标签:英文术语 相关文章
Symbiosis - a mutually beneficial inter-relationship between two organisms, for example between bees and flowers (pollen carrying in return for nectar). Sympathetic nerves - the sympathetic nervous sy
Template - an outline form which can be used to make many identical copies without being used itself. Metal templates can be used placed over a piece of clothing material, which is then cut according
ical - in a local area. e.g application of medication to the affected part only. Trabecula-bone -a description of the radiographic appearance of spongy bone. Radiographs provide an unusual opportunity
Vaccine - a planned exposure to an antigen in order that memory B lymphocytes can retain a memory for it. In practice the organism carrying the antigen is either killed or modified so that it does not
Nerve growth factor- a cytokine that promotes the growth and repair of sensory nerves and maintenance of sympathetic nerves. Neural crest cells - cells derived from the ectoderm layer in the embryo. T
Osmotic pressure - Water tends to move towards dense concentrations of ions. Sugar solutions on the surface of exposed dentine cause water to be drawn out of the dentinal tubules causing which distort
Paracrine - cell messengers also called cytokines which are locally acting, produced by neighbouring cells or the extracellular matrix, as distinct from as distinct from endochrine or hormonal messeng
pH - a measure of how acid or alkali a solution is. As the pH gets lower, the solution is more acid. At a pH of 7 the solution is neither acid nor alkali. pH is the inverse of the logarithm of the con
Polymers-large molecules made up of many joined units of a more simple molecule. Examples are polysaccharides and polypeptides. Polypeptides; -chains of amino acids joined by peptide bonds. They are n
Prostaglandins - are members of a class of hormones known as the eicosanoids. They are released by cells which have been damaged and have a powerful ability to sensitise nerve endings causing tenderne
Saturated solutions - Salts such as the apatites do not readily become ionized and dissolve in water. When no more ions can dissolve the solution is said to be saturated. The concentration of ions in
Sesamoid bone - a small bone which appears at the age of thirteen, adjacent to the carpo-metacarpal joint of the thumb and is of use in determining the skeletal age of a child. Sharpey's fibres. - are
Stem cells - cells from which a number of more Stimulated saliva - saliva which has been stimulated by chewing. Stippled - a pattern which is made of small dots. Gingiva has a stippled appearance due
Planktonic - a form of life style in which an organisms floats freely in a fluid without significant attachment or association with other living forms. Plaque is a film of bacteria in a matrix of sali
Color is a term that we use to describe a collection of attributes, hue and saturation and value, that describes how we see things. 颜色是我们用来描述色调、饱和度和明暗度等一系列属性的词,可以用以形容我们所见之物
All these small decisions can get overwhelming and sometimes leads us to make bad choices. There is actually a term for it. Its called decision fatigue. 所有这些小决定都有可能会压得我们喘不过气,有时还会导致我们做出不好
Accounts Payable : Sales: Accounts Payable divided by Annual Sales, measuring the speed with which a company pays vendors relative to sales. Numbers higher than typical industry ratios suggest that th
Accounts Receivable: A short-term asset, usually representing a credit for a completed sale. Cash: Money on hand in checking, savings or redeemable certificate accounts. Current Assets: The sum of a f