n. 财物, 个人财产
[经] 动产, 财物
n. property of a personal character that is portable but not used in business
词型变化:名词复数形式 : effectss



  1. The aspirins soon took effect.服下的阿司匹林药片很快见效了。
  2. The advertising campaign didn't have much effect on sales.这些广告攻势对销售额并没有起到多大作用。
  3. What is certain is that every effect must have a cause.每一个结果都有一个原因,这是确定无疑的
  4. This will have a negligible effect on the temperature.这对温度的影响将是微乎其微的。
  5. The general effect of the painting is overwhelming.这幅画给人总的印象是很有气势。
  6. It's the music to heighten the dramatic effect.那是用于提高戏剧效果的配乐。
  7. That is what he said, to that effect.那便是他所说的话
  8. He told me to get out, or words to that effect.他说了一句叫我走开之类的话。
  1. Doctors cannot effect a cure if the disease has spread too far.假如这种疾病已扩散得厉害,医生也无法妙手回春。
  2. The temperature often effects a change of the state of matter.温度常常引起物态的变化。


  1. This authentic effect has been achieved by skillful retouching.这种真实的效果是通过精心的修饰取得的。
  2. All this he did, but it had no effect.他一切都做了,但没有效果。
  3. Poetry achieves its finest effect by suggestion.诗歌借助联想达到最高意境。
  4. He stopped and saw what effect his words had produced.他停下来看看他的讲话产生了什么效果。
  5. The dramatic lighting heightened the effect of the exhibition.那引人注目的灯光加强了展览会的效果。
  6. During the first scene, which begins early in the morning, we'll dim the lights up to give the effect of growing daylight.在从凌晨开始的第一场,我们将慢慢增强灯光,以达到天变亮时的效果。
  7. The speaker quite spoiled the effect by reading his speech from notes, so that he seemed insincere, and failed to excite the crowd.讲演人从笔记中摘着读发言,从而完全破坏了效果,因此显得不真诚,不能使听众产生激情。
  8. The writer has spoiled an otherwise good story by striving after effects.这位作家由于拼命追求效果反而把一篇本来还不错的小说搞糟了。
  9. They researched on the effects of cigarette smoking.他们探讨了吸烟的后果。
  10. He is blind to the effect of his actions.他不了解他的行为可能带来的后果。
  11. The cumulative effects of many illnesses made him very weak.多种疾病的长期消磨使他的身体极度虚弱。
  12. The effects of the sedative have gone off.止痛药的药效已经过期。
  13. He began to experience the evil effect of drinking.他已经开始感受到喝酒的有害影响。
  14. Wage increases have cushioned us from the effects of higher prices.工资提高后减轻了物价上涨对我们的影响。
  15. We have first to estimate their effects upon complicated social conditions.我们首先得衡量他们对复杂社会状况的影响。
  16. Scientists have spent years researching into the effects of certain chemicals on the human brain, and still have left many questions unanswered.科学家花了多年时间来研究某种化学物质对人脑的影响,但仍有很多问题得不到解答。
  17. It is impossible to shelter your children from the harmful effects of television, until the broadcasters improve the material.如果电视台不改进播放内容,就不可能使孩子们不受电视的坏影响。
  18. Nowhere are the effects of these policies more evident than in the inner cities.这些政策的影响在任何地方都不会比在市内更为明显。
  19. The general effect of the painting is overwhelming.这幅画给人总的印象是很有气势。
  20. Don't look at the details, consider the general effect.别看细节,要考虑总的效果。
  21. He lost all his personal effects in the fire.在那次火灾中,他失去了全部个人财产。
  22. These are the parcels full of the effects of dead soldiers.这些是装满士兵遗物的包裹。
  23. He spoke to no effect.他讲话不起作用。
  24. He argued to no effect.They refused to let him go.他争论了半天也没用,他们还是不放他走。
  25. She called me a fool, or words to that effect.她叫我傻瓜或大意是这样的话。
  26. I can't remember his precise words, but he did say something to that effect.我记不住他确切的话,但他确实说过了大意如此的话。
用作及物动词S+~+ n./pron.
  1. I'll effect my purpose, no one could stop me!我会达到目的,没人能阻止我。
  2. He effected his escape by slugging a guard.他狠揍了一名卫兵才逃脱了。
  3. With the gates closed, it would not be easy to effect an entrance.大门一关,就不容易进去了。
  4. A single glass of brandy may effect his recovery.只要一杯白兰地就可使他恢复正常。
  5. The medicine effected nothing.此药不灵。
  6. 1
  7. The crossing is effected without difficulty.渡河顺利完成。
  8. How have these earth-shaking changes been effected?这些翻天覆地的变化是怎样实现的?
  9. No one foresees how the necessary restriction of the population will be effected.任何人都无法预知将如何实现对人口的必要限制。
其他v -ing as Adverb.
  1. The missile warhead hit the target, effecting a nuclear explosion.导弹弹头命中目标,完成了一次核爆炸。
  2. He did it himself, thereby effecting a considerable saving in time and energy.他自己动手做了那事,从而节省了大量时间和精力。


for effect
    为了外表好看,为了做样子 in order to shock or surprise people
have an effect
    (对…)有影响〔产生效果〕 cause or produce a result (on sb/sth)have an effect

    This drug has a cumulative effect.


    The measures had a detrimental effect.


    have an effect on sb/sth

    The bitter lesson had a lasting effect on him.


    The rain has had a very bad effect on the crops.


    The medicine had a potent effect on your disease.


    It was found out that certain herbal medicine had curative effect on Aids.


    The new law will have only a marginal effect on the lives of most people.


    The new system has had a disastrous effect on productivity.


in effect
    实际上,事实上 in fact, actually
into effect
    实行,实施 into operation
take effect
    生效,奏效 prove effective
to the effect that...
    以便… in order that...


用作名词 (n.)
  • achieve effect取得效果
  • bring about effect产生效果
  • bring into effect实现,实行,贯彻
  • carry into effect实现,实行,贯彻
  • come into effect开始生效,开始实行
  • destroy the effect of破坏…的效果
  • enter into effect生效
  • feel the effect of感到…的作用
  • fight off the effect消除影响
  • give effect to使实行起来,使实施
  • go into effect开始生效,开始实行
  • have an effect有功效,产生影响
  • heighten the effect提高效率
  • improve the effect of改进…的效果
  • lose the effect of失去…的效果
  • make an effect产生一种结果
  • produce an effect on对…有功效,对…产生影响
  • put into effect实行
  • show the effect of显出…的效力〔作用〕
  • sleep off the effect睡一觉以消除影响
  • spread the effect of扩大…的作用〔影响〕
  • take effect奏效
  • acoustic effect音响效果
  • adverse effect反作用
  • bad effect坏影响
  • beneficial effect有益的影响
  • benign effect好结果
  • certain effect某种效果
  • combined effect联合效应
  • cyclic effect循环效应
  • direct effect直接的影响
  • ecological effect生态效应
  • economic effect经济效益
  • environmental effect环境影响
  • exciting effect激动人心的结果
  • fine effect良好的效果
  • fixed effect固定效果
  • general effect总的效果
  • good effect好的影响
  • great effect巨大的作用
  • happy effect愉快的感觉
  • industrial effect产业效应
  • intangible effect无形效应
  • intended effect预期效果
  • lasting effect持久的影响
  • legal effect法律效力
  • lethal effect致命效果
  • limited effect有限的作用
  • little effect没有什么效果
  • main effect主效果
  • marginal effect边际效应
  • marked effect显著的效果
  • monetary effect货币作用
  • musical effect音乐效果
  • negative effect消极效应
  • net effect纯效果
  • opposite effect相反的作用
  • optical effects视觉效果
  • personal effects个人财产
  • powerful effect强大的影响
  • practical effect实际效果
  • pretty effect非常美的效果
  • psychological effect心理效应
  • random effect随机效果
  • retroactive effect追溯效力
  • same effect同样的效果
  • sequential effect连续作用
  • serial effect系列效应
  • simultaneous effect并发效果
  • speculative effect投机效果
  • stereophonic effect立体声效应
  • structural effect结构性效果
  • whole effect整体效果
  • wonderful effect极好的效果
  • Abney effect艾比尼效应
  • acceleration effect加速作用
  • accumulation effect叠加效应
  • adjustment effect调节效应
  • aggrandizement effect夸张效果
  • aggregate-price effect总价格作用
  • allocation effect调配效果
  • announcement effect告示效应
  • assimilation effect同化效应
  • atmosphere effect气氛效应
  • bystander effect旁观者效应
  • cascade effect小瀑布效应,连锁反应
  • ceiling effect高限效应
  • circumstances effect情景效应
  • colour effects色彩效果
  • complementarity effect投资的互补效应
  • compression effect压缩效果
  • context effect情境效应
  • contrast effect对比效应
  • control effect控制效果
  • decline effect衰减效果
  • demolition effect爆破作用
  • demonetization effect非货币化影响
  • demonstration effect示范效果
  • equalization effect平均效应
  • experimenter effect实验者效应
  • firm effect企业效果
  • floor effect下限效果〔应〕
  • fountain effect喷泉效应
  • greenhouse effect温室效应
  • income effect收入效应
  • interference effect干扰效应
  • leapfrog effect跳蛙效果
  • leniency effect仁慈效应
  • leverage effect杠杆作用
  • link effect连锁效果
  • negative income effect负所得效应
  • neighbourhood effect相邻效果
  • price effect价格效应
  • primacy effect首效,先入效应
  • productivity effect生产效率
  • redistribution effect再分配效应
  • relative price effect相对价格影响
  • satiation effect饱足效应
  • sequence effect序列效应
  • series effect系列效应
  • shock effect冲击效应
  • side effect副作用
  • sound effects音响效果
  • space effect空间效果
  • stage effect舞台效果
  • substitution effect替代作用
  • summation effect总和效应
  • tax effect征税效应
  • trade creation effect增加贸易的作用
  • trade diversion effect转移贸易的作用
  • transmission effect传递效应
  • trend effect趋势效果
  • underdog effect失败效应
  • visiting card effect名片效应
  • volume effect强度效应
  • war effect战争(留下)的后果
  • welfare effect福利效应
  • effect analysis效果分析
  • in effect有效
  • of no effect无效
  • with effect有效力
  • effect of…的影响
  • effect of energy resource utilization能源利用效果
  • effects of macro economy宏观经济效果
  • effects of micro economy微观经济效果
  • effect of scientific and collective creativity科学集团创造效应
  • effect of time for news新闻时效性
  • effect on对…有效果
用作动词 (v.)
  • effect a change in temperature引起温度变化
  • effect a compromise实现妥协
  • effect a cure完成治疗
  • effect a meeting促成一次会面
  • effect a settlement of a dispute解决争端
  • effect an insurance policy取得保险单
  • effect reforms实行改革
  • effect the greatest economy力求节约


  • The beneficial effects of their interposition had given shelter and security to private trade.

    出自:H. H. Wilson
  • Always the overt intention is to exalt poetry; and always the effect is to emasculate it.

    出自:D. Davie
  • Corn Law Repeal..effected no immediate economic or social revolution.

    出自:G. M. Trevelyan
  • A police officer may use reasonable force..to effect the arrest.

    出自:R. C. A. White

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airborne infrared equipment
anti-histone antibody
antih(a)emorrhagic factor
autoicomyces marginicola
avocado trees
baculoviral midgut gland necrosis
bank note lawfully issued
bipolar micro controller
blood (apparent) viscosity
breeding performance of the reactor performance
calliotropis annonaformis
cartier i.
channel status byte
circe sulcata
coffee pea
communication buffer
condensate re-evaporation
conformal curvature
contract for carriage of passengers
cull out
death gene
delta ray
differential phase shift keying
disimpaction forceps
dry gas
duration of photopic vision
eye estimate
feeder bus
fill concrete
funnel stand
genus hyacinthoidess
hand priming
hauling power
I Chronicles
impulse of motion
increment execution
interim bonus
investment pornography
ischemic neuritis
leaf fats
lean cheese
lever relief valve
linear lag
mail cars
membranochromic pigments
methodological opportunity costs
off block
oil cyst
operational term
pic mob
planing machine platen
primo de rivera
product lifecycle management
put sheathe the sword
quotation mark
radiation protection survey
ramp gate
scratch a living
sensitive to
shell process
shop driven rivet
Sir Bernard Williams
slip in
Sneddon's syndrome
spike knot
striking a chord
suborder Cephalaspida
supervisory program
supplemental energy bids
tab washer with long tab and wing
tourist sites
translation method
trench mentalities
Wallace's line