音标:['hauziz] ;
n. 住宅;房子的总称;家园;洋房 (house的复数)
n a dwelling that serves as living quarters for one or more families
n the members of a business organization that owns or operates one or more establishments
n the members of a religious community living together
n the audience gathered together in a theatre or cinema
n an official assembly having legislative powers
n aristocratic family line
n play in which children take the roles of father or mother or children and pretend to interact like adults
n (astrology) one of 12 equal areas into which the zodiac is divided
n the management of a gambling house or casino
n a social unit living together
n a building where theatrical performances or motion-picture shows can be presented
n a building in which something is sheltered or located
v contain or cover
v provide housing for



  1. Her house is furnished in excellent taste.她的房屋布置得非常高雅。
  2. They are going to move to a new house next week.下星期他们将迁入新居。
  3. My dream is to have a big house among peach trees.我的梦想就是在桃林间拥有一座大房子。
  4. Be quiet or you'll wake the whole house!安静点吧,别把全家人都吵醒了!
  5. He designs for a famous fashion house.他在一间著名的时装商店当设计师。
  6. The failure of the great London banking house was quickly noised about.这家伦敦大银行倒闭的消息很快就传遍各地。
  7. The party has a working majority in the house.这个党在议院中占有大多数的席位。
  8. There was one episode, in particular, that held the house from floor to ceiling.特别是有一个情景,紧扣全场观众的心弦。
  9. His address soon drew a good house.他的演说很快地就吸引了大批听众。
  10. The 12th house rules our subconscious mind.第十二宫统治我们的潜意识。
  1. He tried to feed and house his family.他设法为一家人解决吃和住的问题。
  2. The library houses about three million books.该图书馆收藏了约三百万册书。
  3. The classroom can house sixty students.教室可容纳六十名学生。
  4. The area will house about 12 000 people.该区将可容纳约12000人口。
  5. Those caves may house snakes or some other wild animals.那些洞里也许有蛇或者其它什么野兽。


  1. My house is within walking distance of the school.我的房子和学校在步行可及的距离内。
  2. New houses are going up everywhere.到处在建造新的住宅。
  3. The fire spread quickly from house to house.火势由一栋房子向另一栋房子迅速蔓延。
  4. The grounds around his house are beautiful.他房子周围的庭园很美。
  5. Their occupation of the house will expire next week.他们在这所房子的居住期下周结束。
  6. Everything in this house is in good order.这房子里每件东西都井然有序。
  7. The house had gone to ruin.那所房子荒废了。
  8. It took all our savings to buy the house.买这所房子用去了我们所有的存款。
  9. The house adjacent to the church is the vicarage.毗邻教堂的房子是牧师住宅。
  10. Our house is adjacent to theirs.我们的房子与他们的房子是相连的。
  11. All the houses in this project are alike.规划中的这批房子都是一样的。
  12. The house stood alone on the hill.那座房子孤零零地坐落在山顶上。
  13. We were surprised at finding the house clean, bright and spacious.我们发现房子又干净又亮堂感到惊奇。
  14. The teacher was busy correcting our exercise books when we called at his house.我们去老师家拜访时,他正忙着批改我们的作业。
  15. The house was in a state of complete disorder because of the young children.屋里因为有小孩子而凌乱不堪。
  16. He was content to die here in the midst of his lands, in the old houses of his fathers.他愿意死在这块故土上,死在父辈居住过的房子里。
  17. The union's headquarter is in the Transport House.工会总部在运输大楼内。
  18. These shops belong to the House of Fraser.这些商店都属于弗雷泽商号。
  19. John works for a brokerage house now.约翰现在一家经纪行工作。
  20. We had a quick meal at a cheap eating house.我们在一家便宜的小餐馆里吃了一顿快餐。
  21. We visited the monkey house at the zoo.我们参观了动物园的猴馆。
  22. She was collecting eggs from the chicken house.她正在收集鸡棚里的蛋。
  23. Reading is the key to the treasure house of ideas.读书是打开知识宝库的钥匙。
  24. The Senate approved the bill, but the House voted against it.参议院通过了这项议案,但众议院投票反对。
  25. The House of Commons is the lower House of the British parliament.众议院是英国议会的下院。
  26. Be quiet or you'll wake the whole house!安静点吧!别把全家人都吵醒了。
  27. The whole house was woken up.整个房子的人都被唤醒了。
  28. The whole house was ill with the mumps.家里人都得流行性腮腺炎了。
  29. I stayed awake until the whole house was sleeping.直到全家进入了梦乡我才睡。
  30. Meals are always late in our house.我们家吃饭总是很晚的。
  31. The House of Windsor is an ancient house.英国温莎王室是一个古老的家族。
  32. She is related to a European royal house.她与欧洲的一家王室有亲戚关系。
  33. The play was taken off after playing to almost empty houses for two weeks.这出戏因为两周来几乎没有观众而停演了。
  34. Is there a doctor in the house?观众中有医生吗?
  35. We had a good house.观看我们演出的人很多。
用作及物动词S+~+ n./pron.
  1. He tried to feed and house his family.他设法为一家人解决吃和住的问题。
  2. Many villagers volunteered to house the flood victims.许多村民自愿为水灾难民提供住处。
  3. Each apartment could house a family of six.每套房能住下一个六口之家。
  4. New flats were built to house the oil workers' families.新的公寓已建好,是供石油工人的家属居住的。
  5. Such a small cottage will never house us all.这么一间小屋绝对住不下我们大伙。
  6. He uses the house to house the cows.他用这房子来圈牛。
  7. Those caves may house snakes.那些洞里也许有蛇。
  8. I must find some place where I can house my books.我得找个地方收藏我的书。
  9. The library houses thousands of volumes.这个图书馆藏书数万卷。
  10. 1
  11. Many married couples are waiting to be housed.许多结了婚的夫妇在等待提供房子。
  12. The athletes were housed two to a room.运动员们被安排两个人住一个房间。


bring the house down
    赢得观众的掌声 make an audience laugh or applaud loudly
keep house
    管理家务 manage the affairs of a household
on the house
    由店家〔公司〕负担费用,免费 paid for by the pub., firm, etc.; free
round the houses
    到处找人或打听消息 from one person or place to another (especially when trying to get information)
house in( v.+prep. )
    把(某物)放在…; 让(某人)居住在… put sth in or on sth; make sb live in some placehouse sb/sth in sth

    After work they housed farm tools in a shed.


    The mill houses its entire staff in apartment buildings.


    All the books were housed in the library.


    The library is housed in a fine building.


    Each fountain pen is housed in an elegant casing.


    The vintage car was housed in a garage.


    The radar transreceiver is housed in a room adjacent to the display consoles.


house up( v.+adv. )
    呆在屋里 make sb stay at househouse sb ⇔ up

    I have been housed up for a week with a bad cold.



用作名词 (n.)
  • break into a house破门而入
  • build a house建房
  • burn down a house烧毁房子
  • buy a house买房子
  • change house换房
  • clean a house打扫房屋
  • destroy a house毁坏房子
  • do up a house修缮房子
  • enter a house进入房子
  • have a house of one's own自己有房子
  • improve a house改善住房
  • keep the house居家,不外出
  • let a house to sb向某人出租房子
  • look about for a house到处找房子
  • manage the house当家
  • move house搬家
  • paint a house给房子刷漆
  • pull down a house拆房子
  • put one's house in order收拾屋子,进行内部整理
  • put up a house造房
  • sell a house卖房子
  • set one's house in order把房子收拾好
  • stay at sb's house住在某人家中
  • take a house for the summer租一栋房歇夏
  • tear down a house拆毁房子
  • bring down a house博得满场喝彩
  • carry the house博得全场喝彩
  • keep a good house待客周到
  • keep an open house好客
  • dark house阴暗的房子
  • empty house空屋
  • magnificent house富丽堂皇的房子
  • modern house现代化的房子
  • nice house漂亮的房子
  • open house好客之家,对外开放日
  • poor house贫民院,养育院
  • popular house普通的房子
  • safe house安全藏身处
  • tall house高大的房子
  • ugly house难看的房子
  • wooden house木头房子
  • free house出售各酒厂产品的酒店
  • full house(剧院、餐馆等)客满
  • narrow house坟墓,墓
  • public house客栈,酒吧
  • the lower house下议院
  • the upper house上议院
  • brick house砖房
  • chicken house养鸡场,鸡舍
  • country house乡间别墅
  • glass house暖房,玻璃房子
  • stone house石头房子
  • store house仓库
  • summer house避暑别墅
  • town house市内住所
  • banking house银行
  • business house商店
  • opera house歌剧院
  • publishing house出版社
  • station house警察分局
  • treasure house宝库
  • as safe as a house非常安全
  • from house to house挨家挨户地
  • in a house在房内
  • out of the house不在家中
  • treasure house of folk art民间艺术的宝库
用作动词 (v.)
  • house one friend为一个朋友提供住房
  • house the poor给穷人提供住处
  • house the refugee为难民提供住房
  • house the cows圈牛
  • house the horses圈马
  • house books收藏书
  • house documents收藏文件
  • house pictures收藏画
  • house watches收藏手表
  • house abundantly住房宽敞
  • house aristocratically居住华丽
  • house austerely简朴地居住
  • house disreputably杂乱地居住
  • house economically便宜地居住
  • house faithfully适用地居住
  • house hospitably招待周到地提供住房
  • house luxuriously居住华丽
  • house practically实惠地提供住房
  • house safely安全地居住
  • house warmly热心地提供住处
  • house together住在一起
  • house up呆在家里
  • house for为…提供住房
  • house in把…放在…


  • The rich people who lived in the stone and plaster houses of the town.

    出自:J. Steinbeck
  • He..housed us without a moment's fuss.

    出自:A. J. P. Taylor

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8-hydroxyquinoline sulfate
a quantity of
abt system railway
audio tapes
audio video speech recognition
augmentation system
aurora tubes
bilge tank
blue dun
called bond
Camachigama, L.
caved in
chimeric protein
clear anchorage
climb very steep slopes
cluster number
common control switching system
controlled speed axle generator
cowardy custard
current number
drill and practice
dropping that
Duranol dyes
electromagnetic coupling asynchronous motor
essential gene
eulerian derivative
existential operator
foot mark
granite fruit bowl
Grunbaum-Widal test
heavy-duty detergent
height of row
instrument face plate
interpretive translation program
kangaroo paws
light weight case
mark reader
materiel maintenance
military fever
ordered Abelian group
out-of-service time
pallet feed
plumed thistles
probability of escape per absorption
reuuber matrix
self religion
spatial pattern
support vector
surveying altimeter
tell on
total oxides of nitrogen
transmission line corridor
travel(l)ing trader
two-dimensional optical radar
uniform vorticity
West Stonesdale
wire annealing
Xinyi District