单词:animal draw farm implements
单词:animal draw farm implements 相关文章
They had won, but they were weary and bleeding. 他们胜利了,但他们都已是疲惫不堪,鲜血淋漓。 Slowly they began to limp back towards the farm. 它们一瘸一拐地朝庄园缓缓地走回。 The sight of their dead comrades stre
In the autumn, by a tremendous, exhausting effort--for the harvest had to be gathered at almost the same time--the windmill was finished. 到了秋天,动物们在保证完成收割的情况下,竭尽全力,终于使风车竣工了,而且几乎
Friend of fatherless!/ Fountain of happiness!/ Lord of the swill-bucket! Oh, how my soul is on/ Fire when I gaze at thy/ Calm and commanding eye,/ Like the sun in the sky,/ Comrade Napoleon! 孤儿之至亲!/ 辛福之源泉!/ 赐给食料的的恩
Animal Farm by George Orwell 动物庄园 乔治奥威尔 Mr. Jones, of the Manor Farm, had locked the hen-houses for the night, but was too drunk to remember to shut the pop-holes. 故事发生在曼纳庄园里。这天晚上,庄园的主人琼斯先
All were agreed that no animal must ever live there. 大家全都赞成:任何动物都不得在此居住。 The animals had their breakfast, and then Snowball and Napoleon called them together again. 动物们用完早餐,斯诺鲍和拿破仑再次
Then they made a tour of inspection of the whole farm and surveyed with speechless admiration the plough land, the hayfield, the orchard, the pool, the spinney. 然后,他们巡视庄园一周,在无声的赞叹中查看了耕地、牧场、果树园
For the first few minutes the animals could hardly believe in their good fortune. 起初,有好大一会,动物们简直不敢相信他们的好运气。 Their first act was to gallop in a body right round the boundaries of the farm, as though to
It was just then that Mr. Jones woke up. 就在此刻,琼斯先生醒了。 The next moment he and his four men were in the store-shed with whips in their hands, lashing out in all directions. 不一会儿,他和他的四个伙计手里拿着鞭子
Three nights later old Major died peacefully in his sleep. 三天之后,老麦哲在安睡中平静地死去。 His body was buried at the foot of the orchard. 他的遗体埋在苹果园脚下。 This was early in March. During the next three mont
When Major saw that they had all made themselves comfortable and were waiting attentively, he cleared his throat and began: 看到他们都坐稳了,并聚精会神地等待着,麦哲清了清喉咙,开口说道: Comrades, you have heard alre
They were shaken and miserable. 他们感到震惊,感到害怕。 They did not know which was more shocking--the treachery of the animals who had leagued themselves with Snowball, or the cruel retribution they had just witnessed. 但却说不清到底
All this while no more had been seen of Snowball. 这段时间里,一直都没有再见到斯诺鲍。 He was rumored to be hiding on one of the neighboring farms, either Foxwood or Pinchfield. 有谣传说他躲在附近的庄园里,不是在福克
The price of these would pay for enough grain and meal to keep the farm going till summer came on and conditions were easier. 这些鸡蛋所赚的钱可买回很多饲粮,庄园也就可以坚持到夏季,那时,情况就好转了。 When the
The animals watched his coming and going with a kind of dread, and avoided him as much as possible. 动物们看着他来来去去,犹有几分畏惧,避之唯恐不及。 Nevertheless, the sight of Napoleon, on all fours, delivering orders to Wh
Once again the animals were conscious of a vague uneasiness. 动物们再一次感到一种说不出的别扭。 Never to have any dealings with human beings, never to engage in trade, never to make use of money-- 决不和人打交道,决不从事交
This was so great that it would have taken a lot of failures to outweigh it. 这个优越性太显著了,它足以使许多不足之处显得不足为道。 And in many ways the animal method of doing things was more efficient and saved labor. 另外
This was what came of rebelling against the laws of Nature, Frederick and Pilkington said. 弗雷德里克和皮尔金顿说,正是在这一点上,造反是悖于天理的。 However, these stories were never fully believed. 然而,谁也没有完
By the late summer the news of what had happened on Animal Farm had spread across half the couty. 到了夏末,有关动物庄园里种种事件的消息,已经传遍了半个国家。 Every day Snowball and Napoleon sent out flights of pigeons w
How they toiled and sweated to get the hay in! 收割牧草时,他们干得多卖力! But their efforts were rewarded, for the harvest was an even bigger success than they had hoped. 但他们的汗水并没有白流,因为这次丰收比他们先
China to further develop Internet Plus Agriculture model: official Chinese authorities have unveiled plans to try to further develop its Internet Plus Agriculture model to help the primary, secondary and tertiary industries in rural areas. Qu Dongyu,