单词:ninja sword
单词:ninja sword 相关文章
Everyone in the room turned toward Henry. Really? Benny asked. Who has been doing it, Henry? Who? And why? Henry walked to the center of the room. Mr. Lillipool and Timmy came over to stand by Ms. Werner, Lisa, and Dante. Mr. Benjamin stood apart fro
In the morning, Grandfather dropped the children and Watch off at the Greenfield Mall. Day Two of the Wundermutt commercial audition was about to begin. Hello, Lisa said. She bent over Watch and asked, Are you ready for a fresh start? Watch happily l
After dinner that night, Benny came into the boxcar and plopped onto a beanbag chair. Oh good, Jessie said. Were all here. I had to help Grandfather with the dishes, Benny said. Thats the thing about dinner: I like the eating part, but I dont like th
There was another short break so everyone could walk their dogs outside. Jessie held on to Watchs leash, leading him to a grassy area near the parking lot. I dont get it, Violet told the others. How is it possible that Watch had so many problems on t
It was time for a short break. The Aldens decided to get to know the other dog owners a little better. They went to talk to Dante first. Good luck in the next round, Jessie said. Thanks, Dante said. You, too. Dante was acting nervous. He kept glancin
be dying for/to 渴望;及想做某事 be eager for 渴望得到 例句: I would be dying for help if my computer broke down. 如果我的电脑出故障,我渴望得到别人的帮助。 I'm dying to see you. 我渴望见到你。 A:A new movi
Hold hands, Benny. Jessie reached out to take his hand in hers. We have to stick together. This place is really crowded. It looks like every dog owner in town is at the mall today, Henry said. In the center courtyard of the mall, there was a long and
4Captured Theninjaspulledironbandsofftheirhands.Thebandshadspikeslikeclawsonthem. Thatshowtheyclimbedthetree,AnniewhisperedtoJack. TheninjasstaredatJackandAnniewithdark,piercingeyes.Therestoftheirfaceswerecoveredbytheirscarves. Jackfeltfrozenunde
5FlamesintheMist Thewatergrewshallowagain.Thentheywereondryland.TheninjasloweredJackandAnnietotheground. Thanks,saidAnnie. Thanks,saidJack. Squeak,saidthemouse. Theninjassaidnothing,buttheylookedaround. Jacklookedaround,too.Afullmoonwasrisi
6ShadowWarrior JackandAnniewentintothecave.Theyfollowedtheninjathroughthedarkness. Thebackofthecavewaslitwithdozensofcandles.Shadowsdancedonthewalls. Intheflickeringlight,Jacksawadarkfiguresittingonawovenmat. Theninjamaster. Theninjabowedtothemaste
7TotheEast JackandAnniestoodstillforalongmoment. Anniespokefirst.Well,Iguessthetallninjawaspointingtotheeast,shesaid.Iguessthatsthewaywego. Wait,saidJack.Ineedtowritesomestuffdown. Hetookouthisnotebook.Inthemoonlight,hewrote: 1.usenature 2.
8DragonWater JackandAnniecrouchedtogether.Samuraiwereonbothsidesofthemnow.Theyweretrapped! Jackpressedagainsttherock. Thewarriorsteppedcloserandcloser.Helookedtotheright.Helookedtotheleft. Jackheldhisbreath. Benature,whisperedAnnie. What?Jackwhispe
今天我们要学的词是double-edged sword。 Double-edged sword, 双刃剑,指一件事情有利有弊。 The holiday break is a double-edged sword for the football team, because the championship game is on Jan. 2nd, 年底的假期对球队来说
We got next. 轮到我们了。 One velcro wallet. One cellie. 我的尼龙搭扣钱包。你的手机。 Be careful with this, please. It is my life and soul in rectangular form. 拜托,小心轻放哦。我的身家性命可全在这个小方块里
英语学习笔记: casino n. 赌场,俱乐部 lens n. 镜头,镜片 ninja n. 日本武士,忍者 contact lens 隐形眼镜 roll off 从某处滚了下来,或是指叫某人滚的远远的 point out 指出,指出事实,错误。 sticky
Have you suffered from getting up? Are you a morning person? Well, Want to feel great and rejuvenated about life? After reading this post, you will know exactly how I (and many night owls) trained ourselves to wake up early, and also how your morning
[全屏观看] 点击右键- 另存为 可保存这个Flash影片 游戏介绍: 忍者和盲人女孩小游戏。话说,在忍者世界里,血继限界是每一个国家的秘密武器,保持血继限界的完整性和独特性是每一个忍者
Some of the highlights were things like The Terminator, 其中有一些让我引以为荣的,像《终结者》 Aladdin, the Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles. 《阿拉丁》还有《英雄神龟》(《忍者神龟》的英版名字) Because I was f
儿童节快乐!来看看美国卡通明星用英语怎么说! 1)Popeye the Sailorman 大力水手 old school古老的2) Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles/TMNT忍者神龟 Mutant变异的Renaissance文艺复兴3) SpongeBob海绵宝宝4) Patrick派大星