标签:奥巴马 相关文章
Weekly Address: Warns of GOP Efforts to Repeal Wall Street Reform - Including Foreclosure Protections 每周电视讲话:对共和党试图废除华尔街改革法案的警告包括对取消赎回权的保护 WASHINGTON In this weeks address, Presi
Weekly Address: President Obama Calls on GOP Leadership to Put Aside Partisan Politics and Focus on Strengthening the Economy 每周电视讲话:奥巴马总统呼吁共和党领导层将党派政治放到一边,专注于发展经济 WASHINGTON In hi
Weekly Address: President Obama Commemorates the Ninth Anniversary of the September 11th Attacks 每周电视讲话:奥巴马总统纪念911袭击九周年 WASHINGTON In this weeks address, President Obama marked the ninth anniversary of the 9/11 a
医疗改革今年就能让家庭与小企业主受益 这一周,我请求国会安排一次关于医疗改革的最终表决。此一改革旨在通过增大保险公司的责任以使家庭或者企业对他们的医疗保健有更多的决定权。
WeeklyAddress: Vice President Biden Calls on Congress to Preserve the Middle ClassTax Cuts and to Extend Unemployment Insurance This Year 每周电视讲话:拜登副总统呼吁国会保留对中产阶级的减税政策并进一步扩大失业保险
Weekly Address: President Obama Praises the Benefits and Successes of Health Reform Already in Effect 每周电视讲话:奥巴马总统赞扬医疗改革的成功实施及其带来的好处 WASHINGTON In his weekly address, President Barack Obama
中文文本: 尽管我们的经济再次出现增长的迹象,但是对美国来说困难时期仍然没有过去。太多的企业仍处在停业之中或者破产的边缘。太多的家庭仍然不能维持收支平衡靠着借贷度日。虽然
We started We The People so that you could directly petition your government on the matters you care about the most. So that you could make your voice heard. And in the days since the heartbreaking tragedy in Newtown, Connecticut, hundreds of thousan
Weekly Address: President Obama Establishes Bipartisan National Commission on the BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill and Offshore Drilling 每周电视讲话:奥巴马总统成立两党联合的关于BP深海地平线(Deepwater Horizon)石油泄漏和
Weekly Address: President Obama Announces Changes to Help Veterans with PTSD Receive the Benefits They Need 每周电视讲话:奥巴马总统宣布改变将为患创伤后压力心理障碍症的退伍军人带来福音 WASHINGTON In this weeks ad
Weekly Address: Democrats and Republicans Have Shared Responsibility to Move America Forward 每周电视讲话:民主党人和共和党人有责任共同将美国推向前进 WASHINGTON In his weekly address, President Obama resolved to do everythin
WEEKLY ADDRESS: President Obama Strongly Urges Passage of the Framework Agreement on Middle Class Tax Cuts 每周电视讲话:奥巴马总统强烈敦促国会通过关于对中产阶级减税的框架协议 WASHINGTON In this weeks address, Presid
Weekly Address: START is About the Safety and Security of America; Not Scoring Political Points 每周电视讲话: 战略武器削减条约关系美国的安全与保障,而不是政治筹码 WASHINGTON In this weeks address, President Obama called
WEEKLY ADDRESS: Its Time Washington Acted as Responsibly as Our Families Do 每周电视讲话:现在,华盛顿应该像我们的家庭一样承担起责任 WASHINGTON President Obama used his weekly address to preview his budget saying that it w
Weekly Address: President Obama Promises to Protect Social Security from Republican Plans to Privatize It 每周电视讲话:奥巴马总统承诺捍卫《社会保障法》,抵制共和党人的私有化计划 WASHINGTON On the 75th anniversary
President Obama's Statement on the Bipartisan Agreement on the Budget 奥巴马总统对两党就预算达成一致发表声明 April 08, 2011 at 11:04 PM EDT 2011年4月8日,东部时间晚上11:04 After weeks of negotiations, President Obama an