标签:快速记住名字 相关文章
疯狂英语新十大焦点!! 第一焦点 一切以句子为中心!句子就是一切!句子就是财富! “李阳疯狂英语”提倡的英语学习单位是“句子”。句子简单明确
第四焦点 五大发音秘诀 经过长期的总结,李阳老师将复杂的(complicated)语音规则总结成“五大发音秘诀”,使一般人都能迅速掌握(master)。它们是:
第五焦点 通过口语突破语法,通过说实用句子突破语法 语法是中国人“最头疼”的一个问题。 大家“痛恨”语法,但又不得不学语法。语法本应该是我们
第八焦点 口语突破考试 考试就是口语,口语就是考试!两者是完全统一的! 把考试题总结成口语,用三最法脱口而出!你肯定会快速成为考试高手。更重
第 十 焦 点 一年的零碎时间足以攻克英语! 大量地制作小纸条,这样可以语言环境随身携带,可以反复刺激大脑,增强记忆,可以充分利用零碎时间,可
day 09 音素 // 一句话练发音 I can't bear the dirty air. 单词集训 bear there parent air where hair affair scarce 短语集训 here and there, a spare tyre, in bad repair, declare war on, various of 单句集训 1.I gave Mary a pair of chairs. 2.Be careful no
day 14 音素/au/ 一句话练发音 Look!How tall the towel is. 单词集训 cow mouse around allow hour loud flower 短语集训 1.roundabout 2.talk loud 3.down in the mouth 4.around the house 单句集训 1.Knowledge is power. 2.Many jobs make a shower. 3.How about
day 13 音素 /i/ 一句话练发音 The boy is playing his toy. 单词集训 soil join boil appoint enjoy voice choice noise 短语集训 1.boy friend 2.enjoy one's work 3.make a choice 4.The royal family 单句集训 1.No joy without being annoyed. 2.Spare the rod sp
day 11 音素/ei/ 一句话练发音 A good name is better than a good face. 单词集训 game labor may fail cake lazy main sail 短语集训 1.rain cats and dogs 2.break into 3.fail the examination 4.make face 5.go away 单句集训 1.Could you tell me your age? 2.Do
Day 01 part 1 音素 /i/ /i:/ 一句话练发音 Please sit on the seat. 单词集训 he teacher see she leave each busy live kick pity build quick part 2 短语集训 1. in the deep sea 2. read the book 3. sees the thief 4. What a pity! 5. A big city part 3 单句集
一句话练发音 One month is enough 单词集训 up but study under cup duck subject broad 短语集训 a of tears enough food a double room make troubles 单句集训 1.Here comes the bus. 2.I may go to see a film with you ,but that depends. 3.Would you like to g
day 06 音素 一句话练发音 Golf is not a popular sport. 单词集训 horse hall law before clock drop long novel chopsticks 短词集训 take a walk ,eat like a horse ,daughter in law, in the long run ,before long 单句集训 1.My boss likes novels. 2.The shop o
day10 音素 /u/ 一句话练发音 The doctor is sure to cure the poor boy. 单词集训 tour usual poor purify sure February 短语集训 make sure go on a tour a furious blow poor soil 单句集训 1.Prevention is better than the cure. 2.He made a tour of Europe in
英文快速学习 1. Will you be able to visit me tomorrow? 明天你能来看我吗? 2. It will take about five minutes to get there. 到那里大约需要 5 分钟 3. My brother is supposed to be
day 19 音素/s/ /z/ 一句话练发音 Stand up,please. 单词集训 1.sick 2.kiss 3.science 4.since 5.zest 6.use 7.easy 8.please 短词集训 1.a boss so sweet 2.seasick 3.have a great zest 4.an easy exam 单句集训 1.as set as down 2.Tom has great zest for sport.
Friday marks the 76th anniversary of the Nanjing massacre. On December 13th, 1937, Japanese troops killed about 300,000 Chinese civilians and disarmed soldiers, after they captured the eastern Chinese city of Nanjing during World War II. For more on
在托福写作中怎样快速的写出言简意赅的句子呢?怎么才能再最短的时间里完成托福写作呢?小编带大家一起来学学:3招快速完成托福写作的方法。 第一步:审题、确定托福立场、列出理由(只
当今社会,人们的生活节奏越来越快,凡事都讲求速度。光是从红火了N年之久的快餐就可以看出人们对速度的追求了。可是速度和时尚界有关吗?所谓的快速时尚是什么东西? What is FAST FASH