标签:托福听力 相关文章
(woman) You may remember that a few weeks ago we discussed the question of what photography is. Is it art, or is it a method of reproducing images? Do photographs belong in museums or just in our homes? Today I want to talk about a person who tried
01年8月 托福听力文字 Pain past is pleasure. Part A 1. W: Tina says you wont be able to make it to the meeting tomorrow evening. M: Yeah, sorry about that. I just found out that I have to work over time. Q: What does the man mean? 2. W: Would you min
以前说过托福听力中的心理学题材,今天小新和大家来说说天文学这个遥远而神秘的话题。 回顾2015年和2016年,天文学在托福考试听力的lecture中,一直稳稳地保持在第三高频的出现次数。有趣
听写真的对提高托福听力能力有用吗? 答案是肯定的,尤其是没有听力理解基础的同学。 在托福中大多数同学最害怕的就是听力这个部分,不仅出题形式异于平日里学校里的练习形式(看到题目
(MA) Look at our topographical map and you'll see that the middle third of the North American continent --- from the Rocky Mountains almost to the Mississippi River --- is pretty flat. This is the Great Plains. This kind of area is sometimes called
(MA) Scientists are always on the lookout for alternative sources of energy. Today we're going to discuss one that's so plentiful they say it could supply more energy than all the coal and oil in the world. It's found in something called gas hydrate
(man) When I was in British Columbia last July working at the department's archaeological dig, I saw the weirdest rainbow. At first I couldn't believe my eyes because the bands of color I saw weren't in a single half circle arc across the sky. Inste
历史 电影的发展和摄影技术的发展有着非常密切的关系,关于摄影的发展在之前的文章中已有涉及,在此就不赘述了。在1878年,当人们掌握了捕捉图像的技术后,据说有两个朋友为了打赌证明
托福听力:找准关键词 高效速记是王道 听过就忘一直是托福听力中考生们常碰到的窘境,那么我们为什么会在托福听力中听文章的时候,明明感觉非常清楚明确,然而在听完之后想要再回答问
听力题目: 5. (A). Please don t bring Jack with you. (B). Jackets dont need to be very long. (C). We should probably take jackets with us. (D). Jack wants to come along with us. 6. (A). The package was never delivered. (B). The liver was packed
托福听力演讲类文章关键要素分析之结尾!托福听力乃集四戾内容难、生词多、句子长、语速super快为一身的魔物,因此就让老师助大家一臂之力,顺利攻克托福听力这一重难点项目。 正所谓托
民间的学问也是艺术,快速听出新托福听力中的俚语,是考生们必须知道的。 1.beats me我不知道 Beats me. We havent learned that。 我不知道,我们还没学过那个。 2.beat it走开 Beat it! Im busy right now。
强调一,重音强调: 听段子时,我们作为听者,都会下意识地注意听那些读音很重的词或结构。因为它们got our attention(抓住了我们的注意力)。这就是ETS本能强调的突出体现。所以重音所在必为
经常会有同学问我:为什么我可以听懂文章但却做不对题目?相信这是许多基础不错却无法得到预期分数的同学都会有的一个疑问。 首先,我们要明确一个概念什么是听懂。所谓的听懂,对于大
托福听力叫你重新做人!托福听力贯穿口语、写作、听力这三个部分,很多同学们已经备托福听力折磨的遍体鳞伤,针对这样的情况,老师给出了关于托福听力复习策略的详细解读。 多少少男少
托福听力考试非常讲究实战型,下面小编为大家推荐备考托福听力需要的材料和一些有用的方法,供考生参考,大家不需要照搬,总结出适合自己的方法才是最好的选择。 适合用来练习精听的