单词:Langan 相关文章
The average person has an IQ of one hundred, the voice-over continued. 普通人的智商是100,主持人的旁白在继续着, Einstein one fifty. Chris has an IQ of one hundred ninety-five. 爱因斯坦的是150,克里斯的达到了195。 He's
By the way, Bill Joy's birth date? November 8, 1954. 比尔.乔伊:1954年11月8日 Joy would go on, after he stint at Berkeley, to become one of four founders of Sun Microsystems, 最终,在度过艰苦的伯克利岁月之后,乔伊成为太阳
One of the most widely used intelligence tests is something called Raven's Progressive Matrices. 瑞文推理能力测验是目前使用最为普遍的智力测试。 It requires no language skills or specific body of acquired knowledge. It's a measu
After protracted negotiations, it was agreed Robert will be put on probation.经过长期谈判,终于答应继续试用罗伯特。 Chris Langan's mother was from San Francisco and was estranged from her family. 克里斯.兰根的母亲出生于旧
What Hudson is saying is that IQ is a lot like height in basketball. 在哈德森看来,一个人的IQ就如篮球运动员的身高一样。 Does someone who is five foot six have a realistic chance of playing professional basketball? 一个身高
In school, Langan could walk into a language test where he had not studied at all, 上学之后,他对语文之类的课程漫不经心,根本就没有怎么学过, and if there were two or three minutes before the instructor arrived, he could
I didn't have the money to repair it. 我没有钱修车, So I went to the dean and my advisor in sequence and I said, I have a problem. 所以我先后找到学院院长和我的指导老师,告诉他们说我遇到了麻烦。 The transmission
What does the story of Chris Langan tell us? 里斯.兰根的故事说明了什么? His explanations, as heartbreaking as they are, are also a little strange. 和那些悲伤的往事一样,他述说的一切令人伤感,但又令人觉得惊异。
When he was nine, he once told one of his cousins, ask me a question in Latin and I will answer you in Greek.9岁那年,他对堂兄妹们说:你们用拉丁文问我一个问题,我就能用希腊语回答你们。 Oppenheimer went to Harvard
Would Oppenheimer have lost his scholarship at Reed? 那么,如果把兰根换成奥本海默,奥本海默是否也可能失去里德学院的奖学金? Would he had been unable to convince his professors to move his classes to the afternoon? 他