标签:美国学生历史 相关文章
Could you dig down as deep as the Washington Monument goes up? 你能在地下挖出华盛顿纪念碑那么高的深度吗? I thought perhaps I could, but I was a little doubtful for the Washington Monument seemed terribly high. 我想也许我能,
Trump Administration Proposes Limiting Refugees to Record Low The government of U.S. President Donald Trump announced this week that it plans to limit the number of refugee arrivals in the U.S. to a record low number. But refugee activists and lawmak
A hundred years ago people knew little or nothing about this part of Africa. 一个世纪以前,人们对非洲的这块地方所知甚少或一无所知。 It was an unhealthful and a dangerous country for the white man. 对白人来说,这是一个
Soon certain energetic merchants discovered that the goods which they had always imported from afar could be made at home. 不久,某些精明能干的商人开始意识到,那些一直从远方采购来的商品其实也可以就近生产的。
The sun was originally a plain circle (Here is a picture of a plain circle)and became(a picture with four trangiles,and the third with certain square). 太阳最初是一个平面的圆圈,后来变为。 If we were using the Sumerian script today
During the next two centuries, seven other crusades took place. 在接下来的两个世纪里,欧洲人又发动了另外七次东征。 Gradually the Crusaders learned the technique of the trip. 十字军战士们逐渐学会了前往亚洲的旅行
Of course, it would never do to say this openly. 当然,谁也不会把这些情绪公开流露出来。 But when the Crusader returned home, he was likely to imitate the manners which he had learned from his heathenish foe, compared to whom the av
But if the progress of the world had been left to the serf and his feudal master, 如果这个世界的进步责任是肩负在农奴和他们的封建领主肩上, we would still be living after the fashion of the twelfth century, saying abracadab
Next came the housing problem. 接下来是解决住房的问题。 This was simple. Many animals were in the habit of sleeping in dark caves. 这很简单。许多动物都有睡黑乎乎的山洞的习性。 Man now followed their example, drove th
When they tried to stay more than a few days there was a terrible battle with claw-like hands and feet and whole families were killed. 当过了几天他们还赖着不走,于是一场可怕的战斗发生了。人们相互撕咬,发疯般地肉搏
But this particular slab of black basalt was different from anything that had ever been discovered. 与此前发现的别的物件不同的是,这块特别的黑玄武岩石板 It carried three inscriptions. One of these was in Greek. The Greek lan
His personality made a great impression upon me and I was sorry to hear that he was killed on the Ostian Road a few days ago. 可无论如何,他的高尚为人与优雅个性给我留下了极深的印象。听到几天前他在奥斯提亚大道上
In Medina, Mohammed, who was a stranger, found it easier to proclaim himself a prophet than in his home city, where every one had known him as a simple camel-driver. 在故乡麦加城,人人都知道穆罕默德是一个赶骆驼者。而在麦地那
Chapter 31 Feudalism 第三十一章 封建制度 How central Europe, attacked from sides, become an armed camp 欧洲中部受到来自三个方向的敌人威胁,变成了地道的大兵营。 and why Europe would have perished without those prof
Unfortunately the power of the kings of France did not stretch beyond the moat of their royal residence, 不过很不幸的是,法兰西国王的权力从没能越出他们皇家居住地的城堡之外, while the Holy Roman Emperor was openly de
A young knight therefore was asked to swear that he would be faithful as a servant to God and as a servant to his King. 因此,一个年轻骑士起誓,他将永远做上帝忠实的仆人,同时也将终其一生忠心耿耿侍奉他的国王。
This made Rome very uncomfortable as an Imperial residence. 这样的事情常常发生,使得作为帝国首都的罗马变成了一个令人不快的居所。 Constantine(who ruled from 323 to 337) looked for a new capital. 康士坦丁皇帝(公
The old bridges were gone and commerce had come to a standstill. 帝国的大道因年旧失修而塌陷,桥梁断绝,早已不堪使用。 Civilisation-the product of thousands of years of patient labor on the part of Egyptians and Babylonians a
The old gods must be destroyed. 形形色色的旧神抵必须被摧毁, For a short spell the emperor Julian, a lover of Greek wisdom, managed to save the pagan Gods from further destruction. 主宰世界的只能是基督教唯一的上帝。有一
Chapter 28 Mohammed 第二十八章 穆罕默德 Ahmed, the camel-driver, who became the prophet of the arabian desert and whose followers almost conquered the entire known world for the greater glory of allah,the only true god 赶骆驼者阿哈默德