标签:英语悠选 相关文章
讲解 Today 's key word is : wary (be wary of ) wary 英['we?r?] 美[?w?ri] adj. 谨慎的,小心翼翼的;警戒的,警惕的. 例句 Perhaps you're a bit more wary now? 你现在是不是有点开始担心了? 延伸 It means feeling or show
讲解 Todays key word is primary. ([英][?pra?m?ri][美][?pra?meri] adj.首要的,主要的; (教育)初等的,小学的。n.第一位; 最好者; 要素; 候选人提拔会; It means: A machine designed to convert one form of energy into mechan
讲解 Today's key word is Naked (adj.) 裸体的,裸露的 名词形式为 Nudity 裸体; 裸露 Someone who is naked is not wearing any clothes. Here's an example: The baby went naked on the beach. 这个小宝贝在沙滩上光着身子。
讲解 Todays key word is Chill Cool Chill cool 只是大家对秋裤的一个戏称。你要跟歪果仁说你穿了chill cool 吗?人家可能听不懂。 So if you want to explain to foreigners what is 秋裤。 Long underwear is a better way to
讲解 Today's key word is Dream Dream 梦想 那么,你的梦想实现了吗?Or do you still remember those dreams that you had when you were young?貌似我小的时候的梦想是当很厉害的人,恩,没错!现在,让我们一起来看
讲解 Today's key word is Riceball Riceball 饭团 In Japan, it is also called O-nigiri or o-musubi. It is a Japanese food made from white rice formed into triangular(三角形的) shapes and often wrapped(包裹) in seaweed(海苔). 我们的
讲解 Todays key word is Mistletoe Mistletoe 榭寄生 Mistletoe is a plant(植物) with pale berries(浆果) that grows on the branches(树枝) of some trees. Mistletoe is used in Britain and the United States as a Christmas decoration(装饰
讲解 Today's key word is Standard A standard is something that you use in order to judge the quality of something else。 标准,水平。 Here's an example: What's your standard of choosing a boyfriend? 你找男朋友的标准是什么? 延伸
讲解 Today's key word is fitting Dinner. Any meal you eat in the middle of the day can be referred to as dinner. 正餐,主餐;晚餐. Here's an example: I'm going to dinner with this girl I have a crush on. 我要去和我喜欢的女孩吃一
讲解 Today's key word is fitting room. A fitting room is a room in which you can change clothes. 试衣间,化妆间。 dressing room, changing room 也可以用来表示试衣间。 优衣库的试衣间用的是哪种表述,大家可以亲自去
讲解 Today's key word is Hostel It means an establishment which provides cheap food and lodging for a specific group of people, such as students, workers, or travellers (为学生、工人或旅客提供廉价食宿的)招待所 Here's an examp
讲解: Todays key word is Dialogue. Dialogue 对话 Dialogue is communication or discussion between people or groups of people. 我们今天为啥要说这个词儿捏?我们要办对话会了! We are going to hold a Dialogue in Shanghai on Sept
讲解: Todays key word is Goddess. 仰望过男神,我们这期再来探讨一下女神-这个神奇滴物种。 Goddess 女神 在这里,即不是慈爱的观音菩萨,也不是智慧的雅典娜(Athena)。 她是男生看了无比欢喜,
讲解: Today's key word is Freshmeat. Freshmeat 小鲜肉 看见自家男神,应该用什么词来形容呢? 什么样的形容才能配的上小鲜肉,fresh meat 呢? 一起Get起来,妹纸们请备好纸巾擦口水~ Mr. Muscle 肌肉男
讲解: Today's key word is Blind date. Blind date 相亲 A blind date is an arrangement made for you to spend a romantic evening with someone you have never met before. This explanation is given by Collins English Dictionary. But I'm not sure if i
讲解: Today's key word is Weekend. Weekend 周末 A weekend is Saturday and Sunday. Here is an example. Why don't you and I go away this weekend?
讲解 Todays key word is Fitness Fitness 健身,健康 It means the quality or state of being fit, good physical condition; being in shape in condition. Here is an example: Your fitness goal should determine(决定) the way you exercise. 你的最终
讲解 TODAYs key word is Income Income 收入,收益 A person's income is the money that they earn or receive。 The cost of living is now so high that you need to earn a good income just to keep your head above water. 现在生活费用太高了,你
讲解 Today's key word is Weight.(weight. n.重量,体重; vt.加重于,使变重; 使负重,使负担或压迫; 例句 What is your weight? 你的体重是多少? 延伸 If someone loses weight, they become lighter. If they gain weight or
讲解 Todays key word is Legend Legend 传奇;传说 A legend is a very old and popular story that may be true. If you refer to someone as a legend, you mean that they are very famous and admired by a lot of people. The 2007 American science ficti