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A male polar bear is searching for a mate. Willing females are few and far between. And the sea ice some of which he travels will soon melt and vanished. He's running out of time to find the mate in this frost frozen desert. Ten miles ahead, a single
I am standing at the North Pole, the very top of the earth. Up here, it's easy to see why the Polar Regions are so cold. The sun never rises high enough in the sky to warm my back. And those rays that do strike the surface are mostly reflected back f
Over one third of our planet is frozen, and yet the icy worlds of the Arctic and Antarctic are as alien to most of us as the surface of another planet. They are places of superlatives, from ice caps that hold nearly 80% of our planet's fresh water to
Few have witnessed this moment, for the male, his only tender encounter in an otherwise solitary life. But it doesn't last long. A rival suitor has also caught the female's scent. Courtship has to be put on hold. He must fight for his rights. He sees
It's time for the couple to go their separate ways. She will give birth to his cubs alone in nine months time. And he may never see her again. He returns to the frozen ocean, no doubt relieved to resume his solitary ways. And just in time, the ice be
For those who can get here in summer, these waters provide a feast of epic proportions. But the good times will be very short, a problem that faces all life in the Polar Regions. Journeying the south across the Arctic Ocean, the first land you/ reach
A colossal iceberg is born. This single block of ice, many hundreds of meters across would dwarf the biggest of mankind buildings. Every year, tens of thousands of icebergs are spawned by Greenland's glaciers, and their number is steadily increasing
This, Jakobshavn Isbrae, is the fastest flowing glacier on our planet, moving as much as 14 meters a day. As it advances, it destroys everything in its path, even cutting its way through Greenland's great mountain ranges on its drive downwards toward
游客对巴黎民众表示支持 The global outpouring of support for France is very visible on the streets of the French capital. 在巴黎街头,世界人民表达了对法国民众的支持。 More than 30 million tourists visit Paris every yea
The relative of the woodlouse is the size of dinner plate. And this so- called sea spider has legs that expand half a meter. Now it's explorer's own revealing other worlds that lie hidden beneath the ice on land. These smoking tars are the gateway to
Exhausted, it no longer has the energy to pull itself to safety. And the killers are moving in. Game over. Although such team hunts are rarely seen, scientists believe they may be the most complex ever documented in the natural world. They were first
The seal is now what the killer wanted, but the hunt is far from over. They need to wrap their prey by the tail while avoiding its snapping jaws. Only them will they be able to pull it down and drown it. Side swipes create farther underwater turbulen
China's tourism authorities have introduced tighter rules for Chinese tourists, with 20 rule breakers who failed to observe public order and scenic regulations placed on a new blacklist, the Qianjiang Evening News reported. 据《钱江晚报》报道,
This is the breathtaking moment two lions brought down and savaged an antelope just inches from the cars of stunned tourists in a game reserve in South Africa. 南非一个禁猎区内,两只狮子在公路上捕杀一头羚羊,一米之外便是驱
Sitting on a hill overlooking the crash site near Shanksville, the $26 million visitor center complex was dedicated and opened to the public on Thursday, one day before the annual 9/11 observances in Pennsylvania, New York and Washington. Victims' fa
They were travelling on foot and their first sight of this mountains must have been daunting indeed. In front of them stretched one of the world's longest ranges, spanning two thousand miles from one side of the continent to the other. The winds uphi
The greatest challenge for the team-making frozen planet was the extremely remote of their locations. Many of the shoots lasted almost the time and needed a number of clues to join forces. One location that world classic of see the Antarctic was Moun
Youve got these beautiful clear glass-like pillars and right next to it, its really delicate. Look at in them, filament is there. As the cave team explore deeper, each chamber reveals ice crystals more strange and spectacular than the last. No one on
End of the run. No! Ive got him coming out, I just didnt get him going back in. All right! Below the sea ice, the dive team is setting up an underwater studio. Using a rang of waterproof lights and time-lapse cameras, they hope to capture the growth