音标:[driŋk] ; 柯林斯词典等级:4 级; 牛津三千核心词汇;
n. 饮料, 酒
v. 喝, 喝酒
n. a single serving of a beverage
n. the act of drinking alcoholic beverages to excess
n. any large deep body of water
v. take in liquids
词型变化:名词复数形式 : drinks ; 现在分词 : drinking ; 过去式 : drank ; 过去分词 : drunk ; 第三人称单数 : drinks



  1. It is harmful to your health to drink too much.过量喝酒对你的身体有害。
  2. It's not good to drink on an empty stomach.空腹喝酒不好。
  3. Let us drink to the health of our father.让我们举杯为父亲祝福。
  4. The deer lowered its head to drink from the pond.鹿低下头去喝池塘里的水。
  1. Cold tea makes an excellent drink in summer.在夏天,凉茶是一种很好的饮料。
  2. The management will provide food and drink.管理部门将供应饮食。
  3. My father's health was undermined by drink.我爸爸的健康逐渐为酒所损害。
  4. He has squandered all his savings on drink.他把存的钱全买酒喝了。
  5. He will have a drink in the bar after work.下班之后他总去酒吧喝一杯。


  1. I don't drink and I've never played cards.我不喝酒,也从不打牌。
  2. I've got orange juice for those who don't drink.我为不饮酒的人准备了橘子汁。
  3. He drinks far too much.他喝得太多了。
  4. You may drink, but don't let the drink overcome you.你可以喝酒,但不要让酒把你醉倒。
  5. He drank thirstily from a mug.他用杯子大口喝水。
  6. We saw baby elephants drinking from the stream.我们看见小象在溪边喝水。
  7. He drinks easy as if you always did.他喝酒就像你平常做事一样容易。
  8. Don't drink deep!不要喝得太多!
  9. The wine drinks well.这酒很好喝。
  10. How does this wine drink?这酒喝起来怎么样?
  11. He has been drinking again.他又喝起酒来了。
  12. He is the only person in the room who had been drinking heavily.房间里就他一个人,他刚喝过很多酒。
用作及物动词S+~+ n./pron.
  1. We sat drinking coffee, smoking cigarettes and talking.我们坐在那里喝咖啡,抽烟交谈。
  2. Would you like to drink tea or coffee?你想喝茶呢,还是咖啡?
  3. He drinks half his earnings.他赚的钱一半都用在喝酒上。
  4. We drank each other's health at the banquet.在宴会上,我们举杯互祝身体健康。
  5. 1
  6. The water can be drunk.那些水可以喝。
  7. The milk was drunk by a little cat.牛奶被一只小猫喝了。
  8. It is quite plain that the man must be drunk.很清楚那人是喝醉了。
用作宾补动词S+~+ n./pron. + adj.
  1. He drank the wine dry.他把酒喝干了。
  2. He drank himself drunk.他喝醉了。
  3. He drank himself full that night.那天夜里他喝了个够。
S+~+ n./pron. + prep. -phrase
  1. He drank himself into debt.他喝酒喝得负了债。
  2. He drank himself out of his job.他因喝酒而失业。
  1. I asked him in for a drink.我请他进来喝点饮料。
  2. It's so hot today,I'm dying for a drink.今天这么热,我急需喝点饮料。
  3. He looks half frozen; he needs a hot drink.他看起来快给冻坏了,他需要一杯热饮料。
  4. Over drinks, he speaks longingly of his trip to Latin America.他带着留恋的心情,一边喝酒一边叙述他的拉丁美洲之行。
  5. We've established a rule in this club that everyone buys his own drinks.我们在这个俱乐部里制定了一条大家都要自己买饮料的规矩。
  6. The standard drinks of London are lemonade, ginger beer, and ginger ale.伦敦标准的不含酒精的饮料有柠檬水,姜汁啤酒和姜汁酒。
  7. They are only allowed to sell soft drinks at school.在学校里只准许他们出售不含酒精的饮料。
  8. A certain ruler in the Middle Ages was famous for poisoning her guests with chemicals put into their drinks.中世纪某女王以往客人饮料里放化学药品来毒死客人而闻名。
  9. Laura took the drink out of the refrigerator and drank it.劳拉把饮料从冰箱里拿出来喝了。
  10. Would you come into the bar and have a drink with me?你愿意进酒吧和我喝上一杯吗?
  11. If I had taken one more drink,I would have passed out.我再多喝一杯酒就会烂醉如泥。
  12. I offered him a drink but he didn't respond to my offer.我想请他喝一杯,但他不理睬我。
  13. He likes a drink when he returns home from work.他喜欢下班回家后喝一杯酒。
  14. I wasn't allowed to pay for the drinks.喝酒没有让我花钱。
  15. There's no drink in the house.本店不供应酒。
  16. His wife did not allow him to touch any drink or tobacco.他妻子不让他碰烟酒。
  17. He committed the crime under the influence of drink.他在醉酒状态中犯了罪。
  18. They ran out of all their money through gambling and drink.他们赌博酗酒把钱都用光了。


drink away (v.+adv.)
    饮酒消愁 relieve by taking alcoholic drinkdrink away

    He has been drinking away for hours.


    drink sth ⇔ away

    He tried to drink the memory away.


    They were drinking the hours away.


    Tom drank the whole of his father's fortune away.


drink deep of (v.+prep.)
    大量吸收(某物) take in a lot of (sth)
drink down (v.+adv.)
    一饮而尽 drink in one gulpdrink sth ⇔ down

    He drank the draught down.


    His mother got him to drink the medicine down.


    Drink your medicine down, it's good for you.


    Come on, drink it down!


drink in (v.+adv.)
    饱览,欣赏(风景等) take pleasure in giving one's attention to (sth such as a sight)
drink of (v.+prep.)
    喝一些… drink some of sthdrink of sth

    The young Mongolian girl dropped her bridle and let the horse drink of the running water.


drink off (v.+adv.)
    一气喝干,喝完 drink updrink sth ⇔ off

    Shall we drink it off?


    Peter drank off a whole litre of beer all at once.


drink on (v.+prep.)
    喝…而醉 drink too much and make sb lose consciousnessbe drunk on sth

    It is easy to get drunk on brandy.


drink to (v.+prep.)
    举杯祝贺 propose a toastdrink to sb/sth

    Raise your glasses and drink to the bride and bridegroom.


    Drink to your health.


    Let us drink to the health of the host.


    We drank to his success.


    I drink to the future; may it bring us all happiness.


    drink sth to sb/sth

    They drank success to his experiment.


    They drank a toast to the victory.


drink up (v.+adv.)
    痛饮,大口地喝 drink in one long swallowdrink up

    Drink up!


    The barman asked the men to drink up.


    Drink up, then I'll refill your glass.


    drink sth ⇔ up

    Children, drink up your milk.


    Drink your medicine up, it's good for you.


    Not a drop left. Who drank it up?


    This tree drank up more moisture than that one.


be given to drink
    爱喝酒 like drinking
be in drink
    喝醉 be tipsy
drink in hand
    酒杯在手 a drink cup in sb's hand
drive to drink
    使得某人借酒消愁 make sb so worried, frustrated, etc. that he starts drinking too much alcoholdrink sb to drink

    Working here is enough to drive anyone to drink.


    The continual quarrelling drove her to drink.


in〔into〕 the drink
    在〔掉进〕海〔湖、河〕里 in〔into〕 the river, sea, lake
meat and drink
    快乐的源泉,生活的目的 a source of great enjoyment to sb; what sb lives formeat and drink to sb

    Scandal and gossip are meat and drink to him.


spike a drink
    在(饮料或低度)酒中加酒精〔烈酒〕 add spirits to a weaker drink
take to drink
    开始酗酒 begin to indulge in excessive drinking
the demon drink
    喝酒上瘾的人 habitual drinking


用作动词 (v.)
  • drink brandy喝白兰地
  • drink coffee喝咖啡
  • drink deep of the Chinese culture深受中国文化熏陶
  • drink deep of life's experience饱经沧桑
  • drink deep of the spring water畅饮泉水
  • drink earnings把薪金花在酒上
  • drink lemonade喝柠檬汁
  • drink milk喝牛奶
  • drink sb's health举杯祝某人健康
  • drink sth iced喝冰镇饮料
  • drink spring喝泉水
  • drink tea喝茶
  • drink the cup dry饮尽杯中酒
  • drink the cup empty饮尽杯中酒
  • drink the cup of joy尝尽欢乐
  • drink whisky喝威士忌
  • drink deep痛饮
  • drink hard酗酒
  • drink bestially狂饮
  • drink convivially乐天派地饮
  • drink copiously大量地饮
  • drink deliberately谨慎饮酒
  • drink excessively过多地饮酒
  • drink freely开怀畅饮
  • drink greedily贪婪地饮酒
  • drink heavily过多地饮酒
  • drink inconsolably情绪极度沮丧地饮
  • drink injudiciously纵饮
  • drink insatiably酗酒
  • drink intemperately饮酒过度
  • drink loyally忠实地吸收
  • drink moderately适度地饮酒
  • drink plentifully大量地饮酒
  • drink ravenously狂饮
  • drink systematically系统地吸收
  • drink thirstily渴望饮酒
  • drink vilely喝得令人作呕
  • drink hours away将时间在喝酒中浪费
  • drink away one's reason喝酒以致失去理智
  • drink down喝光,(植物)吸收(水分)
  • drink in汲取,陶醉于
  • drink in beauty of the scene欣赏美景
  • drink in knowledge如饥似渴地吸收知识
  • drink in moisture from atmosphere从大气中吸收水分
  • drink in one's words欣赏某人的话
  • drink in teacher's explanation很注意地听老师解释
  • drink in the music倾听音乐
  • drink in the news倾听新闻
  • drink in the story对故事很欣赏
  • drink off喝光,(植物)吸收(水分)
  • drink up喝光,(植物)吸收(水分)
  • drink up a glass of wine把一杯酒一饮而尽
  • drink from用…喝
  • drink from a glass用玻璃杯喝…
  • drink like a fish牛饮
  • drink of喝一口,分享一部分
  • drink of the cup喝一杯
  • drink oneself to death纵饮致死
  • drink oneself to〔into〕 illness喝酒致病
  • drink to sb's health为某人的健康干杯
  • drink to sb's success为某人的成功干杯
  • drink to the dregs喝干
  • drink sb under the table把某人灌得酩酊大醉
用作名词 (n.)
  • abandon drink戒酒
  • fix a drink调制一杯饮料
  • have a drink喝一杯
  • make a drink调制一杯饮料
  • mix a drink调制一杯饮料
  • nurse a drink慢饮慢酌
  • offer drink提供饮料
  • pour a drink倒出一杯饮料
  • serve drink供应饮料
  • sleep off the drink用睡觉来解除酒醉
  • stand a drink喝酒
  • take a drink喝一杯
  • take to drink嗜酒
  • taste drink尝酒
  • want a drink要喝水
  • acidulous drink带酸味的饮料
  • adulterated drink掺水的酒
  • alcoholic drink酒精
  • appetizing drink开胃酒
  • bottled drink瓶装的饮料
  • cold drink冷饮
  • cool drink清凉饮料
  • delicate drink美味酒
  • delicious drink美味的饮料
  • excellent drink佳酒
  • exhilarating drink提神的饮料
  • effervescent drink泡沫饮料
  • fermented drink发酵的酒
  • frosty drink冰镇的饮料
  • heady drink易使人陶醉的酒
  • hot drink热饮
  • iced drink冰镇饮料
  • innocuous drink无毒的酒
  • limpid drink清澈的饮料
  • long drink用大杯喝的饮料
  • mixed drink调好的饮料
  • national drink国民(喜欢喝的)饮料
  • nice drink味道甘美的好饮料
  • nutritious drink滋补酒
  • popular drink大众(欢迎的)饮料
  • refreshing drink提神的饮料
  • repulsive drink令人厌恶的酒
  • restorative drink滋补性的酒
  • robust drink浓酒
  • seductive drink诱人的酒
  • sleepy drink催眠的酒
  • soft drink软饮料,不含酒精的饮料
  • sparking drink激发情感的酒
  • still drink没有气泡的饮料
  • stimulating drink刺激性的酒
  • strong drink烈酒
  • useful drink有益的饮料
  • weak drink淡酒
  • zestful drink有风味的酒
  • summer drink夏季饮料
  • winter drink冬季饮料
  • drink money酒钱
  • drink offering祭奠之酒
  • drink song酒歌
  • drink water饮用水
  • in drink喝醉
  • in the drink在海〔河,湖〕里
  • into the drink降落在水面上
  • be fond of drink喜欢饮酒
  • on the drink常常喝酒,酗酒
  • be given to drink纵酒
  • drive sb to drink逼得某人借酒消愁
  • slave to drink酒鬼
  • drink from a fountain泉水
  • drink of warm tea热茶


  • I was thirstie, and ye gaue me no drinke.

    出自:Bible (AV): Matthew
  • The crews had better food and drink than they had ever had before.

    出自:Ld Macaulay
  • He drank the water in breathless..gulps.

    出自:H. Roth
  • She drank two glasses of gin.

    出自:B. Pym

Placing a Drink Order Server: Hello, Im Allie and Ill be your server today. Heres a menu. Can I take your drink order? Joel: Id like a glass of water with no ice. Server: Sure. Will that be sparkling or still? Joel: Uh, tap. Server: Okay, one glass o

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Drink Now, Pay Later A study with animals in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences shows that alcohol abuse in adolescence leads to a lifetime of poor decision-making skills. Karen Hopkin reports We all know that drinking can cloud jud

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Bayard-Alpert ga(u)ge
biogas generating pit
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Croft, William
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demand pull theory of inflation
differential quenching
during vegetative growth period
electrostatic fuze
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Fulayj al Janūbī
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Ixora insignis
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metasedimentary rock
milk culture-medium
morsus humanus
nervi dentales superiores posteriores
new wine
Nicolaier's bacillus
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plackett's uniform distribution
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resistance starting
sex-reassignment surgery
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take sb. up
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Winchester school
zone reheat air conditioning system