想法
a. 思想的
n. an instance of deliberate thinking
v. judge or regard; look upon; judge
v. expect, believe, or suppose
v. use or exercise the mind or one's power of reason in order to make inferences, decisions, or arrive at a solution or judgments
词型变化:过去式 : thought ; 过去分词 : thought ; 现在分词 : thinking ; 第三人称单数 : thinks ; 名词复数形式 : thinks



  1. I think you are very brave.我认为你非常勇敢。
  2. Women used to think they were on the shelf at 30.过去女人一到30岁就认为是过了结婚年龄。
  3. If you want to make money you've got to think money.你要是想赚钱,脑子里就得想著钱。
  4. He was trying to think what to do.他在努力想办法。
  5. I always think about her when it snows.每当下雪的时候,我总是想起她。
  6. He was almost too sleepy to think any more.可是他太困了,再想不起什么了。
  7. I was just thinking what a long way it is.我刚才在琢磨路途太远了。
  1. I will have a think and let you know tomorrow.我要好好想一想,明天告诉你。


  1. Give me time to think.请给我时间让我想一想。
  2. Let me think a moment.让我想一想。
  3. Think today and speak tomorrow.三思而后行。
  4. Do as you think best.你认为怎么好就怎么办。
  5. She seems to think otherwise.她好像不这样认为。
  6. The plan may prove better than you think.这个计划可能比你料想的要好。
用作及物动词S+~+ n./pron.
  1. They thought one thought.他们想法一致。
  2. Think happy thoughts and you'll feel better.想一些令人高兴的事情你就会觉得好一些。
  3. They ought to be encouraged to think their own thoughts.应该鼓励他们独立思考。
  4. What makes you think that?你怎么想到那个?
  5. Who'd have thought such a thing?谁能料到有这样的事呢?
  6. If you want to make money you've got to think money.如果你想赚钱,脑子里就得想钱。
S+~+to- v
  1. I didn't think to look in the directory for his address.我当时没有想到可以在电话簿里查出他的地址。
  2. I didn't think to ask him what to buy.我没想起问一问他要买什么。
  3. Did you think to ask how his father was?你有没有记得问他父亲好?
  4. Do you think to deceive me?你想要骗我吗?
  5. They thought to influence the voters.他们打算对选民施加影响。
  6. He thought to escape punishment.他企图逃避惩罚。
  7. When I thought to return, it was too late.当我想要回来时,已经太晚了。
  8. At first they thought to tell her, then they changed their mind.他们原打算告诉她,可后来改变了主意。
S+~+wh-to- v
  1. I must think how to open it.我得想一想怎样才能打开它。
  2. I must think what to do.我得考虑一下该做些什么。
  3. Everybody spent a lot of time thinking what presents to give to relatives.大家都花了很长时间考虑该给亲人们送些什么礼物。
  4. They couldn't think where to go.他们想不出该去哪儿。
  1. I think that I will leave here tomorrow.我打算明天离开这里。
  2. I think that you know her.我想你认识她。
  3. He thought that it was a good idea.他觉得这是个好主意。
  4. I think that I'll be able to leave the hospital in a few days.我想再过几天我就可以出院了。
  5. I think that you're very brave.我认为你很勇敢。
  6. I think that he is honest.我相信他是诚实的。
  7. I don't think that he is fifty years old yet.我认为他还不到50岁。
  8. I don't think that he will fail in the examination.我想他考试会及格的。
  9. I think that he will come, won't he?我想他会来的,不是吗?
  10. Who would have thought that she'd end up as prime minister?谁会想到她最后竟然当上了首相。
  1. She was thinking how cold the room was.她在想那间屋子可真够冷的。
  2. She was thinking how strange the children were.她在想,那些孩子可真怪。
  3. I was just thinking what a long way it was.我刚才还在琢磨着这条路多长啊。
  4. I cannot think how I came to do it.我想不到我怎么会干起这样的事来。
  5. I couldn't think where she'd gone.我想象不出来她到哪里去了。
  6. I can't think what his name is.我想不起来他叫什么名字。
  7. I cannot think where I put it.我记不得我把它放在哪儿了。
  8. I cannot think why you did it!我不能理解你为何要干那样的事!
  1. I can hardly think so.我不以为这样。
  2. “You will go swimming tomorrow, will you?”“No,I don't think so.”“你明天游泳去吗?”“不,我没有这个打算。”
  3. “Do you think it will rain?”“No,I think not.”“你看会下雨吗?”“我看不会。”
  1. “If I could pick up a hare every day, wouldn't it be better than farming?” he thought.他想,“如果我每天都能拣到一只兔子,那岂不比种庄稼更好?”
用作宾补动词S+~+ n./pron. +(to be) n./adj./v -ed
  1. We think him an honest boy.我们认为他是个诚实的孩子。
  2. I thought your idea a good one, so I adopted it.我认为你的意见很好,所以就采用了。
  3. We think her to be clever.我们认为她聪明。
  4. We all thought him to be insane.我们都认为他疯了。
  5. I thought success to be difficult.我想要成功很难。
  6. I think him very honest.我认为他很诚实。
  7. I think myself right.我认为我自己对。
  8. He thought himself silly.他认为自己很傻。
  9. Do you think it necessary?你认为这有必要吗?
  10. I thought myself wronged somehow in the bargain.我认为自己在这场交易中有点受愚弄了。
  11. 1
  12. He was thought an outstanding doctor.他被认为是一名杰出的医生。
  13. They had been thought to be lost.人们都以为那些东西已经丢失了。
  14. The river was thought to be 3000 kilometres long.人们认为这条河有3000公里长。
S+~(+it)+ adj./n. +to- v/v -ing/that-clause
  1. Do you think it possible to finish the work this week?你认为有可能在本周内完成工作吗?
  2. We think it most dangerous for you to climb the mountain alone.我们认为你一个人爬山是极度危险的。
  3. He thought it no harm to smoke.他认为吸烟没有害处。
  4. I think it dangerous your doing so.我认为你这样做很危险。
  5. She thought it a pity having to let slip the chance.她认为让这样好的机会溜掉真是遗憾。
  6. I thought it likely that he would fail.我认为他可能要失败。
  7. The leading members of the club think fit to summon a meeting at once.俱乐部领导人认为马上召集会议是适当的。
  8. I thought fit to call our company together.我认为最好把伙计们都叫来。
  9. He didn't think good to do what I suggested.他认为实行我的建议是不适当的。
  10. I thought right to give him a box on the ear.我认为打他的耳光才好。
S+~+ n./pron. + v -ing
  1. He thought himself doing the best.他认为自己做得最好。


think about( v.+prep. )
    回想起,记起 recall; remember; take into account
think ahead
    考虑将来,想得长远 consider the future
think aloud
    自言自语 speak one's thoughts without addressing anyone
think back( v.+adv. )
    回想,回忆 recollect; recall; call to mindthink back

    Thinking back, it must have been before the war.


think of( v.+prep. )
    考虑 considerthink of sb/sth

    I know the person you mean, but I cannot think of his name.


    She is thinking of her boyfriend.


    think of sb v-ed/v-ing

    And if anything should happen to you, think of me left alone.


    I cannot think of you living alone any longer.


    think of sth/v-ing

    We are thinking of going to Spain for our holiday this year.


    I wouldn't think of allowing my children to stay out until this late hour.


    I shouldn't think of doing such a thing.


    She had thought of paying us a visit but the bad weather made her change her plans.


    think of sb/oneself as n\u002e/v-ing

    I think of him as a sad person with little success in his life.


    They all thought of her as a nice girl.


    Dick thinks of himself as a genius in literature.


    I think of her as being irresponsible.


    We think of him as representing modern writers.


    think of sb/sth

    What do you think of my new dress?


    I know that the director thinks highly of your work.


    What do you think of the government's latest action?


    He was highly thought of by his employer.


    think of sb/sth/v-ing

    I was thinking particularly of the children when I chose the house.


    When I said that,I was not thinking of her feelings.


    You're quite wrong; I was thinking of something completely different.


    He's thinking of studying abroad.


think on1( v.+adv. )
    〈非正〉记住,记得 rememberthink on

    I'll get that letter written now, while I think on.


    There's one thing you have to think on if you wish to succeed.


think on2( v.+prep. )
    往…上想 direct one's mind towards thoughts of (sth/sb)think on sth

    We should think more on moral matters than we do.


think out( v.+adv. )
    想出; 了解后果 find out by thinking; understand what would come at lastthink sth ⇔ out

    John wanted to quit school, but he thought out the matter and decided not to.


    Let's think this out together, there must be a way to solve this.


think over( v.+adv. )
    重新考虑 reconsider (sth), often with a change of opinion
think through( v.+adv. )
    思考后得出结论 think about until one reaches a conclusionthink sth through

    Now that we've thought the matter through, can we come to a decision?


think to( v.+prep. )
    〈非正〉对…持有某种看法 have an opinion about (sth/sb)think sth to sb/sth

    What do you think to this new musical band?


    I don't think much to the latest change in the tax laws.


think up( v.+adv. )
    想出; 设计出; 发明出 have a new idea of sth; devise or invent by thinkingthink sth ⇔ up

    He would have to think up some more catchy names for these designs.


To think that...
    没想到,竟然 unexpectedly


用作动词 (v.)
  • think happy thought想高兴的事
  • think strange thought想法奇怪
  • think fit认为…是合适的
  • think good认为…是好的
  • think right认为…是对的
  • think again重新考虑
  • think ahead考虑得长远
  • think aloud自言自语
  • think hard苦思
  • think twice仔细考虑
  • think abstractly抽象思考
  • think accurately准确地考虑
  • think anxiously焦急地思考
  • think calmly沉着地思考
  • think candidly公正地认为
  • think carefully仔细地考虑
  • think clearly清楚地思考
  • think connectedly联想
  • think creatively创造性地想象
  • think cunningly狡猾地认为
  • think deeply深思
  • think deliberately深思熟虑
  • think desolately绝望地认为
  • think dismally思绪忧郁
  • think diversely思绪万千
  • think fairly公正地考虑
  • think fondly天真地认为
  • think grievously痛苦地想象
  • think grimly残忍地想象
  • think habitually惯性地想象
  • think highly非常尊重
  • think idly胡思乱想
  • think incessantly不停地思考
  • think incisively深思
  • think independently独立思考
  • think instinctively出于本能地想象
  • think justly公正地考虑
  • think logically合乎逻辑地思考
  • think particularly特别想到
  • think seriously严肃地思考
  • think back回想
  • think on记住
  • think out想出
  • think over仔细考虑
  • think through经过考虑后得出结论
  • think up想出
  • think about考虑…
  • think of想起…
  • think to持有…的想法


  • Have a think about it and let me know how you feel.

    出自:N. Balchin
  • They think great thoughts.

    出自:S. Smiles

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alkaline falling film fuel cell (afffc)
backing-off cutting
be one for the books
bilateral precaution
bisync device driving routine
californium oxide
cell organ
circuit array
circuit opening contact
combination colo(u)rs
defensive system
detail plate work
elevation sensor
emotional abuse
fix-point theory
front ra.
fuel volumetric growth
fungi impertecti
gaseous diffusion process
genus boragoes
good for growing wax gourd
grid-type ion source
holding a candle to
industrial waste control
itched for
John Tenniel
light switches
limit cycles zero-input
Ma Xing Yi Gan Tang
marker pen
multi-dimensional chromatography
mycobacterium pseudotuberculosis
n-hexyl ether
nonlabeled tape
normal sand
oderint dum metuant
optimal search tree
pay one's last respects
peziza moravecii
professional image
puncta vasculosa
remotely controlled vehicles
required measure
Santa Barbara
scouring of levee or bank
serum lipase determination
sicken of
singlet linkage
specific atrial granule
spherical geometries
Squaw I.
steering booster
stress-strength ratio
sweetgum tree
take by force
tetanus immunization
Thespis divaricata
throw into the melting pot
top shot
troposphere scatter communication
twinning by pseudomerohedry
updraft and downdraft
waterfront structure
xenobiotic metabolism