音标:[flaits] ;
n. (物体的)飞行( flight的名词复数 ); 航班; 飞翔; 楼梯的一段
n a formation of aircraft in flight
n an instance of traveling by air
n a stairway (set of steps) between one floor or landing and the next
n the act of escaping physically
n an air force unit smaller than a squadron
n passing above and beyond ordinary bounds
n the path followed by an object moving through space
n a flock of flying birds
n a scheduled trip by plane between designated airports
v shoot a bird in flight
v fly in a flock
v decorate with feathers



  1. She photographed the birds in flight.她拍摄鸟儿飞行的照片。
  2. I'll book a direct flight to London for you.我将为你预订直飞伦敦的航班。


  1. She photographed the bird in flight.她拍摄鸟儿飞行时的照片。
  2. It was the bird's first flight from the nest.那是鸟儿第一次出巢飞行。
  3. The flight is to follow a route via Honolulu.这次飞行要经过檀香山。
  4. The trainee checked out all right on his first flight.受训者第一次飞行完全合格。
  5. I could not but question the possibility of such flight.我不得不怀疑这种飞行的可能性。
  6. There is nothing here to stay us in our flights.这里没有什么会妨碍我们的飞行。
  7. Are you going by a scheduled flight or by charter.你是搭班机去呢还是坐包机去呢?
  8. I've booked you on a direct flight to Paris.我为你预定了直飞巴黎的航班。
  9. A flight will take much less time than going by train.坐飞机比坐火车花费的时间要少得多。
  10. Several days' notice is advisable to ensure a flight on the day requested.要买到所需的某日机票,宜提前几天通知。
  11. The flight was delayed due to bad weather.由于天气不好航班推迟了。
  12. People living near the airport are pushing for new rules about night flight.住在机场附近的人们正强烈要求订出夜航班机的新规。
  13. The flight had been postponed until eleven o'clock.该航班已被推迟到11点钟。
  14. The success of the flight to the moon was featured in all the papers in editorial and special articles.各家报纸都写社论和专文特别报道了成功地飞往月球的消息。
  15. The International Committee of the Red Cross said it had suspended flights of food and medicine to the flooded areas.国际红十字会宣称已暂时停止向水灾地区空运食物与药品。
  16. She fell down a flight of stairs.她从一段楼梯上跌了下来。
  17. A flight of steps led up to the front door.一段阶梯通向前门。
  18. He lives two flights up.他住在比这里高两层的楼上。
  19. Our flat was three-story, not flights climbing up, my wife rented it unfurnished.我们的公寓有三层,没有楼梯,直接爬上去,我太太没设置任何家具就把它租出去了。
  20. The crisis in the country led to a flight of capital abroad.这个国家的危机导致了资金外流。
  21. A flight of swallows passed overhead.一群燕子在头顶上飞过。
  22. These scholars are capable of flights of genius.这些学者们都是才华横溢。


flight of fancy
    不切实际的想法,异想天开 unrealistic idea , etc. that exists only in sb's mind
in the first〔top〕 flight
    领先,占首位 in a leading place
put to flight
    迫使某人逃跑 force sb to fleeput sb to flight

    Our army will quickly put the enemy to flight.


    The bully ambled over but Tom stood up to him and soon put him to flight.


take (to) flight
    逃走,逃跑 flee, run


用作名词 (n.)
  • complete the flight飞完航程
  • exercise flight练习飞行
  • have a flight飞行
  • make a flight飞行
  • take a flight飞行
  • wing a flight飞行
  • put the enemy to flight打得敌人溃逃
  • take to flight逃走
  • bumpy flight颠簸的空中飞行
  • comfortable flight舒适的空中飞行
  • non-stop flight直飞
  • round-the-world flight环球飞行
  • smooth flight平稳的空中飞行
  • successful flight成功的飞行
  • level flight水平飞行
  • night flight夜间飞行,夜航
  • space flight宇宙飞行
  • training flight练习飞行
  • trial flight试飞
  • seek safety in flight溜之大吉
  • with the flight of time随着时间的飞逝
  • flight from prison越狱
  • flight of capital资金的抽逃
  • flight of lightning闪电
  • flight of stairs楼梯
  • flight of steps台阶


  • The butterflies whose dithering flight was no more erratic than my aunts' talk.

    出自:Day Lewis
  • Their wings were so small..that they had lost the power of flight.

    出自:D. Attenborough
  • My trip to Greece..might have been interpreted as a flight from reality.

    出自:H. Doolittle
  • As escapes from the problem, as flights from guilt, they may be welcome.

    出自:C. Connolly

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common sword fish
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do not care a dime
El Zapotal, R.
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Ormosia pubescens
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Professional Accountants Ordinance
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Soap Lake
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São Simão R.
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Venae portales hypophysiales
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Von Postbreen
y shaped
Yelcho Canyon
zero done