单词:jackladder 相关文章
The black clouds had taken on an odd greenishcolor. They all seemed to be going in differentdirections. Do you think it's a grasshopper attack? Annieasked nervously. No, I think it's some more weird weather, like thathailstorm, said Jack. Let's go be
Suddenly, the schoolhouse door blew off its hinges! It went flying through the air! Jack grabbed Annie and pulled her into the dugout. Inside, the benches were overturned. The room wasa mess. Miss Neely and the three kids were pressed againstthe dirt
By Alan Silverman Real-life everyday heroes who fight fires and save lives come to the screen in a sweeping drama set at a big city fire station in the new film, Ladder 49. (Movie Snippet) In firehous
Jack opened his eyes, Teddy and Catherine were gone, the warmair was filled with mist, Jack and Anne peered out of the windowtogether, the tree house had landed, and the tall tree with spreadingbranches, the mist was so thick, they couldnt see anythi
J ack grabbed Annie's hand. Whatever you do,don't look up, he said,Annie looked up. AHHHHH! she screamed. She started to leap offthe ledge into the churning waters. But then anotherwave crashed wildly against the walls. Jack held Annie back. Don't ju
5 草地上的金牌 快,快!杰克说。他把笔记本塞进背包,推着安妮向绳梯跑去。 再见,亨利!她说。 快!杰克说。他把安妮猛推了一下。 别推!她说,不过她还是爬上了绳梯。杰克紧跟在她
8 巨大的影子 杰克跳到木兰树背后。 他的心跳得飞快,大脑都停止了思维。 他偷偷地盯着大怪物。那可怕的动物,它的大嘴巴一张一合的,牙齿大得像牛排刀。 别惊慌,想一想。 杰克悄悄地
1 进入树林 救命啊!有妖怪!安妮喊叫着。 是啊,没错。杰克说,还真是一个大妖怪,就在宾夕法尼亚的蛙溪镇。 快跑,杰克!安妮说着,顺着街道跑起来。 噢,我的天哪。 这就是杰克同他
9Mouse-walk Themousevanishedintothetallgrassontheothersideofthestream. JackandAnniestaredatthetreebranch. Wehavetotrytocrossit,saidAnnie.Weresupposedtofollownature. Forgetit,saidJack.Itstoolittle.Itllcrackinasecond. Maybeifwepretendweremice,wec
3E-hy! Jackopenedhiseyes. Anniewasalreadylookingoutthewindow.Themousepeekedoutofherpouch. Jacklookedoutthewindow,too.Theairwasfreshandcool. Thetreehousewasinatreewithwhiteflowers.Thetreewasinagroveoftreesonthesideofamountain.Nearbyawildstreamrushed
4Captured Theninjaspulledironbandsofftheirhands.Thebandshadspikeslikeclawsonthem. Thatshowtheyclimbedthetree,AnniewhisperedtoJack. TheninjasstaredatJackandAnniewithdark,piercingeyes.Therestoftheirfaceswerecoveredbytheirscarves. Jackfeltfrozenunde
10Night,Peanut Jackopenedhiseyes. Thenheopenedhisfist.Hestaredatthemoonstoneinhishand.Itwasclearandsmooth.Italmostseemedtoglow. Werehome,saidAnnie. Squeak. Annieandthemousewerelookingoutthewindow. Jacklookedwiththem. Thesunwassettinginthedistance
3Yikes! Jackopenedhiseyes. Theairwashotandsteamy. Itlookslikewelandedinsomebushes,saidAnnie. Shewaspeekingoutofthetreehousewindow.PeanutwaspeekingoutofAnniespocket. Jackpeekedoutofthetreehousetoo. Theyhadlandedinaseaofshinygreenleaves.Outsidetherew
8VampireBats? WaitsaidJack,panting.Ithinkwegotaway. JackandAnniestoppedrunningandcaughttheirbreath. Wherearewe?saidJack. Wheresthemonkey?saidAnnie,lookingbackattheforest.Doyouthinkthejaguarcaughthim? No,monkeysarefast,saidJack. Ofcourse,jag
9MasteroftheAnimals Thesabertoothcreptforward. Jackstaredinhorror. Playtheflute,whisperedAnnie. Isshenuts?Jackthought. Try!saidAnnie. Jackheldthemammoth-boneflutetohislips.Heblew. Theflutemadeastrangesound. Thetigerfroze.HeglaredatJack. Jackshandss
10ThisAge Birdssang.Theairwassoftandwarm. Ihopetheyfindtheircoats,saidAnnie. Metoo,saidJack.Hepushedhisglassesintoplace. Squeak. Hey,youhowdidyoufindthesorcerer?AnnieaskedPeanut. Squeak. Itsasecret,huh?saidAnnie.SheturnedtoJack.Wherestheflute
9.月光下 杰克愣住了。 是他。安妮低声说。 武士伸出戴着手套的手。 走,杰克。安妮说。 你上哪儿去?杰克问。 他想帮助我们。安妮说。 你怎么知道? 我就是知道。安妮说。 安妮向马走去
Bright light flooded the tree house again A rustlingsound came from outside the window. Annie peeked out and laughed. Hey, there, shesaidJack looked out, too. A giraffe was eating leaves offthe tree. It had a sweet, goofy face. Jack peered at the wor
Jack and Annie crouched in the tall grass. Therewas a big lion, three lionesses, and a bunch of cubs. I think they're sleeping, whispered Annie. Yeah, said Jack. But for how long?He pulled the Africa book from his pack and openedit. He found a pictur
Jack and Annie walked past the Frog Creek woodson their way home from the library. I miss Teddy, said Annie. Me, too, said Jack. He's a really smart dog, said Annie. 3Yeah, said Jack, and brave. And wise, said Annie. And funny, said Jack. And here! s