音标:[ˈprɔmist] ;
vt.& vi. (promise的过去式或过去分词形式); 承诺; 允诺; 答应
v. 允诺( promise的过去式和过去分词 ); 答应; 有…希望; 预示
v make a promise or commitment
v promise to undertake or give
v make a prediction about; tell in advance
v give grounds for expectations




  1. Once he made a promise, he would stick to it.他一旦许下诺言,就坚守这个诺言。
  2. I have committed myself and must keep my promise.我已经作出了承诺,必须信守我的诺言。
  3. I don't trust his promise to come for a visit.我不相信他会如约前来访问。
  4. For her family, life seemed to have no promise.对她家而言,生活没有任何希望。
  1. I promise never to reveal his secret.我答应决不泄漏他的秘密。
  2. I promise never to lie to you from now on.我发誓从今以后再也不向你说谎话。
  3. I promise to return your bicycle on good condition.我答应一定完好无损地还你的自行车。
  4. Dropping ears of rice promise another good harvest.沈甸甸的稻穗预示著又一次丰收。


  1. I can't promise.我不能答应。
  2. I must phone your sister as I promised.我得给你姐姐打个电话,我说了给她打的。
  3. The business promises well.生意看来很兴隆。
  4. David promises well as an actor.作为演员,大卫很有希望成功。
  5. He's engaged in a research that promised well.他正忙于一项很有前途的科研项目。
  6. The rains have been plentiful and the crops promise well.雨水充沛,庄稼长势很好。
  7. I think our teaching plan promises well.我认为我们的教学计划不赖。
  8. From what little I've seen of your book so far,I would say that it promises well.仅就迄今我所见到的有关你这本书的情况来看,我敢说你的书很可能会受到读者的欢迎。
用作及物动词S+~+ n./pron.
  1. I want you to promise me.我想让你对我作出承诺。
  2. It is not that easy;I promise you.我向你保证,事情并非那么容易。
  3. I don't remember I ever promised that.我记不得我答应过这件事。
  4. The school authorities promised an immediate reply.学校领导答应立即答复。
  5. The weather promises rich harvest.天气晴朗,丰收在望。
  6. The clear sky promises fine weather.天空晴朗无云,看来天气会很好。
  7. After trying all kinds of ways we hit upon a method that promised more success.在尝试了各种办法以后,我们终于找到了一种成功希望较大的方法。
  8. I can't promise the moon, but I'll do the best job I can.我不能答应我办不到的事情,不过我要尽力去办。
  9. A politician who promises the moon during a campaign loses the voters' respect.从政者在竞选中乱作承诺会失去选民的尊重。
S+~+to- v
  1. We promised to bring them to the circus.我们答应过带他们去看马戏。
  2. I promise to return your bicycle in good condition.我答应完好无损地还你的自行车。
  3. He promised to help the people improve their livelihood.他答应帮助人民改善生活。
  4. She promised to be a brilliant musician.有迹象表明她会成为出色的音乐家。
  5. Autumn crops promised to be equally good.秋季作物看来收成也会同样很好。
  6. It promises to be warm this afternoon.今天下午可望转暖。
  7. It promises to be fine tomorrow.明天可望晴朗。
  1. I promised that I would write regularly.我答应我要经常写信。
  2. I promised that I would come here on time.我答应准时来这里。
  3. I soothed him by promising that he could return home in a week or two.我安慰他,答应他可以在一两周内回家。
  4. He promised that the roof should be repaired within two weeks.他许诺房顶在两周内修好。
  5. The government has promised that taxes will not be put up again this year.政府已经许诺今年不再增加税收。
用作双宾动词S+~+ pron./n. + n./pron.
  1. I want you to promise me one thing.我要你答应我一件事。
  2. Mr. Priestly promised his students a holiday.普里斯特利先生答应给学生放假一天。
  3. Mr. Green has promised his son a new bicycle if he passes the examination.格林先生答应如果儿子考试及格,就给他买辆新自行车。
S+~+ n./pron. +to pron./n.
  1. I've promised the next dance to Jim.我已答应下一场和吉姆跳舞。
  2. I can't give you the book; I've promised it to Susan.我不能把这本书送给你,因为我已经答应把它送给苏珊了。
  3. 1
  4. This new watch was promised to me.这只新手表已经答应卖给我了。
  5. I'm sorry; that house has been promised to some other young man.对不起,那间房子已答应租给别的年轻人了。
S+~+ n./pron. +(to-) v
  1. You must promise me to take a thorough rest.你一定要答应我彻底休息一下。
  2. He promised me to sing here.他答应我他在这里唱歌。
  3. She promised me to try her best to help him.她向我保证要尽力帮助他。
  4. She promised me not to forget to call on my mother.她答应我她不会忘记拜访我母亲。
  5. I had promised Nancy to attend the lecture.我已答应南希参加演讲。
S+~+ pron./n. +that-clause
  1. I promised Mrs. Neil that I could stop in at her home today.我答应内尔夫人今天我去拜访她。
  2. He promised me that the work should be finished before evening.他许诺说,这工作要在晚上之前做完。
  1. I should not have believed the promise of the boss.我本不该相信老板的许诺的。
  2. He tried to put me off with a vague promise.他企图以含糊的许诺来敷衍我。
  3. It's clear that what he said was a hollow promise.很明显他许下的是不兑现的诺言。
  4. I'd like to come with you but that's not a promise; don't rely on it.我愿意和你一起去,但这不是允诺,别指望我一定去。
  5. They drew the poor child on with false promises.他们以虚假的许诺来鼓动那个可怜的孩子。
  6. We shall judge you by your actions, not by your promises.我们将根据你的行动,而不是你的诺言来评价你。
  7. Don't build your hopes on the chairman's promises.别把你的希望寄托在主席的诺言上。
  8. The politician's actions do not consist with the promises in his speeches.那位政客的行为与他在演说里所作的承诺不符。
  9. The news of the war brings little promise of peace.战争的消息几乎没有给和平带来希望。
  10. My son is showing great promise as a cricketer.我的儿子有成为一名板球手的希望。
  11. You show promise as a musician but your lack of practice is keeping you back.你有希望成为音乐家,但是缺乏实践,影响你的发展。
~+to- v
  1. They failed to fulfil their promises to revive the economy.他们没能实现使经济复苏的诺言。
  2. My promise to lend you 50 dollars still holds true.我要借给你50美元的承诺仍然不变。
  3. We shall always keep our promise not to interfere in the internal affairs of other countries.我们将始终遵守不干涉别国内政的诺言。
  1. We must have your promise that you will keep it to yourself.你必须答应我们你会保守秘密。
  2. The politicians are bidding for our favour by making wild promises that they can't keep.政治家们为获取人们的支持而漫天许愿。
  3. Despite their promise that they would bring down the prices, prices have gone on rising.尽管他们许下了降低物价的诺言,物价还是继续上涨。


promise away (v.+adv.)
    答应送掉 give away by promisingpromise sth ⇔ away to sb

    He has promised most of his books away to his friends.


    He has promised most of the money away to various people.


break one's promise
    食言; 不守诺言 fail to keep a promise


用作动词 (v.)
  • promise a dance (to sb)答应(与某人)跳舞
  • promise help答应帮助
  • promise oneself sth指望获得某物,决心弄到某物
  • promise rain有希望下雨
  • promise students a day's holiday答应放学生一天假
  • promise the moon答应办做不到的事
  • always promise总是许诺
  • never promise从不许诺
  • promise well显示出成功的迹象,前景很好
  • promise blandly平和地允诺
  • promise blithely快乐地允诺
  • promise casually非正式地允诺
  • promise cautiously谨慎地允诺
  • promise cheerfully高兴地允诺
  • promise definitely肯定地允诺
  • promise devoutly真诚地允诺
  • promise generously慷慨地允诺
  • promise faithfully忠诚地允诺
  • promise flatteringly奉承地允诺
  • promise frankly真诚地允诺
  • promise freely随意地允诺
  • promise graciously有礼貌地允诺
  • promise lightly轻率地允诺
  • promise optimistically乐观地允诺
  • promise publicly公开允诺
  • promise recklessly轻率地允诺
  • promise reluctantly不情愿地允诺
  • promise solemnly庄严地允诺
  • promise treacherously不可靠地允诺
  • promise unconditionally无条件地允诺
  • promise unquestionably毫无疑问地允诺
  • promise unwillingly勉强地允诺
  • promise usually经常允诺
  • promise vehemently强烈地允诺
  • promise away答应送掉
  • promise on sb's honour以名誉保证,与…订婚
  • promise to答应与…做某事
用作名词 (n.)
  • abide by promise遵守诺言
  • betray promise背叛诺言
  • break promise违背诺言
  • carry out promise履行诺言
  • claim promise履行诺言
  • find much of promise发现很有希望
  • fulfill promise遵守诺言
  • give promise答应,作出诺言,保证
  • give promise for future预示将来成功
  • give promise of有…的希望
  • give promise to向…许诺
  • go back on promise收回诺言,违背诺言
  • hold promise of抱有…的希望
  • hold some promise of success有希望获得成功
  • keep (to) promise信守诺言
  • make promise作出诺言,保证
  • make promise of许下…的诺言
  • make promise to向…许诺
  • obtain promise获得保证
  • secure promise获得保证
  • show promise有希望
  • show promise as pianist有希望成为钢琴家
  • stand to promise守约
  • violate promise违背诺言
  • withdraw promise取消诺言,收回许诺
  • bright promise有希望的诺言
  • brilliant promise出色的诺言
  • broken promise违背了的诺言
  • campaign promise竞选时的诺言
  • cheerful promise欣然的许诺
  • cheering promise欣然的许诺
  • conservative promise保守的诺言
  • considerable promise重要的许诺
  • deceiving promise虚假的诺言
  • definite promise明确的许诺
  • doubtful promise含糊的许诺
  • drunken promise醉后的诺言
  • earnest promise真诚的诺言
  • empty promise空洞的诺言
  • express promise确切的诺言
  • fair promise好听的诺言
  • faithful promise忠实的诺言
  • false promise虚伪的诺言
  • golden promise重要的诺言
  • good promise好的诺言
  • great promise很大的希望
  • implied promise含蓄的诺言,默许
  • irresponsible promise不负责任的诺言
  • sacred promise神圣的诺言
  • solemn promise庄严的承诺
  • verbal promise口头保证
  • written promise书面保证
  • according to promise根据诺言
  • boy in promise孩子有出息
  • boxer of promise有前途的拳击手
  • youth full of promise有希望的青年
  • on promise of secrecy按照保守秘密的诺言
  • through verbal promise通过口头保证
  • under promise立誓
  • person with great promise有出息的人
  • promise for good crops有希望获得好收成
  • promise of help允予援助
  • promise of secrecy保守秘密的诺言


  • Becket had broken his promise to submit to the Constitutions.

    出自:J. A. Froude
  • Gladstone was able to redeem his campaign promise.

    出自:A. S. Dale
  • He could make no promises.

    出自:A. Cohen
  • The princes promised free constitutions to their people.

    出自:E. A. Freeman
  • Not if they promised me a bucket of free quahogs.

    出自:S. J. Perelman
  • He promised that if elected he would serve out his term.


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