音标:['fæmәli] ; 柯林斯词典等级:5 级; 牛津三千核心词汇;
n. 家庭, 家人, 族
a. 家庭的
n. a social unit living together
n. primary social group; parents and children
n. people descended from a common ancestor
n. (biology) a taxonomic group containing one or more genera
词型变化:名词复数形式 : families



  1. There are five people in my family.我家里有五口人。
  2. He was born in a wealthy family.他出生在一个富裕的家庭。
  3. He had to work hard to support his family.他不得不努力工作来养家。
  4. All our family came to Grandad's eightieth birthday party.我们所有的亲属都来参加了祖父八十寿宴。
  5. Some families have farmed in this area for hundreds of years.有些家族在该地区务农已达数百年。
  6. She has a large family on her hands.她有许多子女需要照顾。
  7. Give my regards to Mr and Mrs Jones and family.代我向琼斯夫妇及其子女问好.
  8. The tiger is a representative of the cat family.老虎是猫科动物的典型。
  9. These languages belong to the Latin family.这些语言都是属于拉丁语族的。
  10. English is a branch of the Germanic family of languages.英语是日耳曼语系的一个分支。
  1. Quarrels are a normal part of family life.争吵是家庭生活正常的一部分。
  2. She works in the family business.她在家族的企业工作。
  3. They rented a three-bedroom family home with a pool.他们租住了一个带有三间卧室和一个游泳池,适合全家人居住的房子。


  1. She comes of a musical family.她出身于一个音乐家庭。
  2. She comes from a famous family.她出身于名门望族。
  3. He is a boy of a good family.这个小伙子出身于很好的家庭。
  4. We shouldn't judge a person by his family.我们不应以出身门第来判断一个人。
  5. He comes of a noble family.他出身于贵族家庭。
  6. He came of a poor peasant family in the old society.他出生在旧社会一个贫农家庭。
  7. The child was adopted into a wealthy family and received a good education.这个孩子被一有钱人家收养,并受到良好教育。
  8. Each apartment could house a family of six.每套公寓可住下一个六口之家。
  9. He is blessed in having such a family.他为有这样一个家庭而感到幸福。
  10. His crimes stained the family honor.他的罪行玷污了他家庭的名誉。
  11. Mrs. Hall is well known to all the family, and I am certain that she will make a good servant in your house.那家人都很了解霍尔太太的为人,我敢肯定她在你家一定会成为一个听话的仆人。
  12. There has been a lot of illness in the family recently.最近以来这家人常生病。
  13. Would you steal from your own family?你会从自己家里偷东西吗?
  14. She was sustained by pride in her family.对家庭的自豪感支持着她。
  15. Who is more powerful in your family?在你家里谁权力更大?
  16. She brought honour to her family.她给家庭带来了荣誉。
  17. Something unfortunate must have happened to his family.他家一定发生了什么不幸的事。
  18. Many families keeps snakes.很多家庭养蛇。
  19. We won't have a family until we've been married a few years.我们打算结婚几年后再要孩子。
  20. When do you hope to start a family?你希望什么时候要孩子?
  21. Her family is a large family so that she has to be often ignored.她的家庭是个多子女的大家庭,因此她经常被忽视。
  22. Tom is the eldest of the family.汤姆是家里最大的孩子。
  23. Does he has any family?他有孩子吗?
  24. Give my regards to Mr. Jones and family.代我向琼斯夫妇及其子女问好。
  25. Mary's whole family united in disapproving Jim.玛丽一家人联合起来反对吉姆。
  26. The family live in the big mansion near the coast.这一家人住在靠海边的公寓里。
  27. My family is very large.我家人口很多。
  28. Mr. Smith and his family came together.史密斯先生和他的家人一起来的。
  29. My family have gone to my aunt's, but I stay at home.我的家人到我姑母家去了,我留在家里。
  30. She disgraced her family and friends.她使家人和朋友蒙受耻辱。
  31. The picture reminded him of his home and family in Taiwan.这幅画使他想起了在台湾的家和亲人。
  32. Though hardworking, he can hardly support his family.虽然工作勤劳,他几乎还是不能养家糊口。
  33. If you can't support your family, you can at least apply for relief.如果你养活不了家,至少可以申请救济。
  34. We'll let his family know that he is in danger.我们得马上通知他的家属,告诉他们他的处境很危险。
  35. His family can trace its history back to the tenth century.他的家史一直可以追溯到10世纪。
  36. Some families have farmed in this area for hundreds of years.有些家族在该地区务农已达数百年。
  37. Spanish belongs to the same language family as Italian, both being descended from Latin.西班牙语和意大利语属于同一语族,两者都源自拉丁语。
  38. The horse family also includes the donkey.马科也包括驴子。
  39. The royal family consists of the king and queen and their relatives.王室成员包括国王、王后及其亲属。
  40. The royal family is insulated from many of the difficulties faced by ordinary people.皇室成员与世隔绝,不可能面对普通百姓的困难。
  41. Many families have lived in new houses.许多家庭住进了新房。
  42. His family are spending a holiday these days.他一家最近在度假。
  43. Smith family are all very athletic.史密斯家人都很强健。
  44. Are your family all well?你家人都好吗?
  45. The family were all present.家里人全在。
  46. These houses were built for families.这些房子是为居民家庭建的。
  47. He decided to reduce family expenses.他决定缩减家庭开支。
  48. The will obliges the heirs to live in the family mansion.遗嘱要求继承人住在这一家的私宅里。
  49. Despite his poverty he refused to part with the family jewels.尽管家穷,他仍不愿卖掉家传的珠宝。
  50. I go home every summer to see my family relations.我每年夏天回家探亲。
  51. His illness added to the family's troubles.他的病增加了家庭的困难。
  52. I don't know any other family who would do so much.我不知道有哪个家庭成员会做这许多事。


用作名词 (n.)
  • bring up a family养家,养育妻子儿女
  • come of a family出身于…家庭
  • disgrace one's family给家庭带来耻辱
  • have a family有家庭
  • head a family担当一家之主
  • leave one's family抛弃家庭,离家出走
  • limit the family限制生育
  • protect one's family保护自己的家庭
  • raise a family养育家庭
  • start a family成家
  • support one's family供养家庭,养家糊口
  • unite two -lies联合两家
  • big family大家庭,人口多的家庭
  • broken family破裂的家庭
  • complete family父母双全的家庭
  • entire family全家
  • good family良家
  • happy family幸福的家庭
  • high family门第高的家庭
  • large family子女多的家庭
  • lower-income family收入少的家庭
  • middle-class family中产阶级家庭
  • middle-income family收入中等的家庭
  • noble family贵族名门,显贵的家庭
  • poor family贫穷的家庭
  • rich family富有的家庭
  • single-parent family单亲家庭
  • small family小家庭
  • special family特殊家庭
  • upper-income family收入高的家庭
  • wealthy family豪门富户
  • well-to-do family富裕的家庭
  • whole family全家
  • language family语系
  • family tree家谱
  • in a family way像一家人一样,不拘小节(地),随便,〈美〉怀孕
  • in the family way〈英〉怀孕
  • in family家中
  • man of good family名门子弟
  • with a family有家(要照应)
  • animals of the cat family猫科动物
  • members of the deer family鹿科动物
  • family of languages语系
  • family of six六口之家
  • family with four children有四个孩子的家庭


  • I am of Anglo-Irish stock on both sides of my family.

    出自:Day Lewis

LESSoN SEVEN (B) The Changing American Family The family is important to people all over the world although the structure of the family is quite different from one country to another. In the United St

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What does family mean to you? In a perfect world, all families should be happy and everyone should get on well together. I know a lot of families that have many problems. Brothers and sisters who dont like each other, parents who never talk to each o

发表于:2018-12-26 / 阅读(62) / 评论(0) 分类 纯正英语一分钟

[00:00.00]Module 6 FAMILY(1) [00:06.40]UNIT 2 Meet my family. [00:09.94]1 Listen and read.Then say. [00:14.56]Come and meet my family,Feifei. [00:17.98]This is my father. [00:20.24]Dad,this is Feifei. [00:22.30]It's nice to meet you,Mr Jones. [00:25.

发表于:2018-12-29 / 阅读(70) / 评论(0) 分类 外研社新标准初中英语七年级

[00:00.00]Module 6 FAMILY(1) [00:06.07]UNIT 1 This is my family. [00:10.71]1 Look and listen.Then say. [00:15.90]Look.This is my family. [00:18.30]Who's that? [00:20.29]That's my brother,Robert. [00:23.08]Is that your sister? [00:25.36]Yes.That's Jan

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UNIT 4 Lessons 25-32 Family 第四单元 第25-32课 家庭 Lesson 25 Family 第25课 家庭 1. What are they doing? They are playing. 1.他们在做什么? 他们在玩。 How are you today? 今天你过得好吗? Fine, thanks! 很好,谢谢!

发表于:2019-01-09 / 阅读(146) / 评论(0) 分类 冀教版小学英语(三起)--第一册

Lesson 30 The Family in Our House 第30课 我们一家人 1. Let's sing a song. 1.来唱一首歌。 The family in our house. (歌曲) The family has a father. (歌曲) The father finds a mother. (歌曲) The mother finds a daughter. (歌

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[ti:UNIT 5 Family and Home Lesson 36: What Are They Doing?] [00:01.73]UNIT 5 第五单元 [00:04.08]Family and Home 家庭和家 [00:07.17]Lesson 36: 第36课: [00:09.24]What Are They Doing? 他们在做什么? [00:12.04]1. [00:13.58]What are you

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[ti:UNIT 5 Family and Home Lesson 34: Jenny's Family] [00:01.77]UNIT 5 第五单元 [00:04.10]Family and Home 家庭和家 [00:07.15]Lesson 34: 第34课: [00:09.27]Jenny's Family 詹妮的家庭 [00:12.06]1. [00:13.42]Jenny's family 詹妮的家庭

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[ti:UNIT 5 Family and Home Lesson 33: Li Ming's Family] [00:01.72]UNIT 5 第五单元 [00:03.69]Lessons 33~40 第33~40课 [00:07.17]Family and Home 家庭和家 [00:10.24]Lesson 33: 第33课: [00:12.07]Li Ming's Family 李明的家庭 [00:15.05

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BEIJING, Jan. 15 (Xinhua) -- A Chinese official has said the country's family planning policy should be unswervingly adhered to. The policy should be a long-term one and its primary goal is to keep a low birthrate, said Wang Xia, minister in charge o

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'Ar'ar, Wādī
AC three phase four wire system with neutral earthed
Agave L.
alternate longitudinal trim switch
antenna gain measurement
arrow arums
best in class
bridge resistance
camel-back truss
cargo compartment
Compsomyia macellaria
computer holography
diagonal join
dragon beams
enlarging a business enterprise
external to
Fagus lucida
fair quantity
family pittidaes
flare away
flask with round bottom and long neck
flown off the handle
font value
fore part
grammothele fuligo
have too much on one's plate
helping-hand phenomenon
Itapicuru, Sa.de
jelly-filled capacitor
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mesial slope
monophonic record
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narrow into
numerical operator
Off Peak Power
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rotary vane vacuum pump
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shrapnel wound
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speed of evacuation
subbituminous a coal
supplementary feeds
take hands
take to sth like a duck to water
thermodynamic test
transistor-to-transistor logic
twist lace
waterproof rubberized fabric
yellow trumpet