n. 手铐, 脚镣;塞古
n a restraint that confines or restricts freedom (especially something used to tie down or restrain a prisoner)
n a U-shaped bar; the open end can be passed through chain links and closed with a bar
v bind the arms of
v restrain with fetters



  1. He was in handcuffs and shackles.他戴着手铐脚镣。
  2. Shall I remove these shackles?你想脱掉脚镣手铐吗?
  3. He takes advantage of his magma shackles and anti-magic pulse by moving to keep his ground-based enemies within these areas of effect.加尔不断移动以确保地面上的敌人在岩浆镣铐和反魔法脉冲的有效区域内。


  • shackle手铐

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Agapetes flava
Anamu, R.
anthoxanthum horsfieldii formosanum
Banteay Srey
benthic animal
blacking level
blood-seminiferous tubule barrier
bobbin dryer
bottom sloping
capacity point
cast away
chiridius poppei
chodneffite (chiolite)
common whipping
compensation trading
contemporary heterocyclic chemistry
contract of loan
earthing conductor
fish hawk
fixed observatory
formal dinner table
freeze of prices
gametis forticula kotoensis
gas nitrocarburizing medium
gaze out
genus matteuccias
gorge cornice
gravel pump
greater antilless
headlight visor
identifical network
inner brake
iron ore separator
jointing machine
kiss black
layout character
meter-in circuit
miotic phase
Neuse River
pit mill
plane side frame
platyform larva
population statistics
porcelain inlay
projective geometries
random chain model
short-oil base coating
side chain fluorination
smother plant
solar magnetic fluid power generation
spectral quantum radiance
synthetic air
time to takeoff
trioza obunca
unite tangent
variation coefficient for discharging voltage
vascular resorption
Veratrum puberulum Loes.
warm forging
weighed against
Winchester disk drive
you know something?