标签:南苏丹政府 相关文章
225. Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions, 1798~99. 225.弗吉尼亚州和肯塔基州的决议(1798~1799年) In the exciting years before the Revolutionary War the colonial legislatures had passed many resolutions condemning the acts of the Briti
220. The X.Y.Z. Affair, 1797~98. 220.X.Y.Z事件(1797~1798年) Adams at once summoned Congress and addressed the members in stirring words. 亚当斯立刻召集国会,他的讲话言辞激烈。 He denied that the Americans were a degraded p
200. The First Census, 1791. 200.第一次人口普查(1791年) The Constitution provided that representatives should be distributed among the states according to population as modified by the federal ratio. 宪法规定各州根据联邦比例修
239. The Judiciary Act of 1801. 239.《司法法案》(1801年) One of the last laws made by the Federalists was the Judiciary Act of 1801. 联邦党人最后制定的那些法律中有一个是1801年的《司法法案》, This law greatly e
245. The Twelfth Amendment, 1804. 245.1804年宪法第十二条修正案 Four presidential elections had now been held under the method provided by the Constitution. 此时,根据宪法提供的方法已经举行了四次总统选举, And that
241. Louisiana again a French Colony. 241.路易斯安那再次成为法国殖民地 Spanish territory now bounded the United States on the south and the west. 此时,美国的南部和西部都是西班牙的领土。 The Spaniards were not good
A: Professor Wang, can I ask a few questions? 王教授,可以请教您几个问题吗? B: Certainly. 当然可以。 A: What is the tariff? 什么是关税? B: It is a tax levied by the government on goods imported into that country. 关税是由
(Bloomberg)The TWSE Index rose 218.49, or 4.4 percent,to 5209.97. (彭博信息)台湾加权股价指数上升了218.49点,共上升了4.4%,达到5209.97点。 Speculation is that the govern-ment is buying shares. 根据推测,这是因为政府
Singapore Government Helps Vietnamese Student Go To Stanford University 新加坡政府帮助越南学生留学斯坦福 Viet Minh Huynh is attending Stanford University in California. He tells us how
两年,环保一直都是大家特别关注的话题。今年的《政府工作报告》提出,要加大生态环境保护治理力度,坚决打好蓝天保卫战,足见政府对环境问题的重视。 我们回顾一下最近5年的《政府工
在这篇热情洋溢的演讲中,传奇的宇宙飞船设计者伯特 鲁坦鞭笞美国停滞政府资助的空间探索项目,并呼吁企业家重拾这个美国国家宇航局中断的项目。
按保护价敞开收购粮食的政策a policy of purchasing grain without limitations at protective prices 把处理事与处理人结合起来integrate the handling of cases with the handling of violators 把有限的资金用在刀刃上 use our
AS IT IS 2016-01-03 Suicide Attack Kills 26 in Pakistan 自杀式袭击血洗巴基斯坦一政府办公区 26人丧生 A suicide bomber in northwest Pakistan killed at least 26 people and left more than 40 wounded last week. The explosion occurred i
AS IT IS 2016-08-20 Report Criticizes Military Use of Schools in Afghanistan 报告抨击阿富汗政府将学校变成战场 A new report says that state security forces in Afghanistan are using schools in Taliban-held areas for combat missions. The
Father Bush Critiques Sons Presidency in New Book 老布什出传记批评儿子政府 For all eight years of his sons presidency, former President George Herbert Walker Bush was supportive. But in a new book about his life in politics, President Geo
AS IT IS 2016-03-18 Bus Bombing Kills 15 in Pakistan 巴基斯坦一政府班车被炸 15人殒命 A bomb exploded on a crowded bus Wednesday in the northwestern Pakistan town of Peshawar, killing 15 and injuring 30. 据报道,周三巴基斯坦西北
National Parks Deal with Damage After Government Shutdown Many of Americas national parks remained open during the countrys longest-ever government shutdown. But few had enough National Park Service employees working to protect the areas and keep wat
Estonian Government Aims to End Paperwork Three-day-old Oskar Lunde sleeps in a small bed at an Estonian hospital. Across the room, his father turns on a laptop computer. Now we will register our child, Andrejs Lunde says, as he lifts his identificat
模仿句子: And so I think this particular decision might not have a huge impact than on itself, but I think as part of a broader movement it is starting to see as a shift in the balance. 翻译: 我觉得这个判决可能本身的影响并不大