Fixing Up the Run-Down Places by Dr. David Dallas Jones Every life coheres around certain fundamental core ideas whether we realize it or not. If I were asked to state the ideas around which my life and my life's work have been built it would seem th

发表于:2018-11-30 / 阅读(172) / 评论(0) 分类 英语励志美文精华

Learning to Get Out of the Way by Aldous Huxley In every one of the higher religions, there is a strain of infinite optimism on the one hand and on the other, a profound pessimism. In the depths of our being, they all teach there is an inner light, b

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Taxi Drivers Are People, Too By John Hughes I believe honesty is one of the greatest gifts there is. I know they call it a lot of fancy names these days, like integrity and forthrightness. But it doesnt make any difference what they call it; its stil

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Life Grows in the Soil of Time by Thomas Mann What I believe, what I value most, is transitoriness. But is not transitoriness - the perishableness of life - something very sad? No! It is the very soul of existence. It imparts value, dignity, interest

发表于:2018-11-30 / 阅读(135) / 评论(0) 分类 英语励志美文精华

Free Minds and Hearts at Work by Jackie Robinson At the beginning of the World Series of 1947, I experienced a completely new emotion, when the National Anthem was played. This time, I thought, it is being played for me, as much as for anyone else. T

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I Do a Lot of Office Fishing by Richard Salmon Some years ago, I started to look at the stars through high-powered binoculars and began reading books written by astronomers for people like me. I became an entranced stargazer for a while. The men who

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Suffering Is Self-Manufactured by Leon J Saul I believe the immediate purpose of life is to live, to survive. All known forms of life go through life cycles. The basic plan is birth, maturing, mating, reproducing, death. Thus, the immediate purpose o

发表于:2018-11-30 / 阅读(149) / 评论(0) 分类 英语励志美文精华

I Never Stopped Believing by Eva Saxl I believe that it is important to be brought up with a firm belief in the good. I was fortunate in this respect. My parents not only gave me a happy home, but they had me study half a dozen foreign languages and

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A Reporter Quotes His Sources by William L Shirer Its rather difficult in these noisy, confusing, nerve-racking days to achieve the peace of mind in which to pause for a moment to reflect on what you believe in. Theres so little time and opportunity

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The Debt of the Artist by Dimitri Mitropoulos Very early in my life, an important event took place: in my impressionable and youthful years, I discovered the personality of St. Francis. Since that time, my main ambition has been canalized into a stro

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You Have to Water the Plant by Leland Stowe For the things I believe in, I must give a reporters answer. Like everyone else, its out of my own experience. For twenty-four years Ive been up to my neck in the worlds troubles; meeting people in dozens o

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I Call Things As I See Them by Ralph Pinelli An umpire has to make instant decisions. Ive learned to call things as I see them. This helps me make a quick reply to such an important and personal question as my belief. My philosophy of life is simple,

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How to Refill an Empty Life by Albert J Nesbitt One day about fifteen years ago I suddenly came face to face with myself and realized there was something quite empty about my life. My friends and associates perhaps didnt see it. By the generally acce

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One Girl Changed My Life by Rose Resnick My childhood and adolescence were a joyous outpouring of energy, a ceaseless quest for expression, skill, and experience. School was only a background to the supreme delight of lessons in music, dance, and dra

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Diogenes Didn't Need a Lamp BY DAVID LOTH I BELIEVE in people. However much of a mess we seem to make of the world, it is people who have brought about all the progress we know, and I don't mean just material progress. All have been for- mulated and

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You Cannot Fix a Real Faith When I learned that members of my team, boys whom I had trusted and to whom I had devoted intense training and guidance---when I learned that these boys had been fixed by professional gamblers, my faith and belief in the b

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The Hidden World Around Us By Harry Overstreet Ever since Socrates was introduced to my adolescent mind he has been one chief master of my thinking. What he believed still seems to me to be indispensable for carrying on an intelligent and responsible

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Paying the Rent of Service By Lee Bristol In a complex society and a complex civilization, the individual is inevitably confused much of the time. But I believe that the basic solution of all world and group problems must first be solved by the indiv

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A Straight Wall Is Hard to Build By Lou R. Crandall As I try to outline my thoughts, the subject becomes more and more difficult. I have many basic beliefs, but as I try to pick and choose, it seems to me that they can all be summarized in the word c

发表于:2018-11-30 / 阅读(123) / 评论(0) 分类 英语励志美文精华

The Paradoxical Commandments by Dr.Kent M.Keith似是而非的戒律?肯特.基思 1.People are illogical,unreasonable,and self-centered.Love them anyway. 戒律一:人们往往会毫无逻辑,不可理喻,唯我独尊。但是不管怎样,还是

发表于:2019-02-09 / 阅读(84) / 评论(0) 分类 英语笔译