n. amass的变形
n. One who amasses.



  1. A speculator may try to amass great wealth.投机商会想方设法积聚钱财。
  2. Mr. Smith's business was very successful, and he was able to amass a fortune.史密斯先生的事业极为成功,所以他积聚了一大笔财富。
  3. She continues to amass a staggering amount of material on the history and technology relating to current-day mind control and other forms of abuse.她继续收集在历史和技术上涉及到当今的精神控制和其他的孽待形式的令人惊愕的材料。
  4. So, as you begin to amass this knowledge and these abilities, there will be others attracted to you for their own reasons because of what they can access through you.所以,如同你们开始收集这知识和这些能力,将会有吸引他们自己的动机,因为他们能够通过你们访问。


用作及物动词S+~+ n./pron.
  1. It was estimated that the state had amassed 100 to 200 atomic warheads.据估计,这个国家已积累了100至200个原子弹头。
  2. The campers amassed a large pile of branches before starting their fire.野营的人们在架起篝火之前搜集了一大堆碎枝。
  3. He has amassed a profound knowledge of eight languages by industry.他靠勤奋而精通八种语言。
  4. The capitalists amass great wealth by exploiting workers.资本家剥削工人而积累了巨额财富。
  5. He amassed a fortune by speculating on the stock exchange.他靠证券交易投机聚敛了一大笔钱财。
  6. He amassed money for his children.他为儿女攒钱。
  7. During the past two years alone, he amassed a staggering $ 1.5 billion in profits for himself.单单在过去的两年里,他就为自己聚集到达15亿之巨的利润。
  8. He amassed his papers for his memoirs.他把文件汇集起来,准备写回忆录。
  9. He amassed a fortune from silver mining.他靠开采银矿积累了一笔财富。
  10. She has amassed a huge fortune from her novels.她通过她的小说已经积聚了一大笔财富。
  11. He amassed evidence to support his case.他收集证据以支持自己的讼案。


用作动词 (v.)
  • amass a large collection of rejection slips收到一大堆退稿便条
  • amass data积累资料
  • amass evidence收集证据
  • amass information收集情报
  • amass political power积聚政治权力
  • amass quite a little fortune积攒一大笔财产
  • amass savings积蓄存款
  • amass patiently耐心积累
  • amass quickly很快积累
  • amass rapidly迅速积累
  • amass slowly慢慢积累


  • The son of a small landowner whose family had first amassed, and then lost, considerable wealth.

    出自:C. V. Wedgwood
  • A detective must find it as important as a novelist to amass his trivial material before picking out the right clue.

    出自:G. Greene

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