[网络] 巨齿鲨;史前狂鲨;巨牙鲨
单词:megalodon 相关文章
His favorite hunting tactic is to come from below and behind his potential prey. 它最喜欢的狩猎策略就是从它潜在猎物的下方或者后面下手。 As the Meg closes in on the whale, he descends, in order to surprise him from below. 随着
The sperm whales now deploy their most deadly weapon, T-Rex sized teeth. 抹香鲸们现在开始动用其最致命的武器,霸王龙级别的牙齿。 Individually, these whales are only a bother to something as large as Megalodon. 单打独斗,这
Scientists believe the problem was magnified by a fierce new predator who appeared on the scene, competing for what scarce food did remain. 科学家们相信让问题加剧的是新出现的一种厉害的掠食者,争夺所剩无几的食物。 O
There's a huge difference in the fact that the whales would have sonar and could use that to detect food. 鲸类能够用声纳来探测食物的事实带来了巨大区别。 Megalodon on the other hand doesn't have that advantage, 而巨齿鲨就没有
The biting sperm whale was powered by the up and down motion of its powerful tail fluke allowing it to reach speeds of over 25 miles per hour. 噬抹香鲸用其有力的尾鳍上下摆动来获得动力,其速度能达到每小时25英里。 The l
Sperm whales form close family units for protection and to nurture their offspring. 抹香鲸形成亲密的家庭单元来保护自己并且养育它们的后代。 Great white sharks relate only during mating and will actually eat their young. 大白
The sperm whale hits him dead in the centre of his body throwing the Megalodon's enormous weight in a tumble motion under the ocean. 抹香鲸结结实实地撞中它的身体中间,把巨齿鲨庞大的身躯撞得在海洋中翻滚。 The Megalod
Megalodon. The largest carnivorous fish ever to prowl the oceans. 巨齿鲨。海洋中出现过的最大的掠食性鱼类。 Megalodon as a species, it receives a lot of interest. 巨齿鲨这个物种,引发了很多人的兴趣。 It is the clo
Along with its massive size, powerful jaws and dagger-like teeth, investigators discovered something else. 除了其巨大体型,有力的双颌以及匕首般的牙齿之外,调查者发现了其他的事情。 Megalodon stalked its prey with an
Megalodon, fossils are found in the kind of geologic deposits that form pretty close to shore. 能在离海岸非常近的地质沉淀物中,发现巨齿鲨的化石。 So, as far as we know, it was not a deep water kind of species or an open ocean
As investigators studied the large serrated teeth of the giant shark, they discovered the massive power of its bite - a force of 20 tons. 在调查者研究这些巨鲨的大型锯齿状牙齿时,他们发现了它巨大的咬合力可达二十吨。
Over the last several hundred years, thousands of prehistoric whale bones have been found with deep gashes sliced into them. 在过去数百年间,人们发现了数千块史前鲸骨上面划有深深的沟痕。 They're found on ribs, vertebra, t