音标:[lain] ; 柯林斯词典等级:5 级; 牛津三千核心词汇;
n. 列, 线, 绳, 电线, 线路, 路线, 航线, 作业线, 界线, 战线, 外形, 排, 家系
vt. 排成一行, 顺...排列, 划线于, 加衬里, 使有线条, 使起皱纹
vi. 排队
[计] 线路
n. a formation of people or things one beside another
n. a mark that is long relative to its width
n. a formation of people or things one behind another
n. a length (straight or curved) without breadth or thickness; the trace of a moving point
词型变化:名词复数形式 : lines ; 过去分词 : lined ; 现在分词 : lining ; 过去式 : lined ; 第三人称单数 : lines



  1. One line cuts another at right angles.一条线与另一条线成直角相交。
  2. The ball went over the line.球越线出界了。
  3. The line of the two countries is too vague.这两个国家的界线太模糊了。
  4. He has fine lines around his eyes.他的眼睛周围有细细的皱纹。
  5. She always takes a Marxist line.她一贯奉行马克思主义路线。
  6. This is a steamer on the Japanese line.这艘轮船走的是日本航线。
  7. You should write on every other line.你应该隔行写。
  8. Thrown off by the jeers, she forgot her line.台下的嘘声使她心慌意乱,以致把台词也忘了。
  9. IBM is always in the front line of computer industry.IBM公司一直处在电脑行业的前沿。
  10. Hang the clothes on the line.把衣服晾在绳子上。
  1. Please line up one after another.请按顺序排队。
  2. The battalion commander lined his men along the railway.营长命令士兵们沿铁轨排开。
  3. Please line your paper with a pencil and ruler.请用铅笔和尺在纸上画线。
  4. This piece of silk would line your coat nicely .这块丝料会很适于衬在你的大衣里。


  1. She put the wet clothes on the line to dry.她把湿衣服晾在绳子上了。
  2. I felt a quick pull on my fishing line.我感到鱼线被突然拉了一下。
  3. Line engaged!电话占线!
  4. I'm sorry, the line is engaged.对不起,占线。
  5. I'm sorry, sir, the line is busy—would you like to call back later?对不起,先生,电话占线,你能呆会儿再打来吗?
  6. Our firm has twenty lines.我们公司有20条电话线路。
  7. The lines went down in the storm.电话线在暴风雨中被刮断了。
  8. Powerful electric current is carried by high-tension transmission lines to distant places.强大的电流通过高压线送到远处。
  9. The storm destroyed the power lines.暴风雨摧毁了供电线。
  10. The railway line follows the river for several miles.铁路线沿着河流延伸几英里。
  11. Passengers are not allowed to cross the lines.旅客不允许穿越铁路线。
  12. Draw a straight line from A to B.从A到B画一条直线。
  13. Divide this line into 20 equal parts.把这条线分成20个相等的部分。
  14. The broad lines on the map correspond to the roads.地图上的宽线相当于公路。
  15. She drew a wavy line under the word.她在这个词的下面画了一条波纹线。
  16. With his finger, he traced the curving line of the road on the map.他用手指在地图上沿着那条曲线查找。
  17. The ball crossed the line.球出界了。
  18. The British runner was first to cross the finishing line, but was later disqualified.虽然英国的赛跑选手是第一个冲过终点线的,但他后来被取消了资格。
  19. He was parachuted behind enemy lines.他被人用降落伞投送到敌人防线的后面。
  20. Our forces pierced through the enemy's lines.我军突破了敌人的防线。
  21. He led us in carrying out the Party's line.他领导我们执行了党的路线。
  22. You are arguing along the same old lines.你还是按老一套的思路来争论。
  23. My line is selling.我的职业是售货。
  24. Mary tried several lines of work, but at last found herself as a teacher.玛丽尝试了好几种工作,最后发现自己适合做教师。
  25. His letter is so full of implications that one has to read between the lines.他的信颇为含蓄,只好从字里行间揣摩其含义。
  26. Read between the lines, and you'll find out what's at the back of his mind.好好从字里行间里去玩味他的言外之意,这样,你就会知道他脑子里究竟在考虑些什么。
  27. If you read between the lines, you will find out the letter is really a request for money.如果你看懂字里行间的意思,你就会知道,这封信实际上是要钱。
  28. There are a lot of lines on his forehead.他额头上都是皱纹。
  29. Laugh lines appeared around her eyes when she was in her twenties.在她20多岁的时候,眼角就出现了鱼尾纹。
  30. What line do you expect to take?你打算采用什么样的方法?
  31. There's a very fine line between genius and madness.天才和疯子之间只有一线之隔。
  32. A line of coats hung on the wall.一排大衣挂在墙上。
  33. Children, get into a line.孩子们,排成一行。
  34. There is a line of young trees on each side of the street.街道两旁各有一行小树。
  35. There are two lines of tables in the classroom.教室里有两排桌子。
用作及物动词S+~+ n./pron.
  1. You can line blank paper for writing.你可以在空白纸上画线以便写字。
  2. Line the pages for the graph both horizontally and vertically.在这几页上同时画上横线和竖线,以便制作图表。
  3. The crowds lined the street.人群排列在马路两旁。
  4. Thousands of people lined the streets to welcome the visiting delegation.成千上万的人夹道欢迎来访的代表团。
  5. High buildings line the street.街道两旁,高楼林立。
  6. Trees lined the river bank.河堤上绿树成行。
  7. Wrinkles lined her face.她的脸上布满了皱纹。
  8. Old age lined his face.他年纪大了,脸上出现了皱纹。
  9. Strong cloth lined the trunk.这个箱子用结实的布做衬里。


a (few) line(s)
    短信 short letters
in line
    成一直线 forming a straight line with sth
in line for
    即将获得 sb will gain sth
in line with
    跟…一致,符合 according with sth
in one's line
    是某人的职业 going in for occupation
out of line
    不相符,不合要求,举止不当 unacceptably different
line out (v.+adv.)
    用线画出 mark sth with linesline sth ⇔ out

    Let me line out the plan of the house on this piece of paper.


line up (v.+adv.)
    组织,安排或集中 organize;get things or people together;arrange for a supply of sthline sb ⇔ up

    Line up these men and see if the witness can recognize the criminal.


    line up

    I hate lining up in the cold to go to a cinema.


    He lined up behind the others to wait his turn.


    Everybody lines up, facing the front.


    The customers lined up at the counter.


    line sth ⇔ up

    Line up the glasses and I'll fill them.


    The children were lined up ready to go into school.


    They were lined up ready to leave the classroom.


    A small crowd is lined up to see the guests off.


    The funeral cars are lined up, ready to leave.


    Cars were lined up along the road for a mile.


    line sb/sth ⇔ up

    I had lined up a wonderful cast.


    We've lined up Pavarotti for the main role in the opera.


    We've lined him up to sing the main role.


    What shows are lined up for tonight's broadcast?


line up against (v.+adv.+prep.)
    反对(某事物或某人) oppose sth/sbline up against sth

    Line up against the window so that you can be seen.


    line sb up against sth

    The prisoners were lined up against a wall and shot.


    line up against sb/sth

    How many voters have lined up against the politician?


    line sb up against sth

    We must line more people up against the government.


line up behind (v.+adv.+prep.)
    跟随,支持 follow;support sb as a leaderline up behind sth

    All the members of the party have lined up behind the newly elected leader, even those who voted against him.


line with (v.+prep.)
    给…加… provide sth with a covering or inner side of sth such as materialline sth with sth

    The path to the house is lined with bushes.


    The river banks were lined with people watching the boat race.



用作名词 (n.)
  • block a line封锁航线
  • bring into line使成一行,使一致,同意
  • cross a line超过界线
  • cut lines切断…的线
  • draw a line画线
  • draw up in line排成横队
  • form a line排成一队
  • form into line排齐
  • get a line打听到消息
  • get into a line排队
  • get out of line不协调
  • go over the line越界
  • hold a line守住防线
  • hold the line不要挂断电话
  • introduce a line开辟航线
  • keep sb in line使…某人规规矩矩,使…协调起来
  • make a line画一条线
  • open a line开辟一条线
  • rule a line画一条线
  • run a train line经营一条铁路线
  • run off the lines(火车)出轨
  • settle the line划清界限
  • shoot a〔the〕 line〈俚〉吹牛,说大话
  • stand in a line站成一行
  • step over the line越界
  • take a strong line干得起劲
  • thread line用丝做线
  • throw a line扔绳子
  • wait in line排队等候
  • wipe out a line擦掉线
  • bad line不良的通话线路
  • beautiful line漂亮的线条
  • broken line虚线
  • clear line清晰的线条,清楚的界线
  • complete line完整的路线
  • direct line直线
  • dividing line分界线
  • double lines双线
  • double yellow lines双黄线
  • fine line很好的路线
  • first line of defence第一道防线
  • foolish line不明智的路线
  • front line前线
  • heavy line粗线条
  • hot line热线
  • just short line只言片语
  • long line长队
  • main line电话中继线,(铁路等的)干线
  • natural line天然的路线
  • outside line外线
  • regular line定期线路
  • scientific line科学路线
  • simple line单一路线
  • soft line软线
  • special line特别线
  • straight line直线
  • thick line粗线
  • thin line细线
  • air line航线,航空公司
  • base line底线
  • battle line战线
  • beeline两点间的距离,最短距离,捷径
  • branch line支线
  • bus line公共汽车路线
  • city line城市界线
  • clothes line晾衣绳
  • county line县界线
  • end line终线
  • enemy lines敌人阵地
  • feeling line感情之线
  • finish line终点线
  • fuel line燃料管道
  • goal line球门线
  • International Date line国际日期变更线
  • life line生命线
  • ocean line海洋航线
  • oil line输油管道
  • party line合用线
  • police line警察线
  • power lines输电线
  • production line生产线
  • railway lines铁路线
  • service line(网球,手球等球场的)发球线
  • shore line海岸线
  • sky line地平线
  • snow line雪线
  • state line州界线
  • steam line蒸汽管道
  • stop line停车线
  • supply lines补给线
  • telegraph line电报线路
  • telephone lines电话线路
  • tree line林木线
  • water line(船的)吃水线
  • first across the line第一个通过终点线
  • all along the line在全线
  • at the goal line在球门线上
  • behind the lines远离前线
  • below the line在…线以下
  • between the lines字里行间
  • in line成一直线,对准
  • in line for即将轮到,有得到…的希望
  • in line with和…一致,符合
  • in a line排队
  • in one's line擅长,内行
  • on a line在一条线上
  • on the line挂正
  • on the base line在底线
  • out of line不成一直线,不一致,不协调
  • line by line一行一行地,逐字逐句地
  • line for为…线
  • line of attack进攻路线
  • line of duty值勤,公务
  • line of kings历代帝王
  • line of railway铁路线
  • line of trees成行的树
  • line on one's face脸上的皱纹
用作动词 (v.)
  • line deeply深深地布满(皱纹)
  • line off用线划开
  • line out画线标出
  • line through划掉,勾掉
  • line through an entry划掉一个条目
  • line up排队,整队
  • line along沿…放齐
  • line for为…画线
  • line with布满


  • In the bow, with the neat coiled spirals of lines.

    出自:I. Shaw
  • His coat, once lined with fox, turned dry and bald.

    出自:S. Bellow
  • And poplar that with silver lines his leaf.

  • All the pictures fairest lin'd Are but black to Rosalinde.

    出自:As You Like It,Shakespeare
  • Here is a way plainly lined out to cheat the Rats and Mice.

    出自:A. Yarranton

[00:19.61]Who Was On The Other Line? [00:24.76]电话那边是谁呢? [00:30.39]My house has one story, plus a basement. [00:34.52]We have two phones in the house; [00:36.62]one in the living room upstairs [00:38.76]and one in a room that we use [00:40.97]

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A: Were you able to get a look at the suspect's face? B: Yes. I know exactly what he looks like. A: I must ask you to pick him out of a line-up. B: That won't be a problem. A: Look closely at the five men in this line-up. B: I am looking. A: Do you s

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A: Did you get a good look at the suspect? B: I got a great look at him. A: Do you think you could pick him out of a line-up? B: I can do that. A: Could you please look at the five men in this line-up? B: All right. A: Do you recognize the suspect? B

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听多了流行的歌曲,今天给大家来一首老歌经典,希望大家会喜欢。 如果大家有什么好歌,也可以给我留言或是在评论栏里给大家推荐。 I walk the line By Johnny Cash I keep a close watch on this heart of

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BEIJING, Feb. 28 (Xinhua) -- Construction began on China's first low-speed maglev(磁力悬浮火车) line Monday in Beijing, a project that will make China only the second country with a low-speed maglev line after Japan. The project marked China's

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今天我们要学的词是 flatline. Flatline的意思是停滞不前,可是作名词或者动词。The Bank of England has said it believes the UK economy will flat-line this year.英格兰银行说,英国经济预计今年将出现零增长。

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RIO DE JANEIRO, Feb. 25 (Xinhua) -- World football's governing body FIFA has approved a third company to provide goal-line technology. German firm Cairos will be among the bidders to install systems for next year's World Cup in Brazil and the 2013-14

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FIFA close to decision on goal-line technology

发表于:2019-02-08 / 阅读(88) / 评论(0) 分类 英语新闻

在习语表达中,line可是一个很多用的词汇,不仅仅是绳索,路线或球场上的边界线,line还有很多更加丰富而有趣的表达,一起来看看吧~ 1.the bottom line 本质问题 该习语原意是指账本最底行,盈

发表于:2019-02-18 / 阅读(113) / 评论(0) 分类 英语口语

今天我们要学的词是out of line。 Out of line, 可以用来指行为举止过份,出格。 The candidate was clearly out of line by using personal attacks in the debate, 这个候选人在辩论中进行人身攻击的做法显然是有些过

发表于:2019-02-18 / 阅读(126) / 评论(0) 分类 英语单词荟萃

今天我们要学的词是walk a fine line. To walk a fine line, 小心行事。 Coaches have to walk a fine line between pushing their players to their full potential and pushing them too hard, 做为教练,一定要在鼓励运动员充分发挥潜

发表于:2019-02-18 / 阅读(111) / 评论(0) 分类 英语单词荟萃

在习语表达中,line可是一个很多用的词汇,不仅仅是绳索,路线或球场上的边界线,line还有很多更加丰富而有趣的表达,一起来看看吧~ 1.the bottom line 本质问题 该习语原意是指账本最底行,盈

发表于:2019-02-25 / 阅读(100) / 评论(0) 分类 英文语法词汇

Line In.... Line Down Line in... line down... line in* Line in... line down... line in... line down Line in... line down... line in... line down Line in and save me Myself can drug me down Line in, forever blissful Continue to line down Line in... li

发表于:2019-02-26 / 阅读(151) / 评论(0) 分类 英文摇滚歌曲

Helen: This is Real English from BBC Learning English. Im Helen. Zoe: 大家好,我是刘佳。Helen, 今天咱们要学的是什么最新表达呢? Helen: Todays new expression is bottom line. Zoe: Bottom line. Helen, 这个短语说的是什么啊? Helen: Well, bottom line is

发表于:2019-02-26 / 阅读(222) / 评论(0) 分类 地道英语在线听
abenteric typhoid
act or omission
al segno
Anagasta kuehniella
area agreement
box heart sawing
Burnt toasts
calcium silicate hydrate
capsular branches
Carl Gustaf Mossander
catch knob
centre bits
cold-finished steel
demodulating function
directory search time
dismiss a case
diurnal circle
drive belt
erosive wear
experimental mounting
final squint angle (fsa)
fire-suppression bottle
fuel-cooling installation
gas waste processing system
give someone his walking papers
high frequency instability
Howe, Samuel Gridley
icandophila caronata mull. arg.
instrument engineering
Karmex DL Diuron Weed Killer
Kuhni extractor
leaf thorn
letter q
like-for-like sales
lingual artery
machine language program
oil tray
olive groves
oxolinic acid
platolenes pilipes
polyallomer resin
Prunus serrula
Radical Civic Union
reciprocal virtual work theorem
registered proprietor
rentier states
Saba Bank
skew symmetric operator
staged contactor
stamped shares
steam boiler plant
stenopsyche pallidepennis
surgical haversack
the rule of three
told me you loved me
torpedo fire control computer
triangular association scheme
trichopterigia kishidai
unsteady state condition
urticaria pigmentosa
utility landing craft
vacuum treated concrete
voidage fluctuation