音标:[li:d. led] ; 柯林斯词典等级:2 级; 牛津三千核心词汇;
n. 铅, 铅条, 领导, 超前量, 领引, 榜样, 主角, 导线
vt. 引导, 带领, 领导, 指挥, 致使, 加铅于, 用铅包
vi. 领导, 带头, 导致, 用测深锤测深, 被铅覆盖
a. 带头的, 最重要的
n. an advantage held by a competitor in a race
n. a soft heavy toxic malleable metallic element; bluish white when freshly cut but tarnishes readily to dull grey
n. evidence pointing to a possible solution
n. a position of leadership (especially in the phrase `take the lead')
词型变化:过去式 : led ; 过去分词 : led ; 现在分词 : leading ; 第三人称单数 : leads ; 名词复数形式 : leads



  1. She led the way downstairs for us.她引着我们下楼。
  2. Our football team leads them by two goals.我们的足球队比他们领先两分。
  3. It's up to you to lead us through the difficulties.就靠你来带领我们度过难关了。
  4. They lead a busy and colourful life on the campus.他们在大学里过着忙碌而又丰富多彩的生活。
  5. The quarrel led to a complete estrangement between her and her family.这一争吵使她同家人完全疏远了。
  1. She always takes the lead when we plan to do something.我们不管打算做什么事的时候总由她来领头。
  2. He's playing the lead in the new play.他在新戏中担任主角。
  3. All the children followed his lead.所有的孩子都学习他的榜样。
  4. He told an amusing story as a lead-in to the serious part of his speech.他讲了一个有趣的故事作他演说中重要内容的引子。
  5. Lead fuses at a low temperature.铅在低温下就熔化。


  1. I need a soft lead pencil.我需要一支软铅笔芯的铅笔。
  2. The pencil lead is broken.铅笔芯断了。
  3. The stick is weighted with lead.这手杖是加铅的。
  4. The leads were laid into the water.测深锤放下了水。
  5. He walked on despite all the lead in his body.他继续往前走,尽管中了一些枪弹。
  1. I'll lead, you must follow me.我带路,你一定得跟着我。
  2. You lead, and I'll follow.你带路,我随后。
  3. She led in the race.她在赛跑中领先。
  4. Where does this road lead?这条路通到哪里?
  5. Your work seems to be leading nowhere.你的工作似乎没有什么效果。
  6. Don't indulge in wild talk, which leads nowhere.别漫无边际地空谈了,那不会有什么结果的。
用作及物动词S+~+ n./pron.
  1. He was leading a horse by the bridle.他牵着马的缰绳。
  2. She led the child by the hand.她拉着孩子的手走。
  3. His wife, being more aggressive, is able to lead him by the nose.他的妻子更厉害,能牵着他的鼻子走。
  4. She is leading the child.她正领着孩子走。
  5. A local poor peasant led the soldiers through the forest.一位当地贫农领着战士们穿过森林。
  6. Our guide led us through a series of caves.我们的向导引导我们穿过一连串的洞穴。
  7. If the blind leads the blind, both will fall into ditch.盲人领瞎子,两人都会掉进沟里。
  8. You lead the way and I follow.你带路,我跟在你后头。
  9. She has always led the way in fashion.她总是领导服装潮流。
  10. A brass band led the regiment.该团由一铜管乐队引导。
  11. He leads the class in mathematics.在数学方面,他是全班第一。
  12. She leads her class in English.她的英语全班第一。
  13. When we are together he always leads me.我们在一起时他总是左右我。
  14. The flagship led the fleet.旗舰率领着舰队。
  15. The commander led the army in fighting against the enemy.指挥官带领部队与敌人作战。
  16. He led a peace movement in the late 1930's.他在30年代后期领导和平运动。
  17. He leads the community orchestra.他领导这个社区的管弦乐队。
  18. We are leading a happy life.我们过着幸福的生活。
  19. He leads a very simple life.他过着十分简朴的生活。
  20. He leads a quiet life.他过着安静的生活。
  21. She led a rather hard life.她过着相当艰苦的生活。
  22. 1
  23. A government delegation was led by the Foreign Minister.政府代表团是由外交部长率领的。
  24. Children are easily led.孩子们易于诱导。
用作双宾动词S+~+ pron. + n.
  1. She led him a miserable life.她领着他过着悲惨的生活。
用作宾补动词S+~+ n./pron. + adv.
  1. The guard led the prisoner away.看守把囚犯带走了。
  2. He led the group out into the garden.他把那群人带出室外,来到花园里。
S+~+ pron. +to- v
  1. What led you to think so?是什么使得你这样想呢?
  2. The news leads me to believe that they will come.这消息使我相信他们会来的。
  3. Such actions lead us to distrust him.他的这种行为使我们不信任他。
  4. His trouble led him to drink.他的烦恼使他喝起酒来。
  5. This led him to make a deeper analysis of the problem.这促使他对问题作更深刻的分析。
  6. What led you to bring up unexpected trouble?你怎么会横生枝节的?
  7. 1
  8. I am led to believe that he is disloyal to us.某些事实使我相信他对我们不忠。
  9. You might have been led to believe that I was joking.这或许会导致你我在开玩笑。
  1. You must keep your dog on a lead in the park.在公园里要牵着你的狗。
  2. He has a lead of ten metres over the other runners.他比别的运动员领先10米。
  3. The little black horse has a lead of two metres.小黑马领先两米。
  4. Please give me a lead.请帮我提个头。
  5. We're waiting for the conductor to give us a lead.我们正等着乐队指挥给我们做个手势。
  6. It is your lead this time.这一回轮到你先出牌。
  7. I'll follow your lead.我将效法你。
  8. She is gaining the lead in the race.她在赛跑中领先了。
  9. So far she has been in the lead.到目前为止,她一直领先。
  10. With him in the lead the others followed suit.在他的带动下,其他人也都跟上来了。
  11. He's playing the lead in the new play.他在新剧中担任主角。
  12. The cast is excellent from the lead to the bits.全体演员,从演主角的到跑龙套的,都很出色。
  13. She is very happy that she is chosen to play the lead in the film.她为被选为这部电影的主角而高兴。
  14. The police have several useful leads.警察掌握着几条有用的线索。
  15. The police were following up several leads.警方正追查着几条线索。
  16. He's short on job leads.他缺少寻找工作的门路。


lead astray (v.+adv.)
    把…引入歧途,引上邪路 tempt sb to do wronglead sb ⇔ astray

    Such ideas will only lead the world's people astray.


    The boy was led astray by bad companions.


    The unthinking public are easily led astray by the false picture of reality given in television shows.


lead into (v.+prep.)
    (道路等)通向 provide a way for sb to enterlead sb/sth into sth

    He led us into the room.


    The horses were led into the yard.


    lead sb/sth into sth

    The love of pleasure leads men into vices.


    Behaviour like this will lead you into trouble.


    lead into sth

    This passage leads into the courtyard.


    lead sth into sth

    The pipes lead the water into the fields.


    Gutters lead the water into the ditch.


lead off (v.+adv.)
    开始 begin, start (a speech, performance, meeting, etc.)lead off

    Who is going to lead off?


    The town band led off by playing the National Anthem.


    lead sth ⇔ off

    She led off a dance.


lead on (v.+adv.)
    劝诱,使误信,哄骗 persuade or entice to follow an unwise course of action;misleadlead sb ⇔ on

    If you have no intention of marrying her, you shouldn't keep leading her on.


    lead sb on to-v

    Salesmen do their best to lead people on to buy things they don't need.


lead on to (v.+adv.+prep.)
    引起,导致 give rise to;bring out;causelead on to sth

    Besides cancer, smoking can lead on to other diseases.


lead to (v.+prep.)
    导致,引起 cause;have as a resultlead sb to sth

    The bellboy led us to our rooms.


    He led them to the house.


    He led us to a room upstairs.


    The general led the army to battle.


    The girl led her little brother to school.


    The path can lead you to the foot of the mountain.


    This road will lead you to the parking lot.


    The light led us to the shore.


    Chance led him to London.


    lead to sth

    All roads lead to Rome.


    This road leads to my home.


    A winding path leads to the cave.


    lead to sth

    His failure led to his resignation.


    Carelessness often leads to errors.


    The accident led to many lawsuits.


    This is a serious dispute, and could lead to armed conflict.


    This led to great confusion.


    I don't think it will lead to a good result.


    Virtue leads to happiness.


    An ordinary cold can soon lead to a fever.


    The wording is likely to lead to ambiguity.


lead up to (v.+adv.+prep.)
    使话题(渐渐)转向 direct the conversation towards
lead with (v.+prep.)
    作为头条报道 start withlead with sth

    We'll lead with the dock strike.


take the lead
    占主要地位,领先,带头 set an example for others to follow


用作名词 (n.)
  • expose lead暴露铅
  • mine lead采铅矿
  • refine lead精炼铅
  • sheet lead切割铅成小片
  • smelt lead熔解铅
  • solder lead焊接铅
  • treat with lead用铅处理
  • unearth lead开采铅矿
  • weight with lead用铅加重
  • black lead黑铅
  • red lead〈化〉铅丹,红丹
  • smoke-blackened lead烟炭铅
  • soft lead软铅
  • white lead白铅
  • lead pencil铅笔
  • lead pipe铅管
  • lead poisoning铅中毒
用作动词 (v.)
  • lead a blind man牵引一盲人
  • lead a campaign指挥一场战役
  • lead a discussion引导讨论
  • lead a government delegation率领政府代表团
  • lead a guest to his room领客人到他自己的房间
  • lead a happy life过幸福生活
  • lead a hard life过艰苦生活
  • lead a horse牵着马
  • lead a meeting主持会议
  • lead a miserable existence生活困苦
  • lead a movement领导一场运动
  • lead an organization领导一个组织
  • lead a quiet life过安静生活
  • lead a strike领导罢工
  • lead activity领导一个活动
  • lead an army率领部队
  • lead an expedition率领探险队
  • lead chase使陷入困境
  • lead company率领连队
  • lead people领导一批人
  • lead sb a dance令人焦急
  • lead the choir领导唱诗班
  • lead the fighters指挥战士
  • lead the football team率领着这支足球队
  • lead the guests领客
  • lead the orchestra引导乐队
  • lead the parade走在游行队伍之前
  • lead the party领导这个党
  • lead the regiment引导该团
  • lead the singing指挥唱歌
  • lead the two of clubs先出梅花2
  • lead the way带路,引路
  • lead the world in在…方面名列世界前茅
  • lead trumps首先出王牌
  • lead visitors带领客人
  • lead nowhere毫无结果
  • lead boldly无畏地领导
  • lead ceremonially正式地带入
  • lead convincingly有说服力地引导
  • lead deceitfully欺骗地引导
  • lead despotically专制地领导
  • lead dexterously两手灵巧地引导
  • lead easily容易引导
  • lead energetically精力充沛地领导
  • lead fanatically狂热地领导
  • lead fatefully重要地领导
  • lead gallantly英勇地领导
  • lead gradually渐渐地引导
  • lead imaginatively富有想象地领导
  • lead incomparably举世无双地领导
  • lead intelligently有才智地领导
  • lead intrepidly无畏地领导
  • lead mercilessly无情地领导
  • lead naturally自然引导
  • lead nominally名义上地领导
  • lead reluctantly不情愿地领导
  • lead solely单独引导,单独过日子
  • lead supremely最高级领导
  • lead triumphantly成功地领导
  • lead ultimately最后地指导
  • lead unscrupulously无耻地过…生活
  • lead victoriously胜利地领导
  • lead astray引入歧途
  • lead away带走,使某人盲从,使转向
  • lead away from danger被引出危险境地
  • lead the prisoners away把犯人带走
  • lead back带回,按搭档出牌的花色出牌
  • lead a horse back把马牵回去
  • lead back to the right way引回到正道
  • lead down to the river通向河边,流入河里
  • lead forward领向前去
  • lead in引入,开始介绍,引出,导入(某言论)
  • lead the visitors in领进客人
  • lead off开始,领走
  • lead off a dance领头起舞
  • lead on引领…继续前进,引诱
  • lead out开始,带(舞伴)起舞
  • lead out a lady to a dance带一位女士入舞池跳舞
  • lead across the road领…过马路
  • lead against the city率领攻城
  • lead against the enemy率领打击敌人
  • lead around the city带某人在城里各处游览
  • lead by领着,(路)经过
  • lead by eight seconds领先八秒
  • lead sb by the hand挽着某人的手
  • lead by the nose牵着鼻子走
  • lead from victory to victory领导从胜利走向胜利
  • lead in a race在赛跑中领跑
  • lead in an oil production在石油方面领先
  • lead into领进,通向
  • lead into a trap引某人落入圈套
  • lead into the court通向院子
  • lead into the drawing room领进客厅
  • lead into the garden通往花园
  • lead into the house把某人带进屋
  • lead off the field领…离开运动场
  • lead out of the burning building把…从燃烧着的大楼中救出来
  • lead through穿过
  • lead through the forest带领某人穿过森林
  • lead to领往,通往
  • lead to ambiguity产生歧义
  • lead up to领向,导致
  • lead up to convention导致开会
  • lead up to the front door领到门前
  • lead with把…作为头条新闻
  • lead with the dock strike以码头工人罢工作为头条新闻
用作名词 (n.)
  • assume the lead开始处于领导地位
  • build up sb's lead加强某人的领导〔领先〕地位
  • gain the lead获得领先地位
  • give up the lead放弃领先地位
  • have a lead领先
  • hold a safe lead遥遥领先
  • hold the lead保持领先地位
  • increase sb's lead加强某人的领导〔领先〕地位
  • lose the lead丧失领先地位
  • maintain the lead保持领先地位
  • relinquish the lead放弃领先地位
  • take the lead领先
  • provide leads for为…提供线索
  • run down a lead按线索追踪
  • track down a lead按线索追踪
  • play the lead担任主角
  • commanding lead明显的领先地位
  • dull lead不光彩的榜样
  • female lead女主角
  • male lead男主角
  • merciless lead残忍的领导
  • proper lead正确的领导
  • safe lead稳稳领先
  • unencumbered lead无拘无束的领导
  • in the lead领先
  • under the lead of在…的领导下
  • lead in在…方面处于领先地位
  • lead in several pictures好几部影片中的主角
  • lead of ten metres in the race在赛跑中领先十米


  • A heavy summons lies like lead upon me.

  • The ship went down like lead.

  • Causing the Clouds to lead in store of rain.

    出自:Joseph Hall
  • One shilling a load is the price..for leading a cart-load of warp.

    出自:W. B. Stonehouse

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a sensible change
acton (an)
address while in
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feabane mullet
federation for unified science education (fuse)
fuel post-irradiation examination
Google Desktop
household survey
infraframe frequency interleaving
interrupt, source
intimate apparels
Invalid directory
kaleidoscope model
laminated plastic
laser cutter
layer of discontinuity
manufacturing loss
maturation stage
merchant iron
metatrophic intracavitary
molecular excitation
monetary payoff
motility estimation
on berth
one swallow does not a summer make
optimum producting capacity
oswald spenglers
puccinia polliniae-imberbis
radiometer manometer
range expansion
rebound elasticity
regular representation of compact group
rigid truck
Routh's criterion
Saint Cyril
selsyn-type electrical motor
single point moorings
Sitka spruce
spectral stimulus
spotting soap
stocking knitter
Straight value
straight-side flank splines
subaqueous signalling
Tape relay.
theoretical concentration
transient thermal selffocusing
unicycle graph
unitary class
unpacked goods
washing machinery
wrought-iron pipe