标签:短片集 相关文章
The Tube-By You, for You, and Starring You 专属您的影音分享网站 by Julia Koprak As the Internet continues to grow, more and more people are turning away from newspapers and TV. Instead, they rely on the Internet as their main source of in
He sold his Apple stock 他卖了其苹果股票 so Steve Jobs had $100 million. 得到1亿美元 And he had enough money 因为这样他拥有足够的资金 that he could spend money until he was satisfied 可以用来令到每件事 that he was do
MCDONELL: Its Friday night in Beijing and the rich young things have come out to play. In the 1970s you could be killed here by a mob for showing outward displays of wealth. Now barely-legal drivers can be seen behind the wheels of $600,000 sports ca
Water may seem harmless, colorless, odorless, transparent. 水也许看似无害、无色、无味、透明。 Water may seem harmless, but it kills millions of people every year all around the world, just like that, silently, quietly. When only a li
翼服飞行是特技运动中最先进的一项当你看见特技跳伞员以100英里的时速穿梭在峡谷时带给你的最刺激难以置信的感受。Ueli Gegenschatz将告诉你他如何(以及为何)从事这项运动,并将在最后展
伊夫斯 罗西是空中飞人。 身配一副喷气式飞行翼,以身体为方向舵,他在瑞士阿尔卑斯山脉和大峡谷自由飞翔。在介绍他如何飞翔的震撼人心的短片之后,我们邀请罗斯到TED舞台上分享他惊险
My grandmother was an iron-willed woman, the feared matriarch of our New York family back in the 1950s. When I was five years old, she invited some friends and relatives to her Bronx apartment for a party. Among the guests was a neighborhood big shot
由Clive Anderson配音,本课程以轻松娱乐的方式将长达1600年的英语史压缩进10段1分钟左右的短片,展现了从莎士比亚时期、詹姆斯钦定版圣经到美式英语、网络语言中的英文单词和短语的词源。
你多长时间换一次手机?多长时间升级一次电脑硬件?那些被淘汰的东西都到哪去了?Youtube上点击量最高的环保短片东西的故事The Story of Stuff,分析了商品的生命周期和消费主义带来的问题。保护
From Kansas, I moved on to lovely Arizona, 离开堪萨斯后,我搬到美丽的亚利桑纳州, where I taught in Flagstaff for a number of years, this time with middle school students. 我在Flagstaff小镇教了几年书,这次是教初中的学
The HomeI paced alone on the road across the field while the sunset was hiding its last gold like a miser. The daylight sank deeper and deeper into the darkness, and the widowed land, whose harvest had been reaped, lay silent. Suddenly a boy's shrill
You've just taken over the gold in 100 metres. What's your secret? Drugs! 你刚刚赢得了100米跑的金牌,你的秘诀是什么呢?兴奋剂啊。 Damn it, Matt! Take the shot! Right between the eyes, do you hear me? Right, between, the eyes
Oh. That's not good. 啊,这可不太妙啊 Oh. I don't need this. I'm already late. 噢,我没关系,反正我已经迟到了 Somebody will come. Anybody out there? 会有人来的。喂,有人吗? Do you have a phone? 你有电话吗? N
耶鲁大学(Yale University),旧译耶劳大书院,是一所坐落于美国康乃狄格州纽黑文市的私立大学,始创于1701年,初名大学学院(Collegiate School)。今为常青藤联盟的成员之一。耶鲁大学是美国