单词:sociodemography 相关文章
Iraq Launches Offensive Against Islamic State WASHINGTON Iraq has launched an offensive to retake territory lost to Islamic State insurgents. Local Kurdish and Shi'ite militias have joined government forces to fight the invading radical group and the
Lesson 19, Asian Americans. In the last census conducted by the U.S. government in 1990, one fact caught manypeople by surprise: the percentage of Asian Americans had grown faster than any other segment of the population. European Americans had,
Aging in European Countries We have to realise how old, how very old, we are. Nations are classified as
AS IT IS 2016-04-08 More People Move to Houston in US 越来越多的人来到美国休斯敦 More people moved to the Houston, Texas area in one year than to any other metropolitan area in the United States. The U.S. Census Bureau recently released
By Gilbert da Costa Abjua 22 November 2006 A new crop of leaders have emerged in West Africa that is focusing on building a culture of democracy, transparency and accountability to achieve sustainable development, according to the regional group ECO
And the second is academic ability, which has really come to dominate our view of intelligence, 第二点,学术能力已经成为衡量好学生的主要标准, because the universities designed the system in their image. 这种标准是那些大学
China's family planning 中国计划生育政策 Illegal children will be confiscated 违法生育就没收孩子 The one-child policy is not just a human-rights abomination; it has also worsened a demographic problem 独生子女政策不仅在人权方
Israel and Palestine 以色列和巴勒斯坦 Take a break 僵局再起 The two-state solution is still the only one that makes sense. But it won't happen this time round 目前两国制仍是解决巴以问题的唯一方式,但这一次依然无法
Slovenia 斯洛文尼亚 Very European 浓郁的欧洲色彩 Slovenias first big crisis since independence 斯洛文尼亚独立后首遇大危机 Beautiful but angry 美丽表面蕴藏危机 Slovenes have always felt rather pleased with themselves.
population studies 人口研究 demography 人口学 demographer 人口学家 population theory 人口理论 Malthusianism 马尔萨斯主义 neo-Malthusianism 新马尔萨斯主义 overpopulation 人口
电信Telecommunications 运输系统Transportsystems 隧道Tunnels 城市供水Urbanwatersupply 公共服务Publicservices 人类住区的社会-经济方面Socio-economicaspectsofhumansettlements 生
American veterans 美国退役士兵 A hard homecoming 归途漫漫 Budget battles and a stagnant economy greet Americas soldiers as they return from Iraq and Afghanistan 美国士兵从战火纷飞的伊拉克和阿富汗回到家乡后,迎接他们
本期内容: Sleepingtoomuchortoolittlecanincreasethelikelihoodofbecomingobese,researchershavediscovered.Thestudyfoundabnormalsleepingpatternsincreasedtheriskofbeingoverweightforthosegeneticallypredisposedtoobesity.Theeffectwasseenregardlessofdiet
Domestic work in the South 美国南方的家务 The Help, updated 升级的帮佣 Maids are no longer servants 帮佣不再是仆人 UNDER segregation, black women were so rigidly excluded from good jobs that 60% of those who were employed in 1940 w
Demography 人口统计学 Hip and hobbling 时髦与蹒跚齐行 Not all towns are desperate to attract young people 并不是所有城镇都渴望吸引年轻人 Nationally, an ageing population is a problem. But locally it can be a boon. The over-
Immigration in Scotland 移民到苏格兰 Wish you were here 希望你早先就到这了 Immigration worries Scots less than other Britons, but that could change 相比英国其他地区,移民较少担心苏格兰人(排外),但这种情况可
Nevertheless North Korea is different from Vietnam in three ways that could hurt. 不过朝鲜和越南存在三方面的不同点,这或许对朝鲜而言是个打击。 In Vietnam's south, its economic heartland, collectivisation of farms and fac
High streets 商业街 Strange town 陌生的城市 Why some streets in London stay resolutely the same 为何伦敦仍执拗地保持部分街道不变样 KENTISH TOWN ROAD is a humdrum high street in north London. It contains pawnbrokers, pound sho
Race in America 美国种族问题 The fury of Ferguson 弗格森市的暴怒 Race is America's deepest problem, but multiple small changes can mitigate it 种族问题是美国最根深蒂固的问题,但各种细微的改变可以使之缓解。
A second consideration is demography. 第二个考虑是人口。 A growing population creates a natural pyramid scheme. 不断增长的人口创造出一个天然的金字塔式的骗局。 Each cohort of participants will receive the money contribu