标签:逻辑主语 相关文章
每期节目一话题,让英语磨练耳朵的同时学到更多有益的小知识,丰富知识的同时受益于生活。 Stop Waiting for Approval 别再期待别人的认可 Firsthand experience is often necessaryfor personal growth. 亲身体验
The communiqu said that a number of sectors including science, technology and culture need to be made more innovative, and that China will continue to encourage mass entrepreneurship in the hope that it will lead to new technology. Zhu Jianfang, an e
Cook, the son of a shipyard worker, was raised in Robertsdale, Alabama, 库克是一个造船厂工人的儿子,在亚拉巴马州的罗伯茨代尔长大, a small town between Mobile and Pensacola a half hour from the Gulf Coast. 这是一个位于
不管词汇有多么华丽(很多人说要用高级词...但是很多高级词都有固定搭配,乱用还不如不用),句型有多么曼妙,作文最重要的,还是要把你的观点完整地传达给读者。这是文之根本。 中国同
A French class was struggling with the problem that nouns in that languagehave gender. Was it 'le' computer or 'la' computer? The teacher dividedthe class by gender and told them to come up with suggestions. The women believed computers should be mas
1) It's easy (for me) to do that.我做这事太容易了 easy, difficult, hard, important, possible, impossible, comfortable, necessary, better; the first, the next, the last, the best, too much, t
As logical thinkers and problem solvers, we've been taught that the best way to achieve our desires is to set a goal, create a plan and take massive action. 我们懂得逻辑思考,懂得如何解决问题。我们学过,要获得自己想要的东
试用隐形模板,你在写作单项的表现将可以鹤立鸡群,与众不同。说不一样就是不一样,保证读者(考官)一目了然,会心微笑。祝准留学生如愿以偿。 考雅思?考托福?模板不必多,适合则