[00:00.40] 8.Love Is Everything [00:04.97]The winter cold hung in the air like a frozen dinosaur trying to thaw from his glacier and walk across the earth. [00:12.60]Breath iced like a tiny morning mist upon a meandering river. [00:16.07]The sounds o

发表于:2018-12-26 / 阅读(66) / 评论(0) 分类 温馨夜读II

The Cretacious period isn't as hot as the Jurassic. 白垩纪没有侏罗纪炎热。 The temperatures are still hotter than today, but the relatively cooler climate allows the dinosaurs to be more active. 气温仍比如今要高,不过相对凉爽的

发表于:2018-12-28 / 阅读(74) / 评论(0) 分类 侏罗纪搏击俱乐部

It exploded with the force of a million nuclear bombs and unleashed the power of the sun. 它爆炸的威力相当于一百万枚核弹,释放出太阳的能量。 It set alight the entire biomass of earth and cooked the atmosphere. 它点燃了地球

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A pair of adult T-Rexes are on the hunt. 一对成年霸王龙出去狩猎。 They must leave their babies unguarded. 它们只能留下它们的孩子们。 The juveniles are unaware of approaching danger. 幼龙们没意识到正在接近的危险。

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They're very similar kinds of animals from their basic structure. 它们是基本结构非常接近的动物。 Their strength was probably very comparable. 它们的力量也很可能旗鼓相当。 Probably the differences would most amount to expe

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Its size made T-Rex look impressive, but modern scientific has revealed three unique features that made it a killing machine. 如此体型的霸王龙是庞然巨物,不过现代科学揭示出了它的三个特征使之成为猎杀机器。 The fi

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What that small brain structure in Pachyrhinosaurus tells us is that the animals were probably not problem solvers. 肿鼻角龙很小的脑部结构告诉我们,这种动物很可能没有解决问题的能力。 They didn't have the capacity nece

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Then, the excavation took an unexpected turn. 之后,挖掘有了意外转折。 Scientists uncovered a second set of remains near the adult stegasaurus. 科学家们在一个成年剑龙附近发现了第二具骨骸。 It was a second stegasaurus

发表于:2018-12-28 / 阅读(94) / 评论(0) 分类 侏罗纪搏击俱乐部

Its name means horned lizard, not after the hornlets above its eyes, but rather for the blade-like appendage on its nose. 它的名字意为长角的蜥蜴,指的并不是其眼睛上面的角而是在鼻子上面刃状的附属物。 It's the only

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Although its teeth were formidable, the claws on their hands were just as important in a fight. 虽然它的牙齿是很强的武器,但它们的爪子在争斗中也极为重要。 They really look a lot like cat talons. 它们看上去极像猫的爪

发表于:2018-12-28 / 阅读(70) / 评论(0) 分类 侏罗纪搏击俱乐部

Deinonychus, known as Raptors, one of the fiercest dinosaurs ever to walk the Earth. 恐爪龙被叫做迅猛龙,是地球上有史以来最凶狠的恐龙之一。 Forensic examination of the scientific evidence has revealed that this cunning carn

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It decides to pit its speed and agility against the strength of a mad Tyrannosaurus Rex. 它把宝押在了自己的速度和灵巧,以此来对抗狂怒霸王龙的力量。 He tries to flank her. 它试着绕到雌霸王龙侧面。 If he can mov

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The bones tell us things like how big the animal was, whether they ate plants or meat, if it was fast or slow, but they don't tell us everything that actually happened. 这些骨头能让我们知道它们有多大,它们是吃肉还是植物,它们

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It would probably quickly weaken and lead to death to anything that got the bite on. 这样能够使被咬的猎物迅速衰弱直到死亡。 The bites on these animals're really very powerful and they not only simply could bite out a big chunk of m

发表于:2018-12-28 / 阅读(77) / 评论(0) 分类 侏罗纪搏击俱乐部

With Camarasaurus, it's operating purely by instinct. 对于圆顶龙它完全靠本能行动。 They also discovered that the Camarasaurus would have sent out a distress call which Allosaurus would pick up and recognize. 人们还发现圆顶龙会发

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Allosaurus was built to move at good pace compared to other dinosaurs. 异特龙跟其它恐龙相比移动速度出色。 Some experts estimate they could run as fast as twenty miles an hour. 有些专家估计它们能跑到时速三十多公里。

发表于:2018-12-28 / 阅读(88) / 评论(0) 分类 侏罗纪搏击俱乐部

The Gastonia's limited brain focuses on only one thing at a time. Now it's water. 加斯顿龙有限的大脑一次只关注一件事。现在轮到水了。 Utahraptor has terrific vision, sharper than any humans. 犹他盗龙有上好的视力,比任

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Its first defense was its armored hips. 它的首要防护是有护甲的髋部。 One of the interesting things about Gastonia is it does have a big solid plate over its hips. 加斯顿龙有趣的事情之一是它髋部确实有一块大而结实的

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Gastonia, built like a prehistoric tank, it's body covered in armor. 加斯顿龙,身上披盔戴甲仿若史前坦克。 Huge spikes jutted from its back and its tail worked like a chainsaw. 它的背后支出巨大尖刺尾巴简直如同链锯。

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Utahraptor stood 3 meters tall and weighed over half a ton, which made it a top predator of the middle Cretaceous period. 犹他盗龙站立时高三米,体重达半吨,这使其成为白垩纪中期的一个顶级掠食者。 The Raptor family i

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